HEELLLP! Velodyne V/s Deftech

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#1 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 13:52
well. my last paper went downhill(my exam!). anyways.DECISION TIME is here
as much as i'd like to buy the Velodyne CHT 12
the weight of the sub is twice that of the Deftech prosub100tl (which is actually a good sign).
i have to drop it even though the price of it is 17 to 19k compared to close to 50k back here.
so, i wonder if any of the guys from Hyderabad(can be auditioned at SoundnVision) or Chennai(The Audiopeople) can audition the Prosub 100 and give me their views. i want to find out quick so we can discuss ur views here cause i am making the purchase within 4-5 days atmost.

as i see things i have two options.
1> Go for the Velodyne and drop the NAD amp.(besides my dad has this thing against big subs. he wanted to buy some PROFX small 8"sub which he had heard in a shop. i got him far enough to agreeing to buying the deftech)

2>buy the deftech and one of the NAD amps(320BEE or C350 for my Wharfedale Diamond 8.4). by doing so i don't want to make a mistake. so ppllleassse give me your views).

P.S: kudos to Big Ears for all the great info he provided.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 03. Feb 2005, 19:46 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 19:48
i got the quote for the NAD c350 its only 600 rupees more than the 320BEE . that's 10.8k
#3 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 05:44
Where did you buy it and what speakers are you using....
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#4 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 05:48
you mean the amp. i haven't bougth it yet. but will be doing so in aweek's time along with the sub.
i am using Wharfedale diamond 8.4s.
listening to Sade-Lover's rock. wow! the bass is so swweeet.
#5 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 05:57
OK now tell me where are you buyin..where are you buyin . haha where are you buying it pal...
gimme the address I want to audition one
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#6 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 06:00
Dubai!! big Ears is helping me from his end.
my parents arrived yestarday in Dubai.
#7 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 06:02
can ya get me one as well I will transfer money into your account....... if poosible.i really mean if possible...
#8 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 06:15
Hmm..velodyne is a bettere sub for music, but for HT the Deftech is good enough
Fpr music could you try the REL Quake as well ?

It is really small and has much better control at lower volumes..(High Quality, low Quantity)

BTW Sades Lovers Rock is a wonderful cd to test the bass in your system/Room..if it booms you have a problem
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#9 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 06:20
just got the message from Big ears. i have infact considered the REL Quake but don't know their prices. Big Ears is working on that.
#10 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 06:37
Hi Benkenobi,

Within the budget suggested by you, my personal preference would be the CHT 12 or the Paradigm PS 1000.

However, economics wise, there is also something to be said for the Pro Sub 100 + Nad 320BEE combination.
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#11 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 05:13
hey guys,
should i consider the Jbl e150p and the e250p. also i am thinking of the infinity ps10 and ps12.
let me know your thoughts.
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#12 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 22:51
well, chaps.
i have ruled out the Velodyne and the Paradigm. it would simply put strain on the baggage.

going to listen to the JBLs tomorrow.
i can't expect too much from my parents on the velodyne front as they sure ain't going to pay for extra baggage. have blown close to 1.5 lac in the past 6 months on hi-fi and video.
maybe someday when i come into my own i will go for the system of my dreams. besides, i will probably be using this for only another year (be leavin for the US for higher studies) and then it will be under the sole purview of my parents and i think whichever i choose should be enough for them.

going to listen to the JBLs tomorrow.
i'll decide and let u know big ears.
could you find out what the price of the NAD c370 is and i'll let u know about my decsion tomorrow?
thanks for all the help guys.
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#13 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 06:45
got a quote from the SVS guys today. it seems they charge 230$ for door to door delivery in India. and 150$for door to airport.
local taxes and customs are to be beared by us in both cases.
well i don't see myself spending that much amount on shipping.
anyway, felt that it was worth a shot.
#14 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 06:57
Hmm 380$ extra..
What if 4-5 people buy together..am sure the cost evens out...If it is to one address then u only have around $100 extra per person !
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#15 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 08:40
hey arj,
i'm sorry. i quoted it wrongly.
its 230$for door to door or else its door toairport 150$. the choice is left to you.
in door to door he says he will cover the chareges for brokerage but the rest like customs and taxes is our responsibility.
hang on i'l just post his reply.
"Hey Sachi;

Shipping would be:

Door to door $230Bax Quote Number 7217531
Door to airport $155Bax Quote Number 7217530

These quotes are for prepaid shipping only. Any taxes, duties,
administrative, etc. fees are your responsibility. The door to door
includes the brokerage fees and the door to airport does not. The
fees included in door to door rates may not include all local

If you opt for door to airport you are responsible for finding out
about any
required procedures in advance. We had one recipient that had to
become a
registered importer in his country in order to be able to pick up at
airport (a lengthy and expensive process) and because he didn't find
about this requirement in advance, he was not only forced to go through
but he also had to pay storage fees on the box while waiting for his
to process.

If you want to order, you can order over the web or the phone.
will not be added online (Bax has no online rate calculator) so just
the Bax shipping option from the shipping choices which adds no
fee. We will manually add the shipping charges as a separate
after the initial one. Please also make sure that you let us know,
in the comments section of the order form survey or with a followup
after you order, if you need the subwoofer in 110v or 220v

Erik K
this is what they said when i sent my request on friday.

It is quite humbling to us all at SVS to know recognition of our brand
made it all the way to the great Indian sub-continent!

Our shipper is closed till Monday but we should be able to get you a

I am listening to a PB10-ISD as I type this and it is nothing short of
astounding. Most $1,000 subwoofers would be happy to perform as well!

Have a great weekend.

Ron Stimpson
Director, SVS Sales and Marketing
btw any of you bangaloreans interested ingoing to JBL and sonodyne(Forum) today with me say at around4 4.30 PM
#16 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 08:44
The real SVS effect can be had only from their cylinderical subs. the control at low freq is amazing at that price range.
I had visited someone who had a HT with projector setup with two of these. I never enjoyed Lord of the rings as much in any movie theater !
Ist häufiger hier
#17 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 09:14
benkenobi - i was quoted the following by SVS (but these were for the cylindrical subs) :-
Door to door $175
Door to airport $150
i wld think the much more compact looking PB10 wld cost a little less (i think they weigh abt the same).
these are charges to mumbai; for which city did u get ur quotes ? anyways i think for the product the shipping charges sound quite reasonable the only thing that was putting me off was of course the custom duties bcoz theres no way one can estimate that. if u just calculate the shipping then its really gd price considering the awesome performance that these subs apparently give. (with the dipping dollar u'd be getting the PB10 for rs30K!! ex. customs..there is no product that i can think off available in that price range locally).
arj - u hv a great idea though i doubt that the cost will come down so drastically per person. if theres any such plan though, count me in! theres safety in numbers
BTW how much did yr friend pay for duties etc for his cylindrical sub? which model did he get?
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#18 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 09:37
hey filmguy.
the quote was for bangalore.
would u try shooting off a letter to svs and requesting them for a quote for say 3 svs cylindrical subs shipped to mumbai.
let us try and evaluate how much it works out for.
it would be worth the effort if we can lay our hands on those beauties.
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#19 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 11:00
hv dashed of a letter to svs..lets c what they hv to say..
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#20 erstellt: 11. Feb 2005, 10:01
hey guys
got back a quote frm svs guys and it looks like they've incresed the shipping charges.
sometime back i had been quoted $175 for door to door mumbai for the 2039pc and now thats gone up to $270 !!
anyways for 3 pcs of the 2039 its $555 and for 3 pcs of the pb10 its $525 (all d-t-d).
which wld make it abt 30k for a pb10 which yet seems wothwile. the only worry of course is the damned duties.
arj - were u able to find out frm ur friend who has an SVS how much he landed paying as duties. it might make things clearer.
#21 erstellt: 11. Feb 2005, 10:22
the guy is in Singapore .. there u only have a 4% duty
Ist häufiger hier
#22 erstellt: 11. Feb 2005, 15:50
so i gues thats that then; i'll hv to rule out getting one of them cylinders.

unless the fin min has something up his sleeve
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