Floor speakers and surrounds

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#1 erstellt: 16. Sep 2005, 12:59
I'm planning to buy floor speakers,but my friend suggested I get them done by a carpenter. I'm thinking of using plywood and source drivers from SP road.I want to finish off within 25k including a matching center channel.Any suggestions?.I want to use two 6 1/2 low freq drivers, one 6 1/2 low mid driver and 1 inch tweeter. Any recomendations?
#2 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 05:50
yeah....please use MDF....
#3 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 11:32
What do you plan to arrive at? it's not as easy as your friend suggested. Good carpenter can give you rigid cabinet, but how good is it for audio is a big question. Why don't you PM Sonic master he'll help you with his sonic ideas and you might have a Proac clone at home for 25k.
#4 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 11:40
Manek i understand that plywood weighs a lot but makes a strong cabinet. Mohan I will not contact sonic master as he's one who always talks and never does a thing.i don't want any clones what a clown like Sonic can make. BTW siva has tempted me with an offer so will think of that too.How will a seperate cabinet for woofers and mid+tweeters work. heheh too xciting.
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#5 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 12:02
That is what i thought i should make since i was going active and rue the fact that i did not..going with seperate boxes makes a lot of sense and is definitely worth a look
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#6 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 12:06
many many advantages by going this way..but time alignment could be the only major problem that you could encounter and this can be solved pretty easily to some extent..
Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 12:22
A separate cabinet for Subwoofer and mid/tweeter is actually preferred by quite a few audiophile. If you browse through diyaudio.com, you will find quite a few projects based on this design.

In fact that is what i'm planning on doing next. I need to get my hands on some Eminence drivers....
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#8 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 15:13
u get eminence drivers in Chennai
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 19. Sep 2005, 15:22
Its the other way actually.....someone has got some to spare
So once i get my hands on them, I can do my stuff.
#10 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 10:19
benkenobi how can I get eminence drivers from Chennai, will they ship it to me? have you used them? how good is it?
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#11 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 10:21
They are basically pro drivers but can be used in a 3 way very effectively.
excellent bass drivers.
if u go to the eminence website u will get the details of the dealer. had the contact detaikls a year ago or so..will try to post the link.
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#12 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 10:25
#13 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 12:34
Go for the eminence BETA 10CX coaxial driver with its suggested
x-over and matching hf driver.
Enclosure size internally is 22.2"x 13.65"x8.5", with a port 3.4"in length and 3"in diametre.Use 18mm MDF for construction,you will have to have to brace the enclosure and dampen it with glasswool or dacron.Please take the help of an experienced DIY friend for the project if you have not done this before.I think you will get a 45Hz in-room response in the low end with this design, which is very good bass.
#14 erstellt: 23. Sep 2005, 16:33
Dear Ronnie 22, I was expecting a response to my eminence
BETA 10CX choice.What do you think?
Ist häufiger hier
#15 erstellt: 23. Sep 2005, 18:52
Sorry about that Deaf! Have been caught up lately with a few things! New opportunity, new job, the works! Haven't been getting too much time for audio also. Have been on the move like crazy and have been tuned onto some of the discussions about "audiophile" headphones.

The eminence drivers actually came about by chance. A friend of mine picked a couple and then decided to go in for another driver. Thats how I am getting my hands on them. Not for some time though since he is currently in the states. And didn't know till Benks mentioned it that Eminance is available locally. So didn't really figure on making a sub but now that my speakers are working fine, i thought this chance afforded me an opportunity to try my hand at making a sub. But haven't done much reading/researching. WIll start as soon as i get some time. Good thing however that i got the speakers out of the way otherwise the way things are going now, it wouldn't have been possible to finish it now.
#16 erstellt: 24. Sep 2005, 00:02
Dear Pranab,

In case you need help building a sub do let me know...perhaps I could contribute a word or two.


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