Suggestion for Interconnects

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#1 erstellt: 29. Aug 2005, 11:45
Suggest an entry level Interconnect( VDH v/s Monster),with price in INR, if possible.
#2 erstellt: 29. Aug 2005, 12:50
I use VDH D102MKIII and I recommend the same.
If you want a decent interconnect other than vdh and cheaper try out the vivanco analogue double shielded one. costs much less but does a good job for the price. QED also have very nice options.....
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#3 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 08:33
Hi Manek,

How about DAC cables? They say it's made from some PCOCC structures Japnese technology etc etc..
#4 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 09:11
the dac PCOCC cables are I think speaker cables...dont know if they have pcocc interconnects....I heard the pcocc speaker cables...they were decent.....

#5 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 09:11
More info/specs on DAC cables..
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#6 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 10:34
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#7 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 11:07
Pramod, I've gone thru' their prod catologue, but wanted to know the quality, since they are budgeted prods.

AV Max in one of their old issues, had mentioned that some pcocc speaker cable & some digital coaxial cable are "best buy " prods. I've not listened to them so far.

Manek> their IC is called some twisted pair.
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#8 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 15:27
I use their Digital Coax and Component video cables..
both are excellent VFM..
however, i think u get a 30 foot flagship component Belden cable from for that price.
I oaid around 3.5 for the component video and 1 k for the coax..
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#9 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 19:13
I can't get around to spend money on cables yet till i get a good cd player. However i recently tried my hand on building a pair of interconnects. I got the RG6 cable (the stuff normally used by cable operators for cable TV) and i got myself some gold plated terminals from MX electricals. I think i soldered it right. The inner cable to the middle socket and the other silver lining of the cable onto the outer jacket of the terminal (Slightly hard to explain but anyways.)After i hooked them up, there was a lot of interference in the audio. Actually it was pitiful. However when i connected the video signal then it came out very clean except for some vertical lines at the side of the TV. Can't figure out what went wrong. Maybe i soldered it wrong(but i wasted atleast 4 pairs like this)but i took care not to get a connection between the inner socket and the outer jacketof the terminal.

PS: when i write terminal, i mean the RCA joint that usually goes into audio/video outputs of source.
#10 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 05:01
dear ronnie hope you don't celebrate diwali too early with some sparks..not to put down your innovation, but better to be careful..
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#11 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 05:08
Dear Ronnie,
Remeber that the outer jaket one is the ground signal ..
while the one in the middle of the socket is the signal input conction..
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#12 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 05:47
Ronnie, you check for any short bet'n signal & ground. My understanding is you 've used outer jacket shielded cable. Instead you try with Cat-5 or silver coated copper conductors. Cat-5 can also be tried as speaker cables with diff type of braiding + # of conductors etc..mean,in diff configurations. You experiment, you 'll get surprsing results.
#13 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 06:17
Ronnie get rid of RG6 cable as it's not flexible and makes soldering a nightmare....Cat5 cables are easier to solder and flexible too.
#14 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 06:44
DAC is it an Indian Brand?Or they import it?
If yes..that's cool.
#15 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 07:34
If you are on a budget, I suggest you contact one Mr.Murthy who runs the “tools and trades” shop on commercial street. This is near the Westside shop. He is a very respected audiophile in Bangalore and I frankly don’t know anybody on this planet who tweaks his system like he does……..He makes his own cables –spks and interconnects and is used by quite a number of audiophiles in Bangalore. I understand he makes a budget cable also in addition to the high-end one. If your budget is very low, u can just call him and ask for advice………..If u want I can pm you his number.
#16 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 07:44
murthy is a very good idea as well....yes his cables are reported to be very good and at decent prices...

#17 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 07:46
Sq wave wrote :

He is a very respected audiophile in Bangalore and I frankly don’t know anybody on this planet who tweaks his system like he does……..He makes his own cables –spks and interconnects and is used by quite a number of audiophiles in Bangalore.

I too have heard from some that he has simple set up which sounds astounding and he is a king of tweaks and has lots of secrets in audio only known to him....
#18 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:08
Very true……he must be in his late sixties now. Started when he was twenty something. Still uses 20 plus years old kef floorstanders with decades old forte pre-pwr and roksan cd player. I am yet to hear a system which can recreate 3dimensional holographic imaging and naturalism like they do irrespective of pricing. His system never ceases to amaze me. He is a minefield of knowledge too.
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#19 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:11
If it's DIY thing, why shouldn't our forum members who 've good knowledge give a try for IC, Sp cables etc? That's how we 've to learn. What do you say Sq Wave?
#20 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:13

Still uses 20 plus years old kef floorstanders

I think he rebuilt those flrs on his own and it beats lots of hi-end flrs available today...
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#21 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:41
I think he rebuilt those flrs on his own and it beats lots of hi-end flrs available today[quote]

I doubt SUB IMO today we 've better technology being offered at more competitive prices. 20 yrs old beating todays high-end models..I doubt. I guess, it must be sounding good due to the contribution from Amp,Pre,Source,must be using power conditioner & on top of all he might 've treated his dedicated audio room fully with acoustic materials to make that KEF to sound that good as mentioned by sq wave. It's just my opinion & guessing.
#22 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:43
dear powersupply,

i was being told that he has upgraded the components and that with his expertise of choosing the right ones have contributed to performance hardpressed to find today in most flrs...
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#23 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:52
rebuilding the speaker box, upgrading the xover comps or using new xover & changing the internal wiring amounts to one DIY project & it might 've enhanced the quality from its orinal level. Difficult to comment any more without auditioning
#24 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 08:55

Difficult to comment any more without auditioning

very true..and I can't debate too much as it's not my view, but a good friend of mine Sudarshan who happens to be an experienced a'phile told me...

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 31. Aug 2005, 08:57 bearbeitet]
#25 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 09:24
I am not too sure about the amount of rebuilding he has done on the speakers. I asked him once and he mentioned something about bracing/dampening the cabinets and re-wiring the crossover/drivers. It seems the original KEF manual itself recommends quite a number of tweaks to the original speaker. All speakers are made to a certain price point. This needs to include the shipping weight also and strict controls are put in place by the company accountants. All entry/mid level speakers (even today) are classic cases for heavy mods which can result in big time improvement. His room is pretty good and placement of speakers took him almost 2 years to implement. He actually wanted to change his speakers and has done quite a few home auditions of speakers costing in the neighborhood of a lac. He told me the improvement was something like 5 to 10 percent and in some case none and sometimes worse. He has put off the upgrade now………

Power supply,
Even if it is DIY thing, isn’t it better if he goes for something which is tried and tested. As far as I know, murthy has tried quite a number or permutations/combinations till he arrived at something good. If the original poster wanted to do DIY and learn like benkenobi did for speakers, it is a different thing. It is also a very expensive exercise. The poster wanted a good/tried and tested interconnect at a decent budget.
#26 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 09:34
This is getting very interesting..
Yes,I do not want to get into DIYing myself,but if it's readily available,tested/trusted,I am open to using it.
Please forward his contact details.
Does he make a DAC,as well?
If not he,suggest alternative of getting a ready DAC,in India.
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#27 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 09:59
square wave:

The poster wanted a good/tried and tested interconnect at a decent budget.

Hoo..then why are talking on 20yr old KEF's upgradation

He is a very respected audiophile in Bangalore

My hatsoff to that gentle man & wish to meet him when I come to B'lore

I frankly don’t know anybody on this planet who tweaks his system like he does

Bit exhorbitant Sq wave

Even if it is DIY thing, isn’t it better if he goes for something which is tried and tested

that's what I suggested to our forum friends who can try & 've something good without wasting their hard earned money. Ultra high-end cable or cables costings 1000s of $$ are all hype. I've come accross few those who are using prods like passlabs, plinius, Aragon etc settling down with Cat-5 (belden cable braided with diff ways)speaker cable. Hence the suggestion was.
#28 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 11:50

I frankly don’t know anybody on this planet who tweaks his system like he does

Bit exhorbitant Sq wave

Dear power supply Sq wave meant he hasn't seen..he is not trying to prove that he's the most intelligent on this planet..

Ultra high-end cable or cables costings 1000s of $$ are all hype.

I too don't beleive in cable hype..and 10% fixed for cables sounds more funny to me...
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#29 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 12:07
Hi SUB, I too agree, fixing % (of the total eqmnt cost) for cables may not be correct. IMO, it's always better to start from just good guage (say 12awg) OFC copper cables or some DIY recipes etc.
#30 erstellt: 31. Aug 2005, 13:00
Hifinovice has clearly stated that he is not open to DIY. I agree the beldon cat5 with its various implementations is quite popular among lot of audiophiles…………I personally know one audiophile who has made a DIY interconnect with them and he is very happy.
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#31 erstellt: 01. Sep 2005, 06:00
Sq, it was just a suggestion to those who are enthusiastic & wants to experiment
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