I'm confused, everything in english

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#1 erstellt: 04. Jun 2009, 19:53
Just surfed in, why this english section of a german forum? Is this new?
#2 erstellt: 05. Jun 2009, 05:11
Hi Per,
Welcome to the what you call 'English Section of a German forum'. Its actually more of an Indian section then an english section. You get a chance to talk to audiophiles and music lovers from a different culture and background. That makes the forum an international place and isnt that whats the internet is about? Do Keep in touch.
#3 erstellt: 05. Jun 2009, 06:41
Hi, together!

peranders schrieb:
Is this new?

Not quite new. Afaik, abt 2 years after installation of hifi-forum.de in 2002, the formation here took place via hifi-forum.net.

The question has been solved some days ago within the "German section" as well. Look at this German Link.

This is actually the 'practical exercise' of what has been expressed by the American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with the words: “Music is the universal language of mankind

Brgds. Olaf
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#4 erstellt: 05. Jun 2009, 06:43
Thanks. I haven't been here for quite a while but in the old days the Google translation was much worse but luckily germans understand english pretty well. I just corrected my sig with Google. Now I see how many errors there were in my efforts to write in German even though it only was one sentence.

[Beitrag von peranders am 05. Jun 2009, 18:20 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 05. Jun 2009, 21:12

peranders schrieb:
Thanks. I haven't been here for quite a while but in the old days the Google translation was much worse but luckily germans understand english pretty well. I just corrected my sig with Google. Now I see how many errors there were in my efforts to write in German even though it only was one sentence.

I really don't know how this German audio forum developed an English sub-forum??
I was given this link by a moderator that I'm friends with & joined.
I'm happy to have as many of the forum members are my personal friends.

The pecularity of this particular English audio forum is that all the members are from India & most live in India barring a few such as myself & some others.

This is what Purnendu was referring to in his post/reply.

Anyway, you are welcome to hang out with us if it floats your boat.

Und jetzt:

peranders schrieb:

"Ich verstehe Deutsch ganz gut, aber schlecht schreiben. (please correct my german)"

Besser ist: Ich verstehe Deutsch ganz gut aber mein schriftlischer Deutsch ist schlecht"

[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 05. Jun 2009, 21:13 bearbeitet]
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#6 erstellt: 06. Jun 2009, 06:30
About my sig, that's what's happens if you'll use a translation service as Google.
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