Burr-Brown DACs

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#1 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 06:46
Is there anything special about the Burr-Brown DAC's?

I have seen their mention in the specs of NAD cdp and Yammy RX-V659 avr.
#2 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 07:04
very commponly used hence low cost. and from what i hear most people are used to its sound characteristics
#3 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 07:23
Again low cost depends on what burr brown dac is used.

these dacs are found even in very high end DACs and CDP..including Wadia and the like.
There are many DACs produced by Burr Brown ..so it depends which DAC they have used.

One of the most commonly found DAcs in DVDPs and CDPs are from Wolfson and Phillips.
#4 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 07:26

Savyasaachi schrieb:

There are many DACs produced by Burr Brown ..so it depends which DAC they have used.

Then they must be having some model/id number for their DACs. Any idea which DAC do they use in the NAD cdp.
#5 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 07:32
no idea..
google for the NAD model and find out.
Am sure someone must have taken a peek inside .
#6 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 08:11

Savyasaachi schrieb:
no idea..
google for the NAD model and find out.
Am sure someone must have taken a peek inside .

They are NE5532s makes a big difference if changed to OPA2134s !
#7 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 08:29
Any idea which type of DAC does the Marantz sr-4500/4600 uses.
#8 erstellt: 01. Aug 2006, 08:46
NE5532 are opamps..
dual opamps.
but yea its true the OPA2134 would be better..much better.
The AD8620 would be pretty darn good too.
They must when they cost 15.5$ each
#9 erstellt: 06. Aug 2006, 06:18
There are many models of Burr Brown DACs.

Details at burrbrown.com

Surprisingly they cost just a few dollors each !?!


#10 erstellt: 06. Aug 2006, 07:03
not the really good DACs..
The PCM 1704 costs about 3.5k Rs each if u buy it from RS components.
So for two Channesl, u need to spend 7000 rupees just for the DAC chips.
Not exactly cheap!
#11 erstellt: 06. Aug 2006, 13:42
I think I read the price for PCM-1704 Chip as $ 3 at their website ?
#12 erstellt: 06. Aug 2006, 16:04
3.5K Rs for just the DAC chip is too much money according to me, I guess it would be miles cheaper in the US.

PCM-1704K and OP627 (Op-amps) are the most sought after in the full line-up though now there are a lot of high-end guys starting to use AKM dac's.

Doesnt matter what DAC chip is used the point is how does it sound.

I have heard a cheap Philips 16-Bit dac sound better than a 24Bit 1704 BB dac so all that matters is how it sounds.


#13 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 04:21
well in the US the PCM 1704 costs abt 25$ each.
add a 8$ shipping charge and it is almost 30$ a piece.
And the OPA627 cost abt 15$ each.
So u are looking at over 125$ only in components.

Though AKM DACs seem to have better figures in two areas(dynamic range 120dB to PCms 112dB) and more importantly the sampling freqs supported.
while the PCM is limited to 96/24 the AKm goes upto 192/24
But thisis of no use at least for the next 4 5 years..u don't have 192khZ sampled software.

The PCM also has better distortion figures.
But it would be too close to call.
beisdes it depends on so many other things and the PCM is reputed to be one of the best soudning DACs made.
Though there are others who claim otherwise(MSB Tech and a couple others).

But it depends as much on the implementation of the DAc as much as on the DAC itself.

The outpt stage too plays an important part.
'Audiophile' people prefer a tube output stage(though according to me it colors the sound rahter than make it sound 'analog'.

The PCB layout itself is a challenge..and the rest of the components play a huge part too..like the receiveer(usually a CS8412/4 or the newer CS series)

The capacitors and resistors need to matched and have to be of 1% tolerance.
The power supply also needs to be done neatly...
So ..its not just upto the DAC chip.
#14 erstellt: 17. Mai 2007, 21:52

Savyasaachi schrieb:
well in the US the PCM 1704 costs abt 25$ each.
add a 8$ shipping charge and it is almost 30$ a piece.
And the OPA627 cost abt 15$ each.
So u are looking at over 125$ only in components.

just to add to Sayva's comment - the PCM1704 is a really good DAC for audio because it is implemented as a Nyquist DAC. Accepts 20 or 24 bits data in serial format, MSB 1st.
To my ears those DACs or CDPs implemented using Nyquist DACs sound much better than those implemented using Delta-Sigma DACs.

Savyasaachi schrieb:

Though AKM DACs seem to have better figures in two areas(dynamic range 120dB to PCms 112dB) and more importantly the sampling freqs supported.
while the PCM is limited to 96/24 the AKm goes upto 192/24
But thisis of no use at least for the next 4 5 years..u don't have 192khZ sampled software.

LOL! The so-called "hi-rez" formats are dying out....
The fact that the PCM1704 goes *only* to 96KHz should not be taken as a negative attribute.
In fact, going above 96KHz is a very difficult task to implement in the entire signal processing chain. I was discussing this technical aspect with Amp_Nut when he & I were "arguing" about SACD & CD sound. You can refer to that (hijacked) thread called "Delhi Meet" for more details. Briefly, for signals to settle at the 96Khz rate, one needs to have circuits that have bandwidths that are 10X this rate i.e. close to 1MHz. I do not know of many audio circuits that have such wide bandwidths. If anyone does, please share the info. Thanks! So, one can implement using DACs that go all the way up to 192Khz however, if the signal chain cannot provide signals that have settled then the DAC is going to be converting data that has signal-dependent error on it. BTW, signal-dependent error is one of the worst kind of errors you can have as it is very difficult to predict what the error looks like as it is correlated to the input signal. So, merely having the DACs go higher & higher in frequency almost means nothing - the circuits comprising the entire signal chain need to be increasing in freq at the same time.

Savyasaachi schrieb:

The PCM also has better distortion figures.
But it would be too close to call.
beisdes it depends on so many other things and the PCM is reputed to be one of the best soudning DACs made.
Though there are others who claim otherwise(MSB Tech and a couple others).

I wouldn't put too much weight in MSB Tech's opinions because, from what I've heard, their DACs sound a little tizzy on the top-end. High freq distortion often claimed to be "more details"!

Savyasaachi schrieb:

The outpt stage too plays an important part.
'Audiophile' people prefer a tube output stage(though according to me it colors the sound rahter than make it sound 'analog'.

This seems to be a matter of taste.
However, IMHO, this seems to be a cover-up for something else in the chain that is not implemented correctly. The tube swamps out that distortion with its own even-order euphonic distortion supposedly "curing" digititis.

Savyasaachi schrieb:

The PCB layout itself is a challenge..and the rest of the components play a huge part too..like the receiveer(usually a CS8412/4 or the newer CS series)

Routing signals on a multi-layer PCB paying attention which signal(s) interact with which other signals is a time consuming task that often requires several spins on the PCB layout to ensure that digital signals do not corrupt more sensitive analog signals.

Savyasaachi schrieb:

The power supply also needs to be done neatly...

Forget the neat part! what I mean is that a neat power supply is not the important criteria. One can have a weak power supply that is very well laid out & neat but overloads when current is demanded from it. Hence, being neat is not the defining criteria.
This is where higher end CDPs & DACs excel over budget devices - correct implementation of the power supplies. Separate analog & digital power supplies. Further, separate analog supplies for sensitive circuits, adequate filtering/decoupling, use of Bybee quantum purifiers, adequate current supply, good LDOs, proper layout of the power supply in reference to the client circuit to be serviced, adequate shielding from analog & digital circuits, etc.
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