Questions regarding Dali Royal Tower

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#1 erstellt: 03. Apr 2005, 10:20
Hi All,

I've couple of Qs on Dali Royal Tower Speakers.

1. Is a pair of Dali Royal Speaker worth at around 60K INR ?

2. The impedence specification says - Nominal Impedence 4 Ohms.
Does that mean it can be played only with those amplifiers which send output at 4 Ohms impedence ? Or it means it can be played with any amplifier which send output to speakers at 4 Ohm impedence and above ?

#2 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 05:58
Which model are you talking about ? Where did you hear them ? I guess there are a couple of towers in the royal range.
#3 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 06:41
should pair them up with amps which can deliver clean power over and under 4 ohms...

Nominal impedance of 4 ohms means the impedance with rise and fall with frequency above and below 4 ohms and your amp should be bale to handle that swing.

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#4 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 10:20
listened to the Dali Royal Tower at Japan. They played it with Luxman amp.

Amazing sound.

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