Amp and speakers in a limited budget

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#1 erstellt: 15. Jan 2006, 18:38
Hi Friends,
I had been through the various pages of this forum in the past many days. As I now would like to go ahead with purchase of a stereo system, I seek your valuable guidance.

1. MY budget is limited to Rs:15000/ (aprox). Considering that I need to accomodate an amp and speakers within that constraints, I plan to restrict the amp to NORGE (4242 model)
2. Rest of the money (About 14K) i will spend on speakers. I count on Diamond 9.1 along with two speaker stands.

Please throw some advices/ other options etc.

I have Worldspace receiver, technics deck and pioneer DVD player as the source. I mainly listen to Jazz,Fusion,Malayalam FIlm songs,Western classical and very little Rock music. I live in Mumbai. My room size is about 150 square feet.

#2 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 05:08
Consider LITHOS speakers even before you decide on the Wharfdales.

Check out the website for more details

#3 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 05:31
since your budget is limited, it makes more sense to go for a Speaker/Amp combination from a local manufacturer.

Not use if Lithos has amps as well ? i have never heard Norge etc hence cannot really comment on it but powering a decent speaker with a not so good amp may not give you a very good result

Try out the infinity primus 160 as well if you can. as per the website the indian distributor is . it shouold be very well under your budget and is a pretty amazing speaker..definitely better than the wharfedales.
SAHIL INTERNATIONALMumbai91-22-23808221/
#4 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 06:24

Not use if Lithos has amps as well ? i have never heard Norge etc hence cannot really comment on it but powering a decent speaker with a not so good amp may not give you a very good result

No, Lithos does not manufacture amps. But he does, I believe, demo his speakers with both Norge and Pulz amps.

Norge is a fantastic VFM stereo amp.
#5 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 08:11
thanks krish.. in case u wondered why the statement did not make sense was coz i meant "Sure" but wrote "use" (???)
#6 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 10:29
I've heard the Norge amp. Very good at the price and i will recommend it over a few japanse brands that sells at about double of Norge's pricing..

#7 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 16:08
If you are buying a Norge amp, why not their Vifa bookshelves? Reasonably priced and good sounding. Or equivalent bookshelves from Pulz. Lithos is too expensive for entry level though a fabulous product.
#8 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 04:49

If you are buying a Norge amp, why not their Vifa bookshelves? Reasonably priced and good sounding. Or equivalent bookshelves from Pulz. Lithos is too expensive for entry level though a fabulous product.

Neutral,while the Norge speakers are good, the Lithos would I think be a better bet.
#9 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 05:20

Where would you put Norge amps compared to other Indian makes like Pulz, Torvin etc.? Would you recommend any particular model?

#10 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 07:04
speaking of torvin,
they seem to have made a power amp which look quite good in pictures, very clean internal layout as well.....wonder how it sounds....
anyone heard it.....?

#11 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 08:38
How about the Acoustic portrait Bookshelves (Monitor series), even they use vifa drivers and are fabulous sounding. Siva, how do you cater to customers from mumbai zone ?
#12 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 16:33
Lithos Noa-1 costs over Rs 15,000 and Norge Vifa just 8,500 when I last checked prices. There is no doubt Lithos is far superior but for a person on a budget unaffordable. Also Rajiv powers his speakers with a Nad 320 Bee (21,000). So if you attach a cheaper amp, it won't do any justice to the speakers.

Put a link to the Torvin amp you talk about.

Where are you? Does Norge carry remote controlled amps now?

My take is Pulz (15,000)sounds better than a Norge (7000) but the cost is also proportional. So Norge is good for those on a budget. It has certain compromises like spring clip terminals instead of binding posts. And limited current capability for deep bass according to Av max.
#13 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 18:42
I've heard both Norge and Pulz, which were at similar price points (sorry, not sure of the model numbers). Both had a different its not correct to say one is better than the other.

However, i did like the sound of Norge better...hope this helps.


The AP speakers are over the budget talked about speakers from Norge are good option in this budget.

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#14 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 19:19
Dear Members,
Many Thanks for your prompt suggestions. As suggested by Mr.Neutral , I had checked their two amps-4242 and 6060 - which are respectively 40watts and 80 watts per channel,costing 4.5k and 6.5K.Auditioned along with the Norge speakers. There I found one book shelf model which costs 8.5K and another tower model that costs 18k. The latter (I felt) had deep bass and the former was so so. Not much Nirvana.But overall a good source can enhance the performance. The 80watts amp along with the floorstanding speakers (6.5+18) would make a decent system .But I would be stretching my budget too far due to the 18K speakers.
The remote to the norge amplifier add another Rs1000.
I also understand that the speaker stand would add another 2K.
Any further input for an ideal desi stereo system within budget ?
#15 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 04:02

but no mention of their power amp....I saw an ad in either whathifi or AV max last month....or maybe the month before.

#16 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 04:05

the amp I was talking about was the elder 1.


[Beitrag von Manek am 18. Jan 2006, 04:14 bearbeitet]
#17 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 04:59

I've heard both Norge and Pulz, which were at similar price points (sorry, not sure of the model numbers). Both had a different its not correct to say one is better than the other.

However, i did like the sound of Norge better...hope this helps.

#18 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 05:01

I've heard both Norge and Pulz, which were at similar price points (sorry, not sure of the model numbers). Both had a different its not correct to say one is better than the other.

However, i did like the sound of Norge better...hope this helps.

Manek, Norge has a warmer, smoother tonality.Sounds good when fed on rock ...
#19 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 05:11

the aesthetic super nation of a black head
audiophile amplifier

Manek, any idea what Mr. M.J.Thankachan means when he talks of this amp using those terms

#20 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 09:31

I'm as foxed as you are....
I guess only MR M.J.Thankachan could interpret that one for us....! First time I have read such a description for an ampplifier....!

#21 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 14:56
Hi Siva and Krish,

Re Norge vs Pulz amps, I guess it would be difficult to compare because I heard each at its own showroom with matching speakers from the same company.

Krish, you say that Norge is warmer and smoother. Better for rock. Pulz is more of a studio product, so I guess it would be drier sounding. But sounds nice for vocals and jazz - my favourites.

I guess Norge 6060 would be a good buy. Sufficient power and very reasonably priced at Rs 7,500 with a remote. I wish Pulz had the sense to include a remote!

Floorstander will give more bass surely but a bookshelf can be built more rigid on a budget. So might be more accurate. I use a bookshelf with a 60W amp and like the sound. If you are based at Mumbai, you can try Telome at Bandra. Or check out Mission at Vijay Sales. They sound great, but I am not sure about the prices.
#22 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 13:35

Krish schrieb:

the aesthetic super nation of a black head
audiophile amplifier

Manek, any idea what Mr. M.J.Thankachan means when he talks of this amp using those terms


that is some statement. I would like to supernation my amplifier as well :D. but would like to keep away from the blackheads
#23 erstellt: 20. Jan 2006, 05:31
you are not the only one who wants to do "supernation" to ones amplifier....I want in too.....

An after I have supernated my amplifier I want to revelation my cd-player and then I want to integranation my speakers !

So there

#24 erstellt: 20. Jan 2006, 15:45

Manek schrieb:

the amp I was talking about was the elder 1.


Manek, I checked out the Elder 1 at the Torvin website. I wish I could hear it but I am back in Mumbai. Say, this is not an entry-level amp. 200W/ch (if genuine), is way too much power. Even Sonodyne delivers only 130 W/ch in its big power amp. Nice for driving big flrs.
#25 erstellt: 20. Jan 2006, 15:50
Torvin speaks of "transistor-based" and "Mosfet" amps. What's the difference?
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#26 erstellt: 24. Jan 2006, 15:16
Hi Neutral,
I saw Mission speakers being mentioned in this thread. I'm from Bangalore. Are there any dealers for Mission speakers in Bangalore?
I'm checking out the Onkyo 8211 stereo receiver and am looking for some good speakers to go with it.
The receiver is rated as 55W into 8 ohms and 90W into 4 ohms. What rating speaker should I go for?
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#27 erstellt: 25. Jan 2006, 04:55
Audio Planet at Koramangla 3rd Block is the Mission dealer, call Mr. Palani (98450 19192) to check availability of any particular model.
#28 erstellt: 25. Jan 2006, 15:38
Hi Bibs, I'm based at Mumbai but diskspinner has answered your question. If the Onkyo 8211 power rating is accurate, 55W will power any two-driver bookshelf or flrs. eg. Mission m73i, m32 etc. However avoid speakers with sensitivity below 88 as they require higher powered amps for proper bass.
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