How does this Cheap Set-Up Sound?

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#1 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 19:04
Hi there! ON listening to your reccomendations on amps and looking for speakers, I am considering this setiup:

Marantz PM4200 Amp
Wharefdale Diamond 8.1 Speakers
Music coming from Creative Zen Mp3 Player (I have most of my music on this, may add a CD player to system at later date)

Soes this setup sound decent for the omney (not including Zen will come to approx £240) ? Will it give good sound and last? Thanks a lot for any comments, cya


PS. I also found these] speakers, which i thought might be good for a surround sound system especially for the money? (not for home cinema just as part of normal stereo). HOwever, do theese need a special amp or anything, and would they be as good as the Diamond 8.1 s ?

Thanks again for any help, Gavin
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#2 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 22:38

Marantz pm4300 sounds good.
Havent't heard wharfedal speakers. But kimber-frank should know, he uses diamond 8.2

Your link goes into nowhere
#3 erstellt: 02. Nov 2003, 03:01
Thanks for the reply, and sorry about link. How about this:
#4 erstellt: 02. Nov 2003, 18:31
this wharfedale souuround set might look good but at its price it cant be that good. so take the set you described at first maybe dimanond 8.2 instead 8.1
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 03. Nov 2003, 09:55
Hello gplatt!
You should listen to this set before you buy it!
#6 erstellt: 03. Nov 2003, 20:55
yes! thats very important. sorry i forgot to mention.
#7 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 17:00
I would prefer quad to wharfedale...quad is from the same family...
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