[SOLVED] Sony TC-WR 870 autoreverse not working

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#1 erstellt: 11. Jun 2021, 12:16
Hello HiFi Forum,

I'm Bob and I need help with the autoreverse function in my Sony TC-WR 870 tape recorder. After years of inactivity I had to replace the 2 drive belts.

Reassembling the two plates, however, I discovered that the play works perfectly in both, but the reverse play seems to be blocked. The head goes down, turns and goes up but the rubber roller on the left (reverse) does not turn in both (tape A and tape B). The motor responsible for the head movement acts normally but the reverse does not start.

The strange thing is that if I use a dummy audio cassette (without the tape inside) it works perfectly in both decks.

Please let me know if someone had and solved this problem, thanks a lot!

#2 erstellt: 11. Jun 2021, 12:31
Hello bob,

Has the capstan rubber belt been placed correctly?
You can look at the capstans in the cassette compartment. The left capstan must turn counterclockwise on autoreverse tape decks. The right capstan must turn clockwise.
The left capstan may also turn clockwise and the rubber belt was incorrectly mounted.

#3 erstellt: 11. Jun 2021, 21:49
Hi Karsten,

thank you for your prompt support... and you're right, I've set the belt in a wrong way.

The old one was totally destroyed so I didn't notice the path of the belt.

I have seen the correct belt path on some pics here in the forum and now it works perfectly.

Thanks a lot!

#4 erstellt: 11. Jun 2021, 22:14
Thank you for your feedback and congratulations too.

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