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#1 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 07:22
Hi, Has anyone tried Quad power amp 909? (Music preferences being primarily Rock,Pop,Techno)

How about this 909 compared to McCormack DNA125 power amp sonically & overall musicality wise? My brother wants to decide bet'n these two, I rqst for your valuable suggestions,
#2 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 08:17
power so far as I know QUAD is a tad weak in Rock, Pop..very disappointing..Rotels a notch down but will rock
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#3 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 08:31
How about McCormack? Have you listened to them? I 've not listened to them so for.
#4 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 09:21
If you mention the rest of your setup-speakers and source, how loud you want to play etc………people who have first hand experience on the forum with these amps could respond. Both amps have a very good following irrespective of what they listen to……….Another thing is that all amps have a specific voicing. Your brother will need to listen and decide keeping all opinions from the forum as a guide.
#5 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 09:38
heard both.....but not with common sources.

Both have capability to drive difficult loads. None of them I found weak....just the amp voicing was a bit different....both will give your bro many years of good service...

Choose which one is voiced better for his ears.

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#6 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 04:09
Hi Manek, some one was telling that Quads are not that good in the bottom-end & mids are exellent. My bro know nothing about McCormack but few of his friends suggested to go for McCormack saying it handles the full spectrum decently, mean lil better than 909 etc..& also suits well for Rocks..Any way he 'll try to listen to them & decide.

Sq wave> presently he has Dyna Audi52 & he wish to go for Flrs later. Source is Marantz 6000KI. He likes soft rock, pop, country & some jazz..
#7 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 05:07
power supply...both will work well for him....:-) trust me...and ask him to believe his ears and not anybody elses.

Either way he can go wrong.

#8 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 08:29
If your brother is in the US, tell him to listen to the following also if he is not too blinded by big brands. These two are comparatively small players but have a very good following among audiophiles due to their low-compromise approach and high value for money. Ask him to listen. He may like them and in the process, save some money too…..
The second one is run by Frank Van Alstine who was known for modding hafler amps to perfection. They have a 30 day trial period for their products.
#9 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 09:47
Interesting.I wonder how they sound ?
#10 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 09:51
For the van alstine brother uses their pre-amp and swears by it...very value for money and they sell direct only I believe.

good suggestion I must say.

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#11 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 10:46
Thanks Manek & Sq Wave
#12 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 12:44

Manek schrieb:
For the van alstine brother uses their pre-amp and swears by it...very value for money and they sell direct only I believe.

good suggestion I must say.


hey manek,
which pre does your brother use ? valve, hybrid or SS ?
#13 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 06:38
i'm not sure but maybe its a hybrid...but an older model to the ones currently on sale.

#14 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 06:48
Thanx manek.
If you get to know more details, pls PM me....
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