Impedence matching YAMAHA RXV450

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#1 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 06:56
Hi Guys!
A bit of a technical question.
There is a impedece switch on the back of my receiver with various combination of speaker impedence setting setting.Including one for 4ohms and higher.
If i use 4ohms speakers how seriously does it affect the RMS power rating? and also does it physically affect the Amp in the long run with respect to heat and the capacitors???
What exactly is Timbre matching with respect to the Center spkr?
BTW i visited PROFX wasnt very impressed with the Polk As they only had the monitor 50 rigged up. THE SUBs sounded good.
I had a listed to the KEF CResta30 WOW! I had a good offer on them but... They were giving me the Showroom peices. Which was told to me later. Really put me OFF!
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#2 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 13:24
If the switch is the 4-ohms position and you use 4-ohms speakers, you will still get the maximum power. This is OK in the long run too since the amp is not being overdriven, rather it was designed to do this. Relatively, using 8ohm speaker with 8ohm switch position will stress the internal components slightly lesser and life might improve by a wee bit, or even degrade by a wee bit depending on the exact design of the amp - so the question is academic. Enjoy it with whatever speaker impedance you have!

I too was satisfied with KEF cresta 30 although the bass extension could have been better. The tonal characteristics are excellent. I overcome the bass extension using the sub. Got mine from proFX too. I was told I have to wait a month or more if I wanted fresh stock or have a color preference, as they dont keep stock and need to order and ship. But their service attitude is excellent - I got a complete next-day replacement for my AVR and Sub after some earthing problem blew both of them out shortly after installation.
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