DIY forum on hifi-forum

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#1 erstellt: 27. Jul 2005, 03:29
DEar moderators,
i would like to know if it would be possible to open a seperate section for DIY(DO it yourself) on like in
It would be great so that people can talk things about their home grown recipes for audio and help each other out..
#2 erstellt: 27. Sep 2005, 08:53
Hi Benke,
Sounds like a good idea so long as it does not get very complicated. Tweaks and stuff ought to be shared for mutual benefit. The other thing which I would value is info on sourcing, that is where to get the stuff from.The basic idea of DIY is to do things inexpensively. Thats also where we can help each other out.

I am currently engaged in putting together a Flexy Rack based on the TNT site. Will let know the details after it is done if any one is interested.
#3 erstellt: 21. Okt 2005, 12:08
Hi Folks,
Finshed making my TNT flexy. Should anyone want to make a cost effective equipment rack (about Rs. 1500), that looks rather nice and sounds good, they should think about making this. Feel free to get in touch with me.

#4 erstellt: 27. Okt 2005, 03:58
hi purnendu,
would be great if you post some pix-
#5 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 11:10
Read the TNT site. Tell me, did you use MDF or acrylic? And did you also use the damping paint that they mention? Do give me details.
#6 erstellt: 08. Nov 2005, 07:05
Hi Shahrukh, Anirvan,
My set up is basic since I have not done the detaiing yet. So theres no sound absorbing paint or foam. The shelves are MDF. Acrylic shelves will cost you about Rs. 2500 per shelf, and the MDF about Rs. 100. Its your choice. As of now my basic set up sounds quite nice. I have six shelves with a Turntable sitting on top. No complaints. Looks good too, better half likes it, as do friends. I dont have a digital camera so I cant send pictures. May be later if I can borrow one. By the way I went in for a four leg design instead of the three leg one. However the rack is so stable, I am sure a three leg rack will be just fine.
#7 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 11:09
the other day i saw a nice design for a rack-
it had 3 legs and was somewhat larger than the base of the tv, and had the same tapered shape x 4 planks and was divided along the centre front-so effectively it was like 6 chambers-
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