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#1 erstellt: 03. Sep 2003, 06:16
Hello forum!

I'm scott from melbourne, australia.

At the moment i'm searching a new stereo set for my living room cause my actual equipment is a little bit " " (It includes Studio Acoustics SA6-6TE as speakers, they sound good if you are two rooms away otherwise: forget it).

So i hope here i'll find many opinions what to buy!

#2 erstellt: 03. Sep 2003, 13:10
Hi Scott,

we're glad to have you here. How did you discover this forum?

I'm sure, you will have no problems to get many advices concerning new hifi components. But first one hint from me: give as many parameters as possible (room size, max. price, etc.) so that you really get the information you need.

Take care,

#3 erstellt: 03. Sep 2003, 13:14

Welcome to!

Greetz to australia from gb!!

Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 04. Sep 2003, 08:41

i'Ve just written some more parameters for my new equiptment.

Greetings to the kingdom.
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