daisy chaining

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#1 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 14:20
Guys whats "daisy chaining" terminology in power amps
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#2 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 14:40
there are many types of daisy chaining. usually it is done in triamped and biamped systems and in clubs and discos where they need one amplifier to drive one channel with the same source as input. the power cable is connected to one of the amps from the mains . then there is a mains out on that amp which is fed to the next amp and so on. so u get a modulated mains signal flowing down from one amp to the other.
they can also be used to drive seperate pair of speakers n a different room with the same source.
there is a lot more to it but i think i got the jist of it.
please feel free to correct me if i am wrong.

BTW daisy chinig is nothing but serial connection of components which is quite common not in just amps but in various applications.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 31. Mrz 2005, 14:42 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 14:43
oops is that all about.i thought it was some kindatech in amps.....
#4 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 18:41
Sorry but ur totally wrong. DC is nothing but a single signal(xlr or RCA) coming out from a pre-amp or a mixer and then its fed to the first amp, from there the same signal is sent to the 2nd amp and so forth.

All respective power cables are not DC but are totally seperate. You cannot DC power cables.

For example, at a client's place I have taken out the left/right RCA from the LINN UNIDISK SC universal player's pre-amp outs and then put it to the first LINN 2250 pwr amp and then from the first amp to the second LINN 2250. This is called DC and its been done for bi-amping. You can even do tri-amping too.

In short the SC sends a left/right signal to both power stereo amps.

In Pro-Audio we do the same, but from a mixer instead of a pre-amp. You also get a distribution amp, where the signal is fed to it. It has maybe one left/rright input and 10 pairs of left/righ outputs. Hence you can connect 10 stereo amps or 20 mono amps. Other way is just DC all the pwr amps together.

U were right on the signal but not on the power cables. Anyhow keep learning, just like I keep doing.
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#5 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 19:40
sorry, i left out that part. the source i read abt DC has a diagram showing unbalanced RCA from one amp being fed to the next one and so on. but, DC also includes power cables. its true. i'm sure of it. by this i mean that only one of the amps will be directly connected to the mains socket while the others will be fed from the previous one(the original signal which is fed is modulated successively along the chain but the guys in that forum said that there may be a problem if the power rating of the amp is high. did not explain what and how?
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