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#1 erstellt: 10. Feb 2007, 17:57
Will a FLAC encoded track play in a normal DVD/CD player?
#2 erstellt: 10. Feb 2007, 18:01
Yep it will-when you burn a Flac encoded album onto a CDR,
it gets converted into the format that normal CD's use.
Check out wikipedia for more info-
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#3 erstellt: 10. Feb 2007, 18:14
Does that mean we can accomodate more than 60minutes of songs on a CD?
#4 erstellt: 10. Feb 2007, 18:33
A regular CD anyway has the capacity to store about 74 minutes of music.

If you fill a CD with MP-3 files, it will play ( on an mp-3 player for over 10 hours ! ( depending on the mp-3 compression choosen )
#5 erstellt: 10. Feb 2007, 18:58
If you burn the FLAC tracks as a data disc, it will NOT play on a CD player.
#6 erstellt: 11. Feb 2007, 06:45

If you burn the FLAC tracks as a data disc, it will NOT play on a CD player.

Well, obviously!
When you burn the files onto a CDR you would choose to burn them as an audio cd, wouldn't you?
FLAC is merely a "lossless" way of compresing music off a CD to facilitate ease of transmission over the net-sorta works like winzip does for data files;the Flac file which gets reconverted into the .cda format while burning onto a CDR, is bit for bit, identical to the original CD.
If your CD/DVD player can handle CDR's, it'll play.
#7 erstellt: 11. Feb 2007, 07:35
Note that Flac, unlike a zip file, will play back on Winamp using a plugin. So you can use a computer as a source for your amp.
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 11. Feb 2007, 10:39
Understood...i was wondering how would a flac file on cd[as data cd]play on a regular dvd player... .
#9 erstellt: 11. Feb 2007, 13:54

neono schrieb:
Understood...i was wondering how would a flac file on cd[as data cd]play on a regular dvd player... .

There actually exist a few players / portables that can play the Flac format as well. If you are buying a new player, then search one out (using the internet) that will natively play Flac.

I find DVD players pretty stupid. They can't even play a simple wav file (obtained from backing up an audio CD on a computer)
#10 erstellt: 11. Feb 2007, 21:32

Neutral schrieb:

neono schrieb:
Understood...i was wondering how would a flac file on cd[as data cd]play on a regular dvd player... .

There actually exist a few players / portables that can play the Flac format as well. If you are buying a new player, then search one out (using the internet) that will natively play Flac.

I find DVD players pretty stupid. They can't even play a simple wav file (obtained from backing up an audio CD on a computer) :(

Philips DVD players do play most formats without a hitch including mp3 and wav. FLAC... I'm not sure if any dvd player supports it. The only devices I know that natively plays FLAC are the Squeezebox and its bigger brother the Transporter.
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