Hey Abhi, This is for u

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#1 erstellt: 25. Feb 2005, 15:12

please give your feedback.
i personally have not tried it but maybe now i'll hook up my akai cd player to the Nad and check it out.
one thing is for sure it really makes you think twice or atleast experience it for yourself before u go buy that 20-30k or higher CDP.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 25. Feb 2005, 15:31 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 25. Feb 2005, 15:46
I saw that, now tell me, where should one head....The only solution seems to be to actually check out the difference with your own ears.....If someone is ready to give you a demo on different sources attached to the same amp and speakers then it will be almost clear..till then....RESEARCH. I will be there at your place sometimes...till then let me know the results of your Aiwa CD Player with NAD/Wharfdale combo....
#3 erstellt: 25. Feb 2005, 19:50
well..if aiwa cdps start sounding the same way as a dedicated cdp, then there is something really wrong with your setup/speakers !!!!
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#4 erstellt: 26. Feb 2005, 05:17
hey arj,
i will be doing the test today. i will be changing only the source in the setup. all the cables and amp will be the same.
will be interesting to see how it turns out.
but i don't think there is anything wrong in my setup though i will agree my listening room is not all that good acoustically.
#5 erstellt: 26. Feb 2005, 05:26
hey no offense intended..just making my bias very clear !

some tips, which you can try out to compare, if you feel it is OK

1. Put music wchich has instruments like a Bell or triangle. Focus on how clear the sound is (its speed of strike- called the attack) as well as how long the ringing sound remains (Called the transient)
2. put a violin or shehennai and see if you wince with the sound or it sounds sweet (Ideally it should NOT sound sweet!)
3. put an accoustic guitar (Ideally Clapton Unplugged). you should hear the fingers sliding across the strings (showsTo some extent the resoulution)
4. Put any of Rehmans Music OR Queens bohemian Rhapsody and if you do havce western classical any of mahlers work.. the highs/lows as well as the transition betwen them should be very quick and in pace with the timing
5. play Eagles hotel california from Hell Freezes Over. the kick drum SHould Kick you in the gut. it should be tight and clear not a big sound moving air
6. play Sades love deluxe..there should be No Booming on the vocals and drums..will show the midbass bloat..

..lots more which folks here will contribute

[Beitrag von Arj am 26. Feb 2005, 05:29 bearbeitet]
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#6 erstellt: 26. Feb 2005, 11:15
hey arj,
i didn't have time to do a comprehensive test but this is what i have so far.
there is definiteley a difference between my H/K and the Akai. for starters the vocals of Mark Knofler lacked the soulfulness in the Akai.the highs were missing too.
but the bass though loud was muddled.
not so in my H/K
listened to Sade's Lovers' rock to judge the bass and also to test female vocals.
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