Tull in Mumbai

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#1 erstellt: 08. Dez 2008, 07:28
Did any of you make it to the Tull concert @ The Shanmukhananda Hall on Friday?

...well I did and what a concert it was.

The programme was split into three parts.

- Anoushka Shankar attempting to play some Hindustani Classical.She is quite terrible, I'm afraid
- Jethro Tull segment - This is their 40th year together as a band.The lineup this time featured Martin Barre, who in my opinion is one of the most brilliant,yet underrated guitar players of all time.The playlist included the ususal favs - Thick as a brick, Aqualung,Heavy Horses, Locomotive Breath...
- The last segment featured Anoushka with the Band and perhaps the best segment of the evening.

All in all the show lasted for 3 hours ans as they say in the native tongue 'full paisa vasool'

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