have a few questions on my 6 disc cd changer

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#1 erstellt: 05. Jan 2005, 05:02
I have a six disc cd changer and I want to hook up an amp and two 12 inch subs to it but im not sure if I can do this with an 6 disc cd changer does anyone know if I need to go buy a new cd player or if i can hook it up with my cd changer?....
#2 erstellt: 05. Jan 2005, 12:31
hi cipperstud, don't think the player being a 6 cd changer will make any difference compared to a single disc player. the thing you need to check is the outputs and the prospective amp inputs/outputs, ditto for the subs. exactly what and which outputs one of the regulars manek or arj will be able to help you out with or just go to any dealer and tell him your requirements and the outputs of your 6 cd changer.

#3 erstellt: 05. Jan 2005, 13:35
whats your amp like,, if its an avr then you can use a splitter cable on the subwoofer output.

if its an amp then you can take the pre-outs to the subs and run the main speakers from either the amp or the sub speaker outputs.
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