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Lyritas budget HiFi

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#101 erstellt: 10. Jul 2007, 17:37
Hi Kamal,


Actually, the design of the cables is pretty straightforward. I believe that solid-core conductors carry the music signal better. And a single conductor is preferable, since then there no boundaries to cross.

The interconnects use 24-gauge pure copper conductors, encased in Teflon insulation. This thickness is within the skin effect thickness of audio frequencies - so the signal flows through the entire cross-section of the conductor. Silver-plated copper did not sound as good - because of dissimilar materials, and a discontinuity for the signal to cross, I assume.

The speaker cables use 18-gauge pure copper single conductors. A bit of compromise, but have to lower the resistance somewhat.

All the cables are unshielded - never had a problem in the home environment. The twist and weave adds a certain amount of shielding of the signal. I do not care for shielded signal cables. They tend to "fuzzy" up the sound, with loss in transparency.

Of course, the proof is in the listening!

#102 erstellt: 10. Jul 2007, 18:28

Of course, the proof is in the listening!

Yes indeed!
And the listening so far has been amazing...
#103 erstellt: 10. Jul 2007, 18:32

as per your post you would prefer twisted pair or cables woven in a particular manner over the co-axial design interconnects(where shield also served as the negative) or what they call quasi balanced where the + and - are twisted pair conductors and the shield is connected to the - only at the source end. whats you take on these quasi balanced variety ?

#104 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 04:46
Hi Viren,

Nice of you to share your thoughts and design philosophy on Cable design.

This field remains a black art. ( sometimes with a liberal dose of pseudo scientific Mumbo Jumbo.... I recall one such diner meeting in Mumbai, some months ago :-) }

Viren said :

The interconnects use 24-gauge pure copper conductors, encased in Teflon insulation. This thickness is within the skin effect thickness of audio frequencies - so the signal flows through the entire cross-section of the conductor.

I had infact churned through the skin effect formula, and for around 24 guage and at 20 KHz, the signal penetration in the cable was just 0.2 mm or so, I think.

I could be off the mark, because I had done the calulations several yeasrs ago, and my memory could be off-track. But the depth of penetration of the signal was certainly less than 1 mm @ 20 KHz

One site quotes these figures for depth of signal penetration, without mentioning the conductor diameter :

60 Hz = 8.5 mm, 1kHz =2.09 mm, 10 kHz =0.66 mm, 100 kHz =0.21 mm.

Skin Effect : Only DC current flows uniformly throughout the cross section of a conductor. Alternating Current (AC) such as that for music ( 20 Hz to 20 KHz ) tends to flow more and more towards the outer surface or the 'Skin" of the conductor.

There ARE many manufacturers like Crystal who believe in thin conductors. ( Some tech gurus refute that Skin Effect comes into play at even 20 KHz ! So to each their own...

Another point is that a larger conductor diameter reduces 'Current Crowding' due to high radius of curvature.
{ Current Crowding : Alternating Current ( AC ) tends to 'crowd' at sharp points and high curvature.

A larger diameter also increases depth of signal penetration within the conductor.....

And yes a single conductor is better than a bunch for reduced current crowding, and maybe inter-boundary conduction as you have mentioned.

Just sharing my thoughts... not contradicting, so please do not mis-understand.

I totally argree with you... the final proof of the pudding is in the eating

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 11. Jul 2007, 05:01 bearbeitet]
#105 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 05:32
Hi Viren,

I stand corrected ...

I just checked that 24 AWG = 0.5 mm diameter

Hence that means at 20 KHz, (almost ) the entire conductor will be utilised .

Cheers !
Hat sich gelöscht
#106 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 07:08

for more information about signaltransmission in Highfidelity, please look at here:

CableCalculator -> Inductance, Capacity, Skineffect

Grüsse aus OWL

#107 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 08:24
i second kamal's opinion. a pair of viren's interconnects comfortably outperforms the pair of audioquest king cobra interconnects i have. more detail with viren's interconnects, yet not fatiguing on the ear. and the killer is that its very very affordable too!
#108 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 08:57
hmmm..thats great to hear Steve.
Atlast an affordable yet good cable solution available here for us. Great going Viren Sir .
#109 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 10:22
Viren Sir,
When would you be updating your website with these ? also any plans to work on a power cable ?
#110 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 10:30

abhi.pani schrieb:
hmmm..thats great to hear Steve.
Atlast an affordable yet good cable solution available here for us. Great going Viren Sir .

i can get them over when you invite us to listen to your new gear
#111 erstellt: 12. Jul 2007, 06:22
whilst on this topic of solid core v/s stranded...

A DIY power cord using 3 lengths of simple solid core copper wire, does nicely as well....

#112 erstellt: 12. Jul 2007, 09:32
Hi Manek,

I have experimented a bit with coaxial cables - with a centre conductor and a braided shield. They never sounded as good as a simple twisted 2-conductor cable.

I'm hypothesizing that coaxial cables work best for ultra high frequency signals - after all, this cable was made for TV transmission. The 100% coverage shield is important there to guard against RF pickup.

Next best is the 2-conductor twisted pair, with a braided shield. This is typical of microphone cables, with long runs of upto 50 metres, and allows for balanced signals. At home, with unbalanced signals, use the twisted conductors as signal and ground, and connect the shield to ground only at the source. I think the loss in signal quality happens when the shield is used both as a return conductor and RF shield.

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