Some help with iTunes

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 06:54
I'm facing a rather odd problem with iTunes on my computer and I'm hoping that somebody on this forum has the answer.

The problem is this.

- I plug my iPod into my computer.
- I open the iTunes programme
- The programme recognises my iPod and displays it
- However iTunes does not display the folders music, movies ... in the iPod
- I'm able to play music off the iPod, but unable to select specific genres, songs, albums etc.
- I have not registered my iPod as yet.

Any one know how I can fix this.I've tried going to the iPod website, but am unable to get a solution to this problem.

#2 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 07:12
Click on the triangle (drop down menu) next to the "Krish's iPod" icon in iTunes.
#3 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 07:20

Shahrukh schrieb:
Click on the triangle (drop down menu) next to the "Krish's iPod" icon in iTunes.

The triangle does not show
#4 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 13:18

1. Have you loaded the songs first into ITunes and then synced yr iPod with ITunes ?


2. Did you simply drag and drop mp-3 files into the iPod wityhout using iTunes ?
#5 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 04:09

Amp_Nut schrieb:

1. Have you loaded the songs first into ITunes and then synced yr iPod with ITunes ?


2. Did you simply drag and drop mp-3 files into the iPod wityhout using iTunes ? :(

The former...I always use iTunes to rip music, mostly in the lossless formant.
#6 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 04:14
Is this the original Mac from where you first loaded the songs?

HAs iTunes been updated at any time?

Try formatting the pod (make sure all tracks are safe in your mac) and then reload the tracks...

Let me know if this works.

Also, sometimes with Auto-sync "on" you have very little control of what goes in to your iPod. Try cheking the manual option.

Let me know if this works!

[Beitrag von Shahrukh am 19. Jun 2008, 04:15 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 04:19
Cheers mate

[Beitrag von Krish am 19. Jun 2008, 04:19 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 04:25
Strange.I've just connected my iPod to iTunes on the computer and all is well.

Allah be praised.

#9 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 05:44
Hi Krish,

Glad all is OK !

For Whatever Its Worth ....... I have observed that its good practice to .... once in a while ... reset the ipod by similtanously pressing the centre button and the 12 o clock position, for 5 seconds.

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 19. Jun 2008, 06:29 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 06:07
Yeah, iPods have their quirks.

Glad all's well Krish -

In the words of the great Bhagwan : You owe amp and me a beer each now

(heh heh, just kidding )
#11 erstellt: 19. Jun 2008, 07:02

Shahrukh schrieb:
Yeah, iPods have their quirks.

Glad all's well Krish -

In the words of the great Bhagwan : You owe amp and me a beer each now

(heh heh, just kidding )

Here's three virtual ones for now.

The real stuff anytime mate.

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