views on Pre-amp out on AVR

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#1 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 06:44
AVR's which contain the pre-amp out option, in them is the sound sent to the points after processing (like DTS decoding..) or is it sent to the pre-out directly.

#2 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 07:05
It is the processed signal which is fed into the pre-outs unless you choose pure-direct and then the bass management, etc are bypassed.


#3 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 07:09
Hi sanjay,

What is Bass-Management?

Since you already own the sr-4500 just want to know does it or the sr-4600 allow for any bass management and secondly can we attach the cable TV connection to the AVR instead of connecting it to the TV. is it worth doing so(this is just for my information).

Finally how can we make use of Surround Speaker 'B' option, if dont attach the surround back speakers to it ??

[Beitrag von SUNILYO am 07. Aug 2006, 07:10 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 07:46
Bass-management filters low frequencies from the specified channels and sends them to Subs. SR-4500 does it very well.

SR-4500 does not have the option of connecting Cable to it. Moreover, it makes sense to route the video source through the AVR only if you have multiple video sources.

Two channels in the speaker output section can be configured to work as Surround-back speakers in 7.1 configuration or Speakers-B for a multi-room configuration (then in the setup you have to choose NO for Surr-Back Spkrs).


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