Saba Telewatt TR 60 Kopfhörer connection

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#1 erstellt: 30. Jun 2010, 21:00
Hello everyone. I have just bought a beautiful Saba Telewatt TR 60 and would like to use my headphones (Kopfhörer) to listen to my Pink Floyd lp's. I have never seen this kind of connection before. Can anyone of you help me with it? I have already adapted all the RCA jacks to DIN but the hörer holes appear to be strange. How can I do it?
Thank you in advance to all of you Hi Fi experts!
Greetings from Italy
Cain Classics
#2 erstellt: 30. Jun 2010, 21:25
Check whether these aren't ordinary DIN speaker jacks. Back in the day, cans also shipped in configurations with two matching plugs, so they could be used with conventional speaker amps that might not even have dedicated headphone outputs. (Sennheiser apparently offered such options until ca. 1980.)

[Beitrag von audiophilanthrop am 30. Jun 2010, 21:29 bearbeitet]
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