Good soldering iron !

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#1 erstellt: 07. Jul 2011, 06:56
Hi all,

What is a good 25 to 30 watt soldering iron to pick up around 1000 bucks ?

Any suggestions are also welcome. I am looking for something for regular DIY.

I hear that you need a really good soldering station and expensive irons to work on delicate pcbs etc…. Not looking for some thing like that.
#2 erstellt: 07. Jul 2011, 07:25
Buy a SOLDERON. Its manufactured locally and widely available, in I think a 15 Watt and 25 Watt option.

Excellent quality and Very Low current leakage, though the element tends to fail in about 1 year.

However its relatively a low cost soldering iron ( I think around Rs 150 ) so it wont break the bank.

Spare tips are also easily and widely available for abot Rs 15.

SUGGESTION: Please DONT file off the electroplating on the tip, on 1st use. Keep the electroplating for as long as possible. You can clean the hot tip by wiping lightly with a blade / cutter, or a thick cloth.
#3 erstellt: 02. Nov 2013, 01:12
Ive had 5 duratech soldering irons die on me, so that brand isnt good for me. I always heard Goot was good Its Japanese made
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