Suggestion for budget bookshelf/floor standing speakers

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#1 erstellt: 06. Aug 2005, 04:16
Hello! I'm new here. And I'm pretty excited to see a whole lot of speakers available in India.

I bought a Onkyo TX-8011, 2 channel, Max 50W/channel @8 ohms. and a pair of Paradigm Atoms. Both of them are on the warmer side. I do enjoy the pair but they need to be cranked up for performance. I'm planning to shoft the Atoms to my bedroom and buy another pair to place them in the hall (15 feet by 15 feet)

Since the amplifier has the capability to run another set of speakers using A/B feature, I would kindly ask for any suggestions on budget speakers.

1. Bookshelf or floor standing
2. Detailed , forward sounding and a wide sound stage. I would be using them for movies and music.
3. Loudness is not a big criteria but the ability to bring out the details even at low volumes.
3. Under a budget of Rs. 20000.

Thank you very much in advance !
#2 erstellt: 06. Aug 2005, 10:10
Under Rs 20,000 speakers:

Florstanders: Mission m73i, Wharfedale Diamonds, Sonodyne 2605

Bookshelves: Mission m32, Pulz, Lithos

The Mission is the best among the lot that I have heard at the mid-priced range. Clean and entertaining sound. Since your amp is rather small, I would suggest sensitive speakers.
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 08. Aug 2005, 07:17
Try Polk.they have a good range of floor standers and bookshelf under 20k.they cost only slightly more than their American price at Profx.
Im planning for one.Book shelf Rti4 OR FLRS monitor 50

[Beitrag von neono am 08. Aug 2005, 07:19 bearbeitet]
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