
+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 15:16
Hi (its the newbie again :-)

Thanks all for your useful tips earlier. Hope to get some more.

Is there anything I should know about the Audio Analogue Primo RA 02 amp (Italian). It fits my furniture very well (narrow).

Other amps considering Marantz 7200, NAD 352 bee.

#2 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 17:16
Did you check out the Audio Analogue Enigma.. it is a CDP/Tube Pre + Amp + Tuner all in one and is "Audiophile grade" as well as very convenient..

#3 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 06:17
I have been considering the Enigma if I can try it or get a pricing (mumbai). I am in touch with the dealer and no response as yet. Any ideas/suggestions?
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