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Do you know these cables?

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#51 erstellt: 10. Dez 2003, 10:51
I forgot... we tested the cables this sunday but we couldn´t hear any notable change... anyway my father haven´ bad cables at all, but these ones were miles better!

So I´m gonna stay with my van den hul for a loooong time I think
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#52 erstellt: 10. Dez 2003, 20:51
Sorry about cables but why didnt you just hear against a really simple diy cable from local diy store?
If no difference keep the cheap one! Size matters!
Thats what some kind of people not understand! TEST IT. Never believe in miracle cables!!
#53 erstellt: 10. Dez 2003, 21:01
We didn´t buy them. Simply the one that sold me my speakers gave us his cables for a couple of days because we wanted to know if it really really matters.

I´m sure that sound will change with $22,000 MIT 2,44m cables, but I´m not gonna buy them, the better cables I would buy are the ones we´ve tested, and I´ve seen there´s no diference, so I´m gonna stay with my cables and my father with his cables
#54 erstellt: 11. Dez 2003, 08:07
yeah.....good idea.....I only look at changing my cables once in 5 years...if necessary !!!
#55 erstellt: 11. Dez 2003, 18:11
xxx-deleted-xxx there are cables that do improve your system! but maybe youve never tested these? get yourself a good siltech or fadel and you will see!

[Beitrag von sledgehammer am 11. Dez 2003, 21:05 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#56 erstellt: 11. Dez 2003, 18:43

daviblub it looks like you are a bit mad?

Carefull! I am for certain not mad!
Please stop such comments! Thanks!
#57 erstellt: 11. Dez 2003, 21:04
sorry i'll try not to post such things again.
#58 erstellt: 15. Dez 2003, 07:51
cables need to matched...interconnects and speaker cables...depending on the nature of your amp you try and fine tune the sound with cables...if you have a bright amp and speakers then use softer sounding cables and vice versa.
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