+A -A
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#1 erstellt: 01. Aug 2020, 13:31
Hi from Italy, I have this telefunken 3000 reel-to-reel tape recorder. Can someone explain to me if listening to the speakers I have to use the selector a or b? because the sound changes a lot. With A sound more closed listening, with B sound more open. I don't understand from German. I understand that A is for listening through headphones and B for listening through external speakers. Is this so? see description image. Thanks in advance
#2 erstellt: 01. Aug 2020, 13:57
Hello Georgio,
I'm just returning from my Italian café and then I read your message. I will not translate 1:1 but I will try to explain the content.

While you are recording you will have two options to listen. Using switch "18" you can change between these two options.
Option A:
Then you will listen to the signal before it has been recorded. Therefore you are listening to the input signal of the source that will be recorded.
Option B:
Then you are listening to the signal that has already passed the head and that already has been recorded on the tape.
You can say that "A" is the input signal and "B" is the signal taken from the tape directly after recording.

Content of the last three lines:

Option to listen (options to control the signal):
a.) by headphones using jack 14
b.) using an amplifier or receiver connected to jack 33.

Best wishes ...
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#3 erstellt: 01. Aug 2020, 14:26
Dear Carl. first of all very beautiful message and now I understand perfectly. I could not understand why in the translation from german with google I had to first convert an image to ocr format and then translate the text and the words were confused. in the Italian translation I could not understand and unfortunately I did not find the manual in English for this recorder. thank you very much now is all clear for me!! .. Happy holidays and thanks again dear Carl! Giorgio
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