Bangalore Audio labs

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#1 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2005, 10:18
Hi to all,

I've been browsing this forum for a week now and it has been a very informative and enjoyable experience.

I've been bitten by the audio bug since a couple of months. And i'm looking to buy a decent stereo setup.

It all started with looking for a HT setup and after listening to many speakers from different companies I decided to go for a good stereo setup first which I'll later upgrade to a HT setup if and when required.

Since i'm on a budget I went straight to Indian brands. I've heard to speakers from Torvin, Acoustic protrait, Space, Palesha, Sonodyne and Bangalore Audio Labs.

Though I liked many of them I was impressed by the BAL (Bangalore Audio Labs) speakers. The dealer was ready to offer those to me for 3.5k a pair. I was a bit taken aback by the price. I tried to look for some info on the brand, but i could not find much except that they were licences by SRS somewhere in 2001.

Can anyone of you please throw some light on them?
#2 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2005, 10:59
I remember reading about Bangalore Audio labs somewhere but nothing much after that.

#3 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2005, 02:52
Do they(Bang Audio Labs) have a website,if not how to contact them?
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2005, 14:01
google search on bangalore audio labs has thrown this up:
Sanjay Gajjar, Director of Sales & Marketing, India, + 91-80-3416416,,
#5 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2005, 10:24
3414616 is some where close to malleshwaram in bangalore, so it's just a phone call and a couple of kms away from home
Hat sich gelöscht
#6 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2005, 10:47
hey mohan,
where are u put up
#7 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2005, 11:21
Benks Iam in Jeevanbhimanagar and my parents are in Mahalakshmi layout, so pretty close to malleshwaram
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