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Dream setup.

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 06:06
I know we have done this in the past..but how about another round of Hifi Fantasy ?

Imagine you have been given a Special Gift Offer to put together your dream Hi-Fi system..just ask it and you will get it !
as long as it is audio equipment, cost no Bar, size no bar, availability no bar

It would be very nice if you could describe how you expect each component to sound OR at least the whole system to sound with some qualitative statements so we all get a mental picture of the sound.

The constraints.
0. This offer is only for a Music Source (s), AMps(s)/Pre-amp(s) and Speakers. also any other line devices you may want like a Bips does not qualify !
1. Your room size is 21 X 25 x 10 (Not a golden ration) but heavily sound treated as to make it acoustically perfect. so request you not to consider the room
2. your cables are all best in class absolutely transparent/neutral and as though they were never there factor. so no need to mention any cables in your dream
3. no alcoholic drinks (Well maybe that 1 (Theek hai 2) drink(s) of Scotch/beer/Vodka/Lassi/Doodh/Nimbupani allowed so please dont say "magn ho ke Sony sununga"
4. No gift cheques..only system, to paisa mat maango !
5. Imagine the the highest quality of Power..with the usual max power as available in any home

since the constraints are bigger than the "Problem Statement" Ill stop now. does this sound interesting ?

You need not only opt for brands..if you feel DIY is your option then you could alway me ntion that but please do give some specs to describe your vision and please dont make it theoretically or practically improbable like a 1000 W SET.

Shuru Ho Jayen ?

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Aug 2007, 12:40 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 07:11
For me the source comes first :

TEAC Esoteric P-03 Transport/DAC D-03

or Nagra

Speakers :

Dunlavy SC-VI


Sonus Faber Stradivaari Homage

Amplification :
Nagra VPA power blocks


Lamm M1.2 Reference Class A


Jadis JA 200

Cables can be finalised after plenty of fooling around
( now isn't that fun)

Yes of course single malt....GLENFIDDICH 50 YEAR OLD...

I'm loving this

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Aug 2007, 12:39 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 09:01

also any other line devices you may want like a Bips does not qualify !

#4 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 10:02

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

single malt....GLENFIDDICH 50 YEAR OLD...

That's all I need ......throw the list away!

[Beitrag von G_S_Madhav am 21. Aug 2007, 10:03 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 12:21
My setup: something which I have heard only in dreams.

my 'Funda" is
-a very very Neutral/accurate and detailed CDP, a Dynamic and - detailed highly resolving loudspeaker
-An amp which is silky smooth and synergises perfectly with the speakers makig warmish but Not Laid back music (Should be very fast and alive)
-A pre amp which synergises with the amp

overall a very detailed, smooth, dynamic but warmish system !

Source : Nagra CDP -> Cannot get more detailed than this. from the Swiss perception of precision

PreAmp : Wavac PR1 -> Purely driven by amp synergy with similiar power supply

Amp : Wavac 805 SET monoblocks -> 60W of SET was irresistable. so was the legendary brand reputation

Speaker: Acapella Audio Violon -> the only piece i have actaully heard. the plasma tweeter and horm midrange makes it unbelievabley fast accurate dynamic and alive.

Sub: Dual REL Stentors -> purely low end work..goes`down to 11Hz at 6 db and plan a upper cutoff at 28Hz.

All on a Pagode Reference Rack

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Aug 2007, 12:49 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 13:14
I'm not qualified for this, as I just proved to myself that I can't properly evaluate what I already own

When you guys get your dream setups, please invite me for a listen. I need more ear training
#7 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 13:35
Hey just now I stumbled upon my dream speakers:

Let me look for a good amp for this
#8 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 13:58

Arj schrieb:

All on a Pagode Reference Rack

Problem solved!!

#9 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 14:37
problem NOT solved
[quote]Rs. 55,000[/quote]

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Aug 2007, 14:39 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 14:40
Aah! But no longer a dream. Switch-it-on turns your dreams to reality. (Maybe a distant reality - but a reality nonetheless!!)
#11 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 14:41

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hey just now I stumbled upon my dream speakers:

Let me look for a good amp for this :D

not sure if you will like it soo much when you listen to i t !
#12 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 14:43

Arj schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hey just now I stumbled upon my dream speakers:

Let me look for a good amp for this :D

not sure if you will like it soo much when you listen to i t !

Even I am not sure...
But if its free..why not experiment
#13 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:09
TT = Kuzma Stabi Ref XL

Arm = Kuzma Air Line

Cartridge =
Will write about this in a while......

Phono Stage = Aesthetix Io Mk II tube phono preamp with volume controls and Aux input. Signature version.

CD Player =
a] Meridian 808i [DVD Audio]
b] EMM Labs [SACD]
c] Accuphase DP 800 & DC 801 [CD]

Pre Amplifier = Balabo – BC-1 MK-II Control Amplifier

Power Amplifier = Balabo - BP-1 MK-II Power Amplifier

Speaker = Avalon - Isis

Cables = Argento
Serenity Master Reference

Drink = Glen Ord / Bennevis
#14 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:24
Just 1 small request;

My Analogue part is in 2 minds.

I also like :-

Its own arm & cartridge not finalised.

#15 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:37

bhagwan69 schrieb:
TT = Kuzma Stabi Ref XL

Arm = Kuzma Air Line

Cartridge =
Will write about this in a while......

Phono Stage = Aesthetix Io Mk II tube phono preamp with volume controls and Aux input. Signature version.

CD Player =
a] Meridian 808i [DVD Audio]
b] EMM Labs [SACD]
c] Accuphase DP 800 & DC 801 [CD]

Pre Amplifier = Balabo – BC-1 MK-II Control Amplifier

Power Amplifier = Balabo - BP-1 MK-II Power Amplifier

Speaker = Avalon - Isis

Cables = Argento
Serenity Master Reference

Drink = Glen Ord / Bennevis

How much time you have devoted in writing this post...Arj should atleast reward you with one of the above equipments
#16 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:37
This I had also almost put in..

bhagwan69 schrieb:

CD Player =
Meridian 808i [DVD Audio]

...and this i was pretty sure would be your choice !!

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Speaker = Avalon - Isis

but i think you got the URL

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Aug 2007, 16:38 bearbeitet]
#17 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:49
Thanks ARJ [for the Avalon Spelling]

The CD Player part I did not follow;
Please do explain.............

...and this i was pretty sure would be your choice !!

I have chosen 3 different digital front ends for the different formats.
Actually for the CD, I could change the Accuphase over to dcS Scarleti too.
But, I have not heard the Accuphase, the others I have auditioned. Hence, I am an bit undecided.
#18 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:53
I Meant that i had also almost put the meridian as my choice b) for a source and that I was pretty sure to see Avalon Isis as your choice of speakers your avatar must mean Something !
#19 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 16:58

Arj schrieb:
and that I was pretty sure to see Avalon Isis as your choice of speakers your avatar must mean Something !

This was my choice only keeping the room in mind. A bigger speaker would not fit in a 500 sq. ft. room. Hence, the limitation.
#20 erstellt: 21. Aug 2007, 18:42
Is the owner of Avalon, Neil Patel ,an Indian?
#21 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 01:21

Kamal schrieb:
Is the owner of Avalon, Neil Patel ,an Indian?

yes, he is of Indian origin & pretty steeped in the US culture. It *might* be that his case is similar to Dr. Amar Bose of Bose. don't know for sure......
#22 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 01:23

Arj schrieb:
I know we have done this in the past..but how about another round of Hifi Fantasy ?

Imagine you have been given a Special Gift Offer to put together your dream Hi-Fi system..just ask it and you will get it !
as long as it is audio equipment, cost no Bar, size no bar, availability no bar

It would be very nice if you could describe how you expect each component to sound OR at least the whole system to sound with some qualitative statements so we all get a mental picture of the sound.

The constraints.
0. This offer is only for a Music Source (s), AMps(s)/Pre-amp(s) and Speakers. also any other line devices you may want like a Bips does not qualify !
1. Your room size is 21 X 25 x 10 (Not a golden ration) but heavily sound treated as to make it acoustically perfect. so request you not to consider the room
2. your cables are all best in class absolutely transparent/neutral and as though they were never there factor. so no need to mention any cables in your dream
3. no alcoholic drinks (Well maybe that 1 (Theek hai 2) drink(s) of Scotch/beer/Vodka/Lassi/Doodh/Nimbupani allowed so please dont say "magn ho ke Sony sununga"
4. No gift cheques..only system, to paisa mat maango !
5. Imagine the the highest quality of Power..with the usual max power as available in any home

since the constraints are bigger than the "Problem Statement" Ill stop now. does this sound interesting ?

You need not only opt for brands..if you feel DIY is your option then you could alway me ntion that but please do give some specs to describe your vision and please dont make it theoretically or practically improbable like a 1000 W SET.

Shuru Ho Jayen ?

Dreamer, dreamer,
he's nothing but a dreamer,
You can put your head in your hands,
Oh no......
#23 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 06:14

Kamal schrieb:
Is the owner of Avalon, Neil Patel ,an Indian?

I was under this same impression;

However, I met the owner for coffee in Munich 2 months back [when the 'Indra' got launched]. I have his name and card in my office. Will write the details in a while.

Dr. Patel is an important part of A.A.
Central part of the 'design' team for sure.
Ownership issues - I am not so sure about.
#24 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 06:29
I remember reading in one of the Mags about him. he definitely has designed some of Avalons Models and later also owned the co. will try to find something on this
#25 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 06:41
Jai Google

Avalon has and interesting history. Innitially founded by Charles hansen of Ayre (he is a AA regular) and then sold to Neil Patel.

of course this was in 2004

Monsieur Patel himself

[Beitrag von Arj am 22. Aug 2007, 06:45 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 08:38
Hi ARJ !

You are correct about Charles Hansen [ayre].

Mr. Patel is a partner.

The main fellow is Mr. Lucien Pictette.

Patel does the final voicing. He does not stay in Colarado. He is a maxilofacian [sorry for the spelling] surgeon or a plastic surgeon by qualification / profession. Audio is a 'serious' hobby in which he is commercially involved.

Sentinel replacement will come in Jan., 2008.

That interview I have seen a few months back. Interesting. Well spoken gentleman.
#27 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 11:54
Hi Arj,
Should this list be based on super – aspirational brand value for each individual (it does not matter if they have heard them or not because they like the name and the product philosophy and believe it will satisfy all their sonic-desires) OR are they the ones they have heard and are convinced about them ?
#28 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 12:04
Very interesting point;

We should try and clear this out.

Since, I have mentioned some things I have not auditioned :-

a] Ba Labo - Pre Amp
b] BA Labo - Power Amp
c] Avalon Acoustics - Isis
d] Accuphase 800 & 801 combination

Rest of the things, I have actually auditioned, several times, in different places in India & abroad.

So if ARJ would clarify, I could make the change in accordance.

But a very interesting observation by S.W. none the less.
#29 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 12:07
you can put in either so if you have heard it and you feel is something you can only apsire to havethen you can definitely put that
or else you can put something you dream of. It may not really be that great when you do get to hear it, but ...(Thaths what I have done )

[Beitrag von Arj am 22. Aug 2007, 12:08 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#30 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 12:28
Hello all..

At the heart of my dream setup will be...
"The Reference"... "NAD 320 BEE"

More later..
#31 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 12:31

SWITCH-IT-ON schrieb:
Hello all..

At the heart of my dream setup will be...
"The Reference"... "NAD 320 BEE"

More later..

Personal Reference or Forum Reference !!!

Sorry !
Below the Belt !!
Ist häufiger hier
#32 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 12:47
Hello again..

On a more serious note..

1) Turntable: The TW Acoustic - The Raven AC (3 motor drive)

2) Digital: EMM Labs - CDSD SE/DCC2 SE
MERIDIAN - 808 Reference CD Player

3) Pre Amp: VTL - TL 7.5 Series II

4) Power Amp: GamuT - S600 Mono Block Amplifiers.

5) Speakers: YG Acoustics - Anat Reference.

Now... I need to make it happen. Dreams do come true... right?


P.S. To all NAD 320 BEE amplifier users... we do subject the 320 BEE to a lot of "Gags" but its truly a wonder amplifier by any standards.
#33 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 13:20

we do subject the 320 BEE to a lot of "Gags" but its truly a wonder amplifier by any standards.

I beg to differ.. Im always felt NAD lacked body and dynamics.
#34 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 13:26
Hello All,

A central music server that has all my favourite music fully indexed and searchable in all possible combinations.

Every room should have suitable playback system, full range speaker system for the main listening room.

1. Oracle Delphi MK-V
2. Oracle-SME Arm
3. Benz MC-LP Ebony or Ruby
4. EAR 912 Pre
5. EAR 509 monoblocks
6. Tannoy Westminister Royal SE
7. EMM/DCS CD & SACD digital playback systems
8. Loricraft LP cleaner.
9. My family, friends and the place (link) http://www.frenchent...ouses_Mills_Chateaux
#35 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 13:29

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

we do subject the 320 BEE to a lot of "Gags" but its truly a wonder amplifier by any standards.

I beg to differ.. Im always felt NAD lacked body and dynamics.

Its true that one of the crappiest amp I have ever listened was from brand "NAD" (I wouldnt mention whose it was )...but I wouldnt generalize that to the entire range of its products. Some of their amps are decent as well "IMO".

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 22. Aug 2007, 13:29 bearbeitet]
#36 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 13:34

ani schrieb:

9. My family, friends and the place (link) http://www.frenchent...ouses_Mills_Chateaux

Arj is providing the place as well, isn't he? But if we can choose, I'll take this -
#37 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 13:45
Hi Zhopuday,
Thanks for pointing out, my mistake so delete item#9 and change Speakers to Tannoy Kensington SE.

Arj, why have you kept such a small room?

#38 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 14:25
To all the NAD bashers - I'd rather go with Switch's statement. I am a 320 owner and I'd maintain that you really can't get much better at that price point. The last two words being the operative ones here. For most of us here in India, availability and affordability often are the drivers by which we select our equipment. And for most of us the amp provides an ideal entry point to the world of audiophilia. So I would suggest you keep your lofty opinions aside for a while and look at the amp with a humble eye, its doing more for the community of audiophiles than your Mark-Levinsons and Lamms and the likes. back to the topic...since its mostly about our wet's mine

My brand of music is mostly progressive rock, so I'd prefer a system that can provide me clean sound through the multiple layers of lush music, warmth, and punchy sound. Going with the assumption that these components gel together...

Zanden Audio Model 2000 Premium CD Transport
Zanden Audio Model 5000 Signature DAC

A more realistic choice would be -
Camelot Merlin Pro CD Transport
Camelot Dragon Pro 2 Mk.II Jitter Reducer/Resolution Enhancer
Camelot Arthur V3.0 DAC
I have heard these (minus the jitter reducer) and they blew my brains out.

Einstein The Tube Preamplifier
Blue Circle Audio BC208 Monoblox
Going for a hybrid setup to get the best of both worlds. May stir the purist's hornet nest but I've been a fan of the hybrid sound.

Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 8 Loudspeakers
Earth shaking bass, smooth highs, clean transients...Heard them for just a super-short while and they were WOW!

It was good to see Nagra figure in the lists here. I heard them only once (the pyramid amps) and they were amazing. Wonder why they don't appear often in the discussions here...

[Beitrag von soulforged am 22. Aug 2007, 16:20 bearbeitet]
#39 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 14:30

soulforged schrieb:
A more realistic choice would be
Camelot Merlin Pro CD Transport
Camelot Dragon Pro 2 Mk.II Jitter Reducer/Resolution Enhancer
Camelot Arthur V3.0 DAC
I have heard these (minus the jitter reducer) and they blew my brains out.

This is a lovely CD Player.
I know of a dear friend of mine in Mumbai that has it.
Camelot Technology Merlin Pro CD Transport [Serial # 301209]
Camelot Technology Dragon 5.1 Plus JITTER REDUCER [Serial # 103584]
Camelot Technology Uther D/A Convetor v2 Mk5 [Serial # 501202]

Purchased it for a 'song'
It may be for sale if some one is interested. All associated cables are included.

Good Set Up Soulforged !!
#40 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 15:23

ani schrieb:
Hi Zhopuday,
Thanks for pointing out, my mistake so delete item#9 and change Speakers to Tannoy Kensington SE.

Arj, why have you kept such a small room?


21 X 25 x 10 is Small ? i thought that was reasonably sized ..
#41 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 15:29

abhi.pani schrieb:

Its true that one of the crappiest amp I have ever listened was from brand "NAD" (I wouldnt mention whose it was )

Buddy you are the "bias-est" person i have come across

having been an owner of the Nad320BEE couple of years back i delfinitely would not call them bad. in fact they are one of the best amps you can start with (Along with the rotel/marantz/CA) when entering Hi-Fi.
#42 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 15:44

Dream dream!!

From my list you can make out that I am a poor dreamer

#43 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 16:03

Arj schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Its true that one of the crappiest amp I have ever listened was from brand "NAD" (I wouldnt mention whose it was )

Buddy you are the "bias-est" person i have come across

having been an owner of the Nad320BEE couple of years back i delfinitely would not call them bad. in fact they are one of the best amps you can start with (Along with the rotel/marantz/CA) when entering Hi-Fi.

Aaaahhhh!!! Cmon...where did I say that 320bee is bad/crap ??
I have listened to it at Sachi's place and it was not bad at all. Whether its the best possible entry to hifi is subjective and debatable but thats not the amp I was bashing . And why should I be I have anything against NAD ?
But when it sounded soooooo can I forgive ??

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 22. Aug 2007, 16:09 bearbeitet]
#44 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 16:14
My dream setup is a custom designed room that I heard, Nothing that I have heard comes close to it.
Regards Deaf.
#45 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 16:34

abhi.pani schrieb:

Arj schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Its true that one of the crappiest amp I have ever listened was from brand "NAD" (I wouldnt mention whose it was )

Buddy you are the "bias-est" person i have come across

having been an owner of the Nad320BEE couple of years back i delfinitely would not call them bad. in fact they are one of the best amps you can start with (Along with the rotel/marantz/CA) when entering Hi-Fi.

Aaaahhhh!!! Cmon...where did I say that 320bee is bad/crap ??
I have listened to it at Sachi's place and it was not bad at all. Whether its the best possible entry to hifi is subjective and debatable but thats not the amp I was bashing . And why should I be I have anything against NAD ?
But when it sounded soooooo can I forgive ??

Which one was that? Let us know!

Edit - You don't have to mention whose it was

[Beitrag von Voodoo_CHild am 22. Aug 2007, 16:36 bearbeitet]
#46 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 16:55

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Arj schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Its true that one of the crappiest amp I have ever listened was from brand "NAD" (I wouldnt mention whose it was )

Buddy you are the "bias-est" person i have come across

having been an owner of the Nad320BEE couple of years back i delfinitely would not call them bad. in fact they are one of the best amps you can start with (Along with the rotel/marantz/CA) when entering Hi-Fi.

Aaaahhhh!!! Cmon...where did I say that 320bee is bad/crap ??
I have listened to it at Sachi's place and it was not bad at all. Whether its the best possible entry to hifi is subjective and debatable but thats not the amp I was bashing . And why should I be I have anything against NAD ?
But when it sounded soooooo can I forgive ??

Which one was that? Let us know!

Edit - You don't have to mention whose it was ;)

Will you accept a PM..

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 22. Aug 2007, 16:56 bearbeitet]
#47 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 17:02

abhi.pani schrieb:

Will you accept a PM.. 8)

PM will do...but why are you scared?
#48 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 17:10

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Will you accept a PM.. 8)

PM will do...but why are you scared?

Scared for what??...I value people's sentiments.
#49 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 20:12

soulforged schrieb:

A more realistic choice would be -
Camelot Merlin Pro CD Transport
Camelot Dragon Pro 2 Mk.II Jitter Reducer/Resolution Enhancer
Camelot Arthur V3.0 DAC
I have heard these (minus the jitter reducer) and they blew my brains out.

Camelot Arthur and Merlin : not really well known but known to be superlative..have only heard of them and wish had heard them !

lucky you

does the company still exist ?
#50 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 20:13

Zhopudey this guy rocks !

not exactly my choice of speakers ..but the guy has a lot of style and a lot more money

[Beitrag von Arj am 22. Aug 2007, 20:19 bearbeitet]
#51 erstellt: 22. Aug 2007, 20:15

abhi.pani schrieb:

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Will you accept a PM.. 8)

PM will do...but why are you scared?

Scared for what??...I value people's sentiments.

buddy..I was just curious to know the model of the nad amp which you found bad sounding and nothing long as there isnt any malice involved, I dont see any reason why you hesitated from mentioning it. Anyway we'll leave this now and let people continue with their 'dream setups'
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