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Audiophile Meet At Bangalore.

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#1 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 04:19
Ok lets not waste any more time and MEET...
Here are the questions to be answered:

1. Will this weekend be fine?
2. Suggestions for venue please...(Please try to avoid restaurants)
3. Can we have an Audio Crawl as suggested by Bombaywalla in the "India Meet" thread or should we just meet at a place where we can talk and listen to some music ?

As discussed previously, can commercial members come up with some good audio setups for the that case we could meet at one of their places.

Is there anything else I am missing ?
Deaf and let us know about anything specific that can help us making this meet more successful.

Guys from Bangalore, please do confirm your presence inthis thread so that we can plan out accordingly.
#2 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 07:30
would suggest meeting at a central place and then doing a crawl provided the houses are not too far apart. simply meeting at a place and talking would be a lot of general talk. seeing systems would really be lovely especially without the sales guy hovering over you dont think i'll be able to make it for this one though cos the world cup's taking its toll on my sleep!
#3 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 07:38
More opinions required...

And Steve try to make it may not last for more than 2-3 hours but it may help us create a lasting relationship and a real good community..
#4 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 07:44
well if it winds up well before 5 that would be tempting... and of course if members are willing to invite us to their places to hear their systems. for a general meet sometime later why dont we gang up for a football match at one of the pubs? assuming lots of guys love football here
#5 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 07:54
Cmon Steve, lets not dilute the issue by introducing Football and Cricket into it...
As you said, having to listen to good systems is one big advantage as well as attraction (for Football lovers ) so thats the reason I am waiting for few more opinions.
Even I dont think that we should meet and simply chat...
Ok if we have a good system in front of us then we can definitely listen to it and chat about its various positive/negative/tweaking aspects. so lets wait for few more suggestions and may be an Invitation
#6 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 10:23
Why not have it as a series of meets? Each at one of the commercial members' place (provided they are willing). The comm member can select one (or two) setups to highlights and we can use them to discuss about critical listening/evaluation, pluses, negs, positioning, tweaks etc. etc.

what say?
#7 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 10:32
May be commercial members need time to think about it so they arent posting anything as of now...
#8 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 11:18
totally agree abhi. the football suggestion was a general one in addition to the crawl. like i mentioned, for later. invitations anyone?
#9 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 12:58
Hi guys!

It is indeed encouraging to see that you all are trying to meet in BLR & full points to abhi.pani for heading up the effort. Hopefully it'll materialize.

One other event/fun activity for these sort of meets is "music swapping" - people bring CDs that they do not really like music-wise. However, these CDs are all in excellent or very good condition. Then, when you guys meet, you can exchange/trade/barter CDs.
What I've found this does is spur a very lively & interesting conversation on music - different people express what kind of music they like & what gets them going emotionally to what kind of music. People also express their interest in concerts of a certain type (classical, indian, rock, pop, etc) & lo & behold one finds out that there is atleast 1 other person (who is also an audiophile) who likes the same sort of music. You end up becoming friends & there is 1 more item that binds you together (besides audio gear).
In these kind of meets, I've discovered new artists (new to me!) & have expanded my music horizons.

#10 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 04:01

bombaywalla schrieb:
Hi guys!

It is indeed encouraging to see that you all are trying to meet in BLR & full points to abhi.pani for heading up the effort. Hopefully it'll materialize.

One other event/fun activity for these sort of meets is "music swapping" - people bring CDs that they do not really like music-wise. However, these CDs are all in excellent or very good condition. Then, when you guys meet, you can exchange/trade/barter CDs.
What I've found this does is spur a very lively & interesting conversation on music - different people express what kind of music they like & what gets them going emotionally to what kind of music. People also express their interest in concerts of a certain type (classical, indian, rock, pop, etc) & lo & behold one finds out that there is atleast 1 other person (who is also an audiophile) who likes the same sort of music. You end up becoming friends & there is 1 more item that binds you together (besides audio gear).
In these kind of meets, I've discovered new artists (new to me!) & have expanded my music horizons.


Well said B'baywalla.After all it's about music, ain't it.

#11 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 07:25
Hey Abhi,

Good of you to take the initiative..
How does this Saturday 4.30/5.00 PM sound ?

#12 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 07:55
i guess we might as well decide on the time and then think abt a place..what say u all?

Also, i think it would be a bit more involving if we could get to listen to some music.
#13 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 08:08
Hey Sachi,
Where were you all this time...
Saturday seems good to me....4:30PM is also cool..
Can we go ahead with this time guys ?

Ya listening to music seems to be one of the top priorities in this meet...
Also as Bombaywalla suggested, we can carry some of our favourite as well as not-so-favourite CDs so that we can listen to different kinds of music and infact may find an affinity towrards something new..

Now regarding venue....most probably we will be meeting at one of our forum member's place..with some good music inline. If anyone has something else in mind..then please speak now !!!
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#14 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 08:24
Hi Abhi,
This sounds great. 4.30 pm on saturday sounds like a good time also. Could the venue be some place central like MG road thereabouts?
Could someone bring the Sheffield drum disk?
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#15 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 08:46
Guys, it's going to be a good event Nice move by Abhi.

Abhi> I like to meet all young, enthusiastic B'lore audiophiles

Bibs> I've Sheffield drum original XRCD, I can bring it along,

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#16 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 09:01
Hi abi,

Saturday 1630 hours, for a grand eye-ball chat is perfectly ok for me. Please finalise the venue, if possible at a senior audiophile's place, to start with. Any volunteers?

#17 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 09:17
Hey Bibs,
I have the sheffield drum disk and I will bring it.
About MG road...actually thats not something I can commit as because, we are planning to meet at one of the forum member's place...(Invitations are yet to come). So it all depends on who is willing to invite and where is his residence. Meeting at a public place (say around MG road) would neither give us the environment nor the excitement of listening to some cool music...Anyway I expect you people to be there wherever we meet (within Bangalore). Else if distance is a problem then just put an inviatation and we could meet up at your place itself and you dont have to travel at all..

Now lets think about a venue guys...seriously..
Since we may go on a rotation who is ready to kick-start !!!!!
#18 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 09:29
Hi Nietzsche (the spelling is soooo tough),
Even I am waiting for some of our senior audiophiles to take initiative and volunteer an invitation...but lets see...
#19 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 12:22

Hi Nietzsche (the spelling is soooo tough),
Even I am waiting for some of our senior audiophiles to take initiative and volunteer an invitation...but lets see...

Same here...c'mon guys some one take the lead and rest will follow....
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#20 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 12:22
Hi Abhi, DEfinitely I would 've kick started but you know that, I'm rebuilding my set up & I don't 've an amp now to entertain fellow colleagues . Once my setup is thru', I invite you all.

BTW, I'm looking for a good integrated or Pre/Power combo. Power rqmnt should be 100-200rms/ch. If any one come across some thing, pl PM me.

#21 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 12:29
Or why not pull a lucky dip and pick names..
#22 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 15:42

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hey Sachi,
Where were you all this time...
Saturday seems good to me....4:30PM is also cool..
Can we go ahead with this time guys ?

Ya listening to music seems to be one of the top priorities in this meet...
Also as Bombaywalla suggested, we can carry some of our favourite as well as not-so-favourite CDs so that we can listen to different kinds of music and infact may find an affinity towrards something new..

Now regarding venue....most probably we will be meeting at one of our forum member's place..with some good music inline. If anyone has something else in mind..then please speak now !!! :angel

hey abhi, I sent you a PM yesterday. If you received it, please acknowlege. Thanks!
#23 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 16:57
Sorry for the late acknowledgement bombaywalla...
#24 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 04:22
Cmon guys, time is slipping out...we need suggestions for venue.
#25 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 05:39
Go to Prithvi's place and finish it,instead of doing this ringa-ringa roses,as it will get you nowhere.Honestly, make your first meet at a coffee joint and decide how you want to proceed from thereon, for the Bangalore club.As far as possible stay away from product discussuions as it is more fun on the forum.Also why don't you go to Benks place and hear his admirable effort,that could really be fun.There are so many options just get creative.
Regards Deaf.
#26 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 06:26
[quote="deaf"] Go to Prithvi's place and finish it [/quote]
We dont want to finish anything...instead we intend to start.. . Regarding going to Prithvi's place, its clearly mentioned that we are expecting invitations...if he is ready to invite then we can certainly go ahead...its simple.

[quote="deaf"]instead of doing this ringa-ringa roses[/quote]
Couldnt quite get you there...Say it clearly because we dont have time to solve puzzles buddy.

[quote="deaf"]Honestly, make your first meet at a coffee joint and decide how you want to proceed from thereon, for the Bangalore club.[/quote]
Deaf, your suggestion is well taken...lets see how others feel about this. Because most probably we will be around 9-10 people and sitting at a public place like a coffee shop (with the noisy music around) may make things difficult to discuss anything serious. On top of that, people may not be able to listen to each other. I mean I dont know, it looks a bit messy but it might work out as well...lets see what others feel.

[quote="deaf"]As far as possible stay away from product discussuions as it is more fun on the forum.[/quote]
We intend to discuss music...thats one major attraction of such a gathering.

[quote="deaf"]Also why don't you go to Benks place and hear his admirable effort,that could really be fun.[/quote]
Again, depends on Benks...let him read this post and come up with his opinion.

Anyway this being our first meet would reveal a lot about what such kind of meets are worthy off. Also people will certainly come out with more suggestions to make our next meet even more exciting. I get a feeling that once we meet everything would start falling in place.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 15. Jun 2006, 06:27 bearbeitet]
#27 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 12:29
Hi All,

I have no problems holding a get together at my long as u guys are interested.

So its 4.30 saturday, my place.
that okay with all?

#28 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 13:52
Hey Sachi thats cool...great that you took the initiative.
Guys hope thats fine with all!!

You can get in touch with Sachi for the location and route map to his house.
#29 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 15:07
Guys I have just spoke to Sachi, you could also get in touch with me for the venue location and route.

Lets make this meet a real Musical one friends..
#30 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 03:49
hey sachi...really appreciate your initiative on this one...and yours too abhi...for driving it...i'm up for it...

can you put up the details in this thread? or would you prefer PMing?
#31 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 03:59
I will PM it to you in a minute.
#32 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 04:25
Wish i could join...but too many responsibilities at this middle age :-(

Have fun guys.

#33 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 04:31
Hi Siva,
We would have been glad to have you in...
You could definitely join in anytime...
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#34 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 08:00
Hi abhi.pani,
Could U pm the details regarding the meet to me.
#35 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 10:00
I may attend the meet. Tentative at this moment.

If the meeting place is Abhi's house, I'm surely coming.

#36 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 10:24
ok i'm pretty new to bangalore i have a bike so anyone willing to hitch a ride with me cos i sure am getting lost. will be coming from jp nagar first phase. can pick u up from somewhere central perhaps?

as of now will be going 90%. i've been told it's not too far from banashankari bda complex

[Beitrag von stevieboy am 16. Jun 2006, 10:27 bearbeitet]
#37 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 10:49

If the meeting place is Abhi's house, I'm surely coming.


Ahhhh you evil man
#38 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 11:20
ok sorry guys. i'm gonna opt out. checked a map and its too far out to come back in time. would have loved to hear sachi's home brewn system. sigh. yeah abhi me a real football nut. waited 4 years for this but am sure there gonna be many more. your system, sub boss's klipsch's etc etc will make it up with some of my patent walnut fudge for the next meet as my contribution wotsay? not during this world cup though! man aren't there any football nuts here?
#39 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 11:40

man aren't there any football nuts here?

Hmm not many I guess but you can find lot of nuts to be used as foot ball....
#40 erstellt: 16. Jun 2006, 14:54

stevieboy schrieb:
ok sorry guys. i'm gonna opt out. checked a map and its too far out to come back in time. would have loved to hear sachi's home brewn system. sigh. yeah abhi me a real football nut. waited 4 years for this but am sure there gonna be many more. your system, sub boss's klipsch's etc etc will make it up with some of my patent walnut fudge for the next meet as my contribution wotsay? not during this world cup though! man aren't there any football nuts here? a football nut too..

been watching almost all the games...we play football every weekend least we used to in Bangalore University grounds..

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 16. Jun 2006, 18:31 bearbeitet]
#41 erstellt: 17. Jun 2006, 05:08
Dudes do inform as to how Benks lightsaber sounds after the meet.
Regards Deaf.
#42 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 04:57
so how was it guys?????
#43 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 06:54
Hi All,
Finally we did meet and it was a nice evening spent at Sachi's place. We were 5 of us....sadly 4 others had to opt out at the last minute due to personal problems. Nevertheless it was sooooo nice to meet our very own friends from here in the forum. We had some quality time spent on listening to Sachi's wonderful effort of 3-way active towers. Did some analysis about the set-up, spoke a lot about each other and the entire audio community as a whole. The best part was, we had audiophiles from an age group of 23-53 yrs...that itself brought in a lot of exposure. Questions like "Why Jazz", "Whats Vinyl" etc...were so well discussed that you ought to be convinced.
At the end, we were all treated with a Delicious dinner by Sachi...and after that a Large screen DTS experience with his BenQ Projector was great to end the meet.
In all we spent almost 4 hours together.
Finally we decided that we can have similar meets once in every month...say around the 2nd week.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 19. Jun 2006, 06:58 bearbeitet]
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#44 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 08:26

Many thanks Sachi. The eyeball chat/session of Music/home Theater demo were grand. Thanks Abhi, for the initiative you took to organize the meet.

Delicious dinner, convey my kind regards to your mother, Sachi.

#45 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 08:30
Hi All,

Good to know that it was a succesfull one! BTW would have been better if big man Prithvi would've been there..?? Prithvi where are you??. We will try to include more onto this fold in future..What say mates???
#46 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 08:59
Ya sub....we expect more co-operation from commercial members in future can definitely take this activity to another level..
#47 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 09:14
having commercial members will expose us to more technicalities and definetely help people upgrade...
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#48 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 09:44
as nietzsche mentioned, besides audio, we enjoyed a delicious home food by Sachi's Mother. Though we were rocking & shaking his house, she was so cool & treated all with x'lent dinner. Sachi, thanks to you & your mummy once again

Abhi> it's an xlent start, we should see that it keeps moving. About the discussions you 've already mentioned, I don't want to repeat.
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#49 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 10:13
It was a nice meeting . It makes so much of a difference to meet in person.Never even realized we spend 4 hrs. The dinner really rocked . Thanks to Sachi's Mother and Sachi once again.

Looking forward to the next meeting.

#50 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 10:52
Yes buddies, we will definitely meet somewhere around next month..
#51 erstellt: 19. Jun 2006, 11:00
Hey all,

You guys are more than welcome.
Was my pleasure having you guys over.
Learnt a lot from that meeting. Can't wait for the next meeting to take place.
Will pass on the compliments to my mom .

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