Settings for Yamaha Rx V550

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#1 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 08:24
I recently bought the RX V550 6.1 reciever. I have got the Klipsch RF10 floor standers, Moderaunt Short center and bookshelves 902 series.

I took a demo of the same before buying it using the same Amp. I got it setup at home and I dont seem to get the same clarity of sound which I heard at the demo place. Ofcourse the sound proofing etc does come into picture but I still feel this is not because of that but the highs are not just right.

Is there some settings on the amp to enhance the sound details on the center and floorstanders.

Please help me with the same.

And guys how does the floorstanders Klipsch RF 10 compare to KEP Q5 .

- Harmon
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#2 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 08:35
the receiver should have independent channel controls...maybe tinkering around with that could help....

see the setting with regard to room size , size of the speakers etc as they have a direct impact on sound

secondly are u on the the software u were auditioning it on.. i.e Neo, Prologic 2 ect... that will maake an impact on sound..

Lastly also try twiddling with speaker placement...
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#3 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 08:52
I have tried speaker placement etc. My room is not that big, and I have the room size settings I have it on Medium size. I tried increasing and decreasing the sound levels for the speakers and still not really happy with it. The mids(vocals) are just not clear or crisp.

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#4 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 08:58
have u tried using a variety of softwares available on the receiver to adjust the sound?

Are u using the same cd u tried the sytem out with at the showroom... listen to a gammot of music as well.

I dont like saying this but maybe then there is just a mis match between the speakers andthe receiver.. i own a Yamaha as well but i havent faced that problem...
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#5 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 09:05
No I havent tried using the same software whic used at the demo place. But I heard the same setup at the demo place and it was good, anyway I havent tried the same software though. Probably the reciver is not hooking up well. I shoudl have bought the Marantz.

Any suggestion?

- harmon
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#6 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 09:09
try using the same software first and see what happens... and just check all the receiver settings to insure nothing is out of place once again... sound programs such as neo , night mode can play havoc on certain cd's..

Which marantz model are u talking abt specefically?
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#7 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 09:14
Marantz SR4500 model.

- harmon
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#8 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 11:35
I have a yamaha 450. Being a newbie all I can say is go to the manual set up menu and select speakers as large. Also make sure that the sub woofer option is turned off.
I have a pair of Lithos Sats and their subwoofer . The speaker size setting on the amp makes a large difference. Also remember any changes on the Basic setup changes the settings on the manual set up also.
being a newbie i was shocked that quality/recording of CDs make a dramatic difference!. Buying a CD from India make sure it is 'imported' then marketed in India by the recording company.
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#9 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 12:01
Hi Betelguese,

I had the manual setting done and later made some configuration change on the Basic setup... I need to check the Manual settings again. Let me try it out tonight.

- harmon
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#10 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 12:07
ya will be waiting to see whether the prob got fixed as well.
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#11 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 12:11
Which Marantz receiver do you have. I see that you have the NAD too. How much did you pay for the NAD and its a Stereo amp right?

- harmon
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#12 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 13:21
I have the marantz SR 5500 and the NAD S 300
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#13 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 14:07
You have the Marantz and a Yamaha dts receivers right. Is there a huge difference in sound quality? and how much did the MArantz cost you.

One more thing, the dude when he gave a demo of the system he used a Pioneer DVD player(some expensive one). Iam currently using a Pioneer dvd 270-s which is of lower configuration.

Could the DVD player be the problem for the sound quality?

- harmon
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#14 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 17:18
i personally will never use a dvd player to play ACD's... some people like to but i tghink the best sound reproduction will always come through a CD player... and the problem with the low vocals could be from the dvd player.. for example if your oputput is say set to 5.1 instead of stereo... that could break up the sound enuf for u to loose vocals.
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#15 erstellt: 11. Mai 2005, 06:24
I know that CD players produce better quality in musc than some of the DVd players. The sound quality I was referring to was the movie soundtrack and not music.

I had asked for your opinion between the yamaha and marantz reciever that you have, please reply for that too and also the cost.

- harmon
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#16 erstellt: 25. Aug 2005, 07:24
HarmOn, this may be late in coming but here is what i think you can do to solve the vocals problem in ur setup.

The yamaha has a seperate graphic equaliser(5 band in mine, RX-V450) only for the center channel.
Here you can boost the vocal frequecies(between 300-3/5 kHz) to get the sound that u are looking for.

If u don't have a sub then use ur fronts in the large mode and the rest all in small mode.
keep the distances between the center and fronts with respect to the viewer equal.

Kepp the level settings on the fronts, center equal at first, if u feel the vocals are subdued then boost the center levels by 2/3 db .
keep the surrounds level up from the fronts by around 2(maybe 3)db.

I had a similar problem which i will get into much detail later today.

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#17 erstellt: 25. Aug 2005, 08:46
Thanks for the input. Lookiong forward for your detailed posting later on..

- Harmon
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#18 erstellt: 29. Aug 2005, 13:24

benkenobi schrieb:

The yamaha has a seperate graphic equaliser(5 band in mine, RX-V450) only for the center channel.
Here you can boost the vocal frequecies(between 300-3/5 kHz) to get the sound that u are looking for.

Hi Sachi,
How does Yamaha Rx-v450 go with Wharfedale 8.4? Asking you since you own this combination.

I am considering pairing Wharfedale 8.2 or 9.1 with Yamaha rx-v450...
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#19 erstellt: 29. Aug 2005, 18:23
Hey diskspinner,
all i can say is that the yamaha Rx-v450 is a VFM entry level choice and does what it claims to do(almost).
The diamonds and the yamaha should go well, as long as you don't expect too much from it in stereo mode.

but, in HT you can expect to get very decent performance.
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#20 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 05:19
I auditioned this combination. It sounded good to me for the price but you had a long term association with the combination. Thanks for your input.
#21 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 10:34
Hi Diskspinner,
Have you bought the reciever ??
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#22 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 10:50
No...Just listened in 2 channel mode.
#23 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 11:26
In 2 channel mode its bad IMO.....
Just 2 days back I again listened to Yamaha RXV-630 (a bit older version of RXV-650)......There was nothing in the sound to impress you (neither lows nor highs nor mids).
My opinion about them really strengthened after the audition 2 days back.

If you are in a budget then check out Sonodyne AVR.....just awesome for the price (around 17k). Its 5.1 channel reproduction is simply superb (better than Marantz, HK, entry level), atleast I found it that way and another guy from this forum (edges) also confirmed a similar opinion and even in 2 channel its good. The only area that I found lacking a bit were the....lows in pure Stereo mode (without sub) as compared to Marantz (thats my benchmark AVR in entry level but sadly they start at 30k), but again with the sub on Sonodyne sounds very good.

You dont have to take my words for granted...but I would genuinely wish you go and audition them once (both in movies and stereo mode).....
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#24 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 11:53
I auditioned Sonodyne AVR in pure 2 channel mode with Sonus 2605 & Genie, but not with HT...that one also sounded good to me for its price. I am considering them also.

I wish I could audition them with Wharfedale 9.1 speakers (Almost decided about them). For that I will have to buy the Wharfedales first and take them to Sonodyne listening room.

What do you think of Sonodyne/Wharfedale combination? I am a bit worried because Wharfedales are 86db/6 ohm speakers. Anyway I do not prefer to play music loudly, so I might not have any problem. After auditioning a few products I feel (it may seem strange) Yamaha AVRs perform better with low sensitivity speakers (Space, Wharfedales). Yamaha's DSP modes are another reason for considering them. I am considering rx-v457 (17.5k) and Sonodyne (16.5k) for receiver position.

Also considering NAD amp & Marantz SR 4500...
#25 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 12:34
If you can go upto NAD/Marantz then its worth it...
else if you are thinking of sticking to 17k budget then I would recommend Sonodyne anyday over Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo..
They are really good man...their 5.1 reproduction is awesome...
As far as DSP's are concerned, they may give you a slight advantage but I feel the first thing is that the equipment should have a good sonic qualities then further enhancements are left to each person's taste....
Sonodyne does the basics so well that its tone controls will be rarely touched.......
As far as yamaha is concerned I havent heard this particular model rxv-457 but I have heard many in this series and all of them are dull and un-impressive at the least..

As far as low sensitivities are concerned, I cant comment on that but I feel that 70 watts per channel of Sonodyne is a very orthodox rating....and you shouldnt have problems....
Just check out.....try their bookshelves with their AVR and see whether they play well.
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#26 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 14:09

abhi.pani schrieb:
Its 5.1 channel reproduction is simply superb (better than Marantz, HK, entry level)

Sonodyne AVR's 5.1 reproduction is better than which models of Marantz, HK, Denon? Does Marantz have more entry level models than SR4500? If yes, what's their prices?
#27 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 14:14
try getting a marantz from singapore or dubai-
you shall get a sr 5500 for about 17k. can get it shipped also-and manage the customs-

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#28 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 14:21
Hmmm...No contacts to get them and what about warranty?
#29 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 15:47
Marantz used to have sr4400...but its phased out,
Marantz is anytime expensive, it starts at 27k.

But for your information I told you that if you cant afford Marantz, sonodyne is a good option. Even HK is good.
#30 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 05:50

harman kardon avr 235 is 32k with papers- am sure if u haggle can get a good deal- quite an awesome receiver-

abhi what entry level floorstanders wud yu suggest to go suggest to go with this or say the marantz sr 4500??

i guess to start with good floorstanders and centre should be good- for surround yu can use any???? is it ?? please suggest

#31 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 09:47
within 25k I can suggest
Lyrita Audio,
diamond 8.4,
Polk audio monitor60
There are few others e.g Mordaunt Short but havent checked them out.
Lyrita is said to be very good.
#32 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 10:03
how much would the polk audio monitor 60 be for?
the wharfedale diamond 8.4 is for 19.5k/pair
theres a mordaunt short avant 904 for 12.5k/pair +taxes-

any other brands- sonodyne sonus 2605 ?

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#33 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 10:09
Polk Monitor 60 is around 23.5k...M70 is 33k, M50 is 16.5k...
#34 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 12:07
Basically at this price point there are obviously some serious compromises in the speakers mostly floorstanders. Now you have to see which compromise you can live with and which you cant.

Sonodyne Sonus 2605 sounds good but lacks imaging. Even the mids are ok sort of. Bass is good and tight, Highs are again ok but not great. Overall can be shortlisted.

Diamonds (8.4) seriously lack Bass rest is quite fine with it.

Polk Audio monitor60 lacks vocal touch...but its good for rock/pop style of music, quite musical for these genres.

Lyrita is said to be very good (almost all aspects) in this price point.
But I havent heard them.

You can also check out Diamond 9.5 for 28k approx.
Modaunt short has some good models but I dont know much.
YOu can call Audio planet and get the information.
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#35 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 12:33

Polk Audio monitor60 lacks vocal touch...but its good for rock/pop style of music, quite musical for these genres.


On the contrary i like the Monitor 50 better..
found it to be much more friendly to all kinds of music..
only ripe is that the tweeter is a bit sharpbut this quality is great for HT..
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#36 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 12:34
Abhi, I think Anirvan is from Delhi...
#37 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 12:47
yes i am from delhi disk spinner
#38 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 13:27
What is your budget for the speakers ??
What other brands is accessible to you ??
#39 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 13:48
hi abhi ,
who are those questions directed to?
if me then i am looking for 2 floorstanders + a centre for 20-25k
to go with a marantz sr 5500 - 90w/channel @ 8ohms

#40 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 13:58
hey in that budget....its not easy,
You have to finalize your floorstanders within 20k approx.
If you are at Delhi then you should forst check out Lyrita Audio, people say its very good and you have access to it.
#41 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 05:45
thanks abhi-
shall update u in case i find more options-
#42 erstellt: 10. Sep 2005, 08:35
hey guys,
any views on the polk audio monitor 50 towers?

at profx they are for 16.4k-

#43 erstellt: 12. Sep 2005, 07:00
Good for the got go and check out.
#44 erstellt: 12. Sep 2005, 11:42
sure abhi,
good news is that profx is retailing some stuff thru others-
so i can see polk this week hopefully-
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