Not so Genuine OPA2134

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#1 erstellt: 29. Apr 2012, 06:29

Yesterday I had a "ear opening" experience.

I have been using opa2134 and buf634 in my diy headphone amp now for over a year and was pretty happy with the results. Out of the blue I had a desire to swap out the current pair of opa2134 that I was using in the amp(bought from lamington road) with the ones I bought from rs components.
Lo and behold in no more than 30 seconds I realized that I had been sold fakes by the lamington road guy :-). Mind you the old ones didn't sound bad at all, its just that the new ones sounded better. On closer inspection with heavy lighting and a large magnifying glass I could make out the subtle differences in the print font. I don't really know what I was using earlier but the new ones have more dynamics, smoother on the top. I wonder if I was using re-labelled TL072 or something similar ?
Now here is the best part, I bought the op amps from lamington road for 300 a piece and from rs around 200 a piece. All this while I thought since I got the opamps from lamington road at a higher price, its a good chance they are authentic, and since they are cheap who would want to counterfeit them ? Wasn't economically viable. I was dead wrong. Both the opamps read BB OPA2134AP.

Assuming that both sets are genuine, would there be so much of a difference in the manufacturing process to make em sound so different ? I doubt that but I wonder.
Now someone would ask how am I so sure the new ones are authentic ? :-) well I don't know. They sound better so they must be :-)


Ps : anyone know what's with rs components india ? Most of the stuff reads "out of stock". I wanted to purchase a couple of opa2107's but not available. Any other good reliable(brick and mortar) source in mumbai or any other city ? I dare not go to the lam road guy I used to for this one, these opa2107 are expensive :-)

#2 erstellt: 29. Apr 2012, 12:40
Did you buy from CIRKIT at Lamington Road ?

I would think they are genuine since they move a Lot of stuff to the industry, and also import their components ...
#3 erstellt: 30. Apr 2012, 08:03

I don't remember the name of the shop but its the one next to CK that I bought it from. There's another bigger shop. On main road next to lam road police that the one you are talking about ?

#4 erstellt: 01. Mai 2012, 11:43
Nope, Cirkit is in a small By-Lane Off Proctor Road

Cirkit Electro Components Pvt Ltd
"Drug House" Building, 54-B, Proctor Road, Bombay - 400 007.
TeL 022- 2387 7777, 2380 0888,
#5 erstellt: 01. Mai 2012, 14:22
Thank you sir.

I will check this place out the next time I go to lam road.

The new opamps are coming along nicely.
#6 erstellt: 12. Mai 2012, 13:03
Cirkit electro doesn't have em.
They hadn't even heard of the opamp, he said.

Went to another shop called component masters and he refused to sell me two pieces of opa2107. He wanted me to buy 15 to 20 pieces !
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