Luxman Verstärker L-410

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#1 erstellt: 24. Mai 2015, 16:34
Good evening to all of you experienced in Hi-Fi vintage. I'm Italian and I joined this forum because I saw a lot of competent people. My old luxman L-410 has stopped working, I found many failed components and changed with these new alike. Now the two channels work, all the red LEDs light up. Unfortunately the relay should not be, all our lights do not go. I checked all the output voltages from the transformer, I realized that out wires yellow / purple / white and come to a connector on the plate, on these threads I have no tension. Can someone please help me? You know the value of voltage on each of these wires? Has anyone encountered the same problem? I mean that the capacitors and the power TRANSISTORS I have found the right voltage of +/- 56volt. Thanks for your help. Maximum
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