Anoushka Shankar - Rise

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#1 erstellt: 29. Nov 2005, 05:44
I picked up this album at Rhythm House on a whim. I must admit that I was filled with a sense of trepidation. I am very, very skeptical of star children as a rule and I was afraid that this album would be another example of progeny cashing in on ‘illustrious lineage’.

I am happy to report that I was proved wrong. To begin with Anoushka demonstrates a good understanding of Classical Music. Her ‘chops’ as the cool cats in the fifties would say are impressive. This kind of music is very difficult to get right. Not handled well, it can end up becoming a complete mishmash. Like a lot of the lounge music out there – completely soulless and absolute wallpaper. But not here.

The blend of ambient atmospherics and Hindustani Classical is just so. Neither overpowers the other. The other treat in this album is the impressive list of master musicians – Vishwa Mohan Bhatt of ‘Meeting by the River’ fame, Bikram Ghosh, that hyper percussionist, Ritesh and Rajesh Mishra, sons of Rajan Mishra…

This is intelligent, sensitive Indian Music for the Global Age. Recommended.

#2 erstellt: 08. Dez 2005, 15:06
Thanks for your (mini) review of this album. I recently read an article on her in the TOI wherein she was clearing up some of the marital issues of her father.
I wondered how her album would sound so it's great that you have shared your opinion w/ us.
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 05. Feb 2006, 08:31
This album sounds like it came from A.R.Rehman rather than Anoushka Shankar. I purchased this expecting a classical like Anourag.
Sounds good - but reminds me of Rehma instead of Anoushka. Now-a-days I do not like "electronicky" sound like keyboards. Sonehow like more acoustic music rather than the synthesizers. But a good album for those who like synth sounds.

[Beitrag von milpai am 05. Feb 2006, 08:34 bearbeitet]
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