reviews on sonodyne avant required.

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#1 erstellt: 28. Jun 2006, 17:18
Could you plz give a brutally frank review on the Sonodyne Avant system?

Its the Sonodyne's new product and they are trying their best (in the "Sonodyne Marketing" style) to market the product. but saw no mention of it at all in the Forum.
#2 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 03:42
To be brutally frank, I haven't even heard it.
#3 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 03:50
Not a VFM option for Stereo guys.
#4 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 04:02
...and you know what Juggy, if the Sonodyne products were even half decent, they would have quite a large fan following here on this group.

If you ask me,I think Sonodyne is not interested in the small, 2 channel, audio loving market in this country.They would much rather focus their energy on getting a large share of the 'boom,boom,bang,bang,tishhhh,tishhhh' HT market.

Stuff like the 'Avant' seems to be specifically targeted at 'style' segment.Think Bang&Olufson here.

Anyway, let me not bias you any further.Do go and audition them yourself and tell us what you think.

[Beitrag von Krish am 29. Jun 2006, 05:19 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 04:50
I did listen to Avant speakers (for a few minutes though). Neat and crisp sounding product. Surprisingly good bass from the Aluminium extruded Cabinet. But it is priced just too steep for a Stereo guy. But for a guy who is into 60:40 movie:music and has money to spend. It could be a great option. Great looking, great build quality, decent sounding with any kind of music and good amount of power reserve.

Its good to see that Sonodyne has indeginously conceptualized and designed this product. But for we die-hard Stereo fans, its not THE product. Their Sonus range (especially 2605) still is a much better VFM to the stereo community. I have heard the Sonus 2605 with some decent gears and believe me they sound good.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 29. Jun 2006, 04:51 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 05:23
I heard the stuff at the AV Max show in Mumbai, last year.

Easily the BEST Presented demo. The Hostess was atriculate, and adequately well informed.

The system was Nice sounding, but not exceptional.

Its targetted at Life Style buyers, and does deliver a fair performance.

To me it seemed like B&O on a budget.

If what you want is lifestyle... it delivers. Pure audiophile .. No, its not targetted at that market.

Generally I agree with abhi.pani's comments.

#7 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 06:05
Very true,but in the new showroom in Mumbai,it sounds very good in HT, for the commercial type of sound.The general public will be floored by the sound, as it is extremely crisp and midbass tight.Design wise a great effort from Sonodyne.They worked very hard on it for 3 years.A world class HT product.
#8 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 06:18
Here is something interesting,the one time head honcho of B&O Subhir Pramanik,actually began his audio career in Sonodyne.
#9 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 07:23

I thought Praminik was their R&D head. Heard of him, when maybe 20 years ago, B&O launched their "Pramanik" cartridge...
#10 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 10:57
Interesting, back in seveties Paramanik sounded indian to me, used to wonder why the swedish name is so ! Now I go the answer thanks to internet and google
#11 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 11:11
Thanks Ani & Deaf.

Ani your ref was very informative. Once I got the full name, more stuff was indicated by Google.

However, it looks like he is a Techie, and probably Not the overall head of B&O.

Anyone has a difinitive answer to that ? ( is he Tech Head or overall head at B&O ? )

#12 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 11:12
Are they from Denmark or sweden ?
#13 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 11:30
Bang & Olufsen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bang & Olufsen (B&O) is a Danish company that designs and manufactures high end audio products, television sets, and telephones.

Products from B&O are intended to reflect cutting edge industrial design, both in appearance and in operation.

In the 1990s B&O opened exclusive B&O stores selling directly to users, instead of selling through retailers. Production of audio separates was discontinued in favour of mini-type audio systems sold, as was usual for B&O, at a price higher than the industry average.
#14 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 11:46
I think he held a techie as well as a corporate position, but in different points of time in his career.
#15 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 12:25
Hmmmmmm...and what about "reviews on sonodyne avant required"...the actual thread....Hijacked ???
#16 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 12:27
Well, my opinion has been posted dude along with a couple of others.
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#17 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 13:02
Does Aluminuim Extruded cabinet hinder the sound quality compared to a wooden cabinet?
Can the sound from Wharfedale 9.2 bookshelves be compared to the Avant and judged which sounds better?
#18 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 15:37

juggy_25 schrieb:
Does Aluminuim Extruded cabinet hinder the sound quality compared to a wooden cabinet?
Can the sound from Wharfedale 9.2 bookshelves be compared to the Avant and judged which sounds better?

Dear Juggy
All materials have their pros and cons, when they are used for speaker enclosures.The art lies in how one tackles the problems related for a given material.
With regards to which sounds better,no two wooden cabinets sound the same,let alone an aluminium one.This can only be answered by you,after you audition both the systems yourself.
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#19 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 16:23
What exactly is "metallic sound?"
some reviews in the Forum finds speakers having metallic sound, rather than warm and true.
Myth among Non-audiophiles: Metallic sound is due to metal/aluminium cabinets for speakers.
#20 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 04:45
Dont forget the other that mettalic sound is due to drivers made out of metallic materials...
#21 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 05:53

Dont forget the other that mettalic sound is due to drivers made out of metallic materials...

If you want I will give you a better explaination here
#22 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 07:27
I'm sure you can...sub boss...I'm sure you can.
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#23 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 15:58
Howz the Avant for Nearfield Listening??
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