DVD Player

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#1 erstellt: 12. Sep 2004, 18:36
Guys, can you suggest a good DVD Player for a budget of 10-15 thousand?
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#2 erstellt: 13. Sep 2004, 07:05

You can try NAD T513 (the latest one). The T512 had a good review. There is a Maranz model (don't know the name), which is a good one also.
#3 erstellt: 13. Sep 2004, 13:13
onkyo 501 costing 18k
Denon entry level stuff officially is 17k

Pioneer DV-366 is pretty good for 5-6k in the grey market.

Philips has decent players starting from 9k to 16k.

The NAD pointed out is good as well.

#4 erstellt: 13. Sep 2004, 17:20
depends on whether you want to use it for normal tv or for a hidef plasma/projector?

if tv then pioneer is the best bet, else go for spmething around 20 k- marantz or new cambridge audio!!
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#5 erstellt: 13. Sep 2004, 18:45
I was thinking of the Pioneer DV 566K Manek. It has got a full karoke system and progressive scaning. It retails for RM 500 in Malaysia. Any idea who retails it in Bangalore/India?
#6 erstellt: 14. Sep 2004, 04:41
I believe the 566 is a very decent dvd player....big bang for the buck. Whats you projection system ? plasma or TV ?

The 667A has sacd and dvd audio as well. Dont know where pioneer retails in bangalore but I'm sure a lot of people could get one for you as all pioneer models are widely available in the grey market.

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#7 erstellt: 17. Sep 2004, 19:36
Right now I plan to view it thru my TV which is the 100Hz Sony 29" but plan to add a home theater in the future. All the grey market operators seem to only have the 366 model. Do you have any idea if there is a pioneer dealer in Bombay? What is your take on Denon DVD players?
#8 erstellt: 20. Sep 2004, 15:51
denon and onkyo are definately better dvd players. Pioneer is more Value for money model. Denon and onkyo are more expensive as well. The onkyo 501 DVD player available via onkyo india is a very good one with progressive scan and the works. The cd playback is supposed to be swell as well.

Available with warranty and all. So is the denon from Cinebels and Pro FX.

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#9 erstellt: 20. Sep 2004, 19:31
Manek, I finally bought the Sony 575 DVD from the grey market. Denon & Onkyo were a bit too expensive. Picture is very good. Maybe will upgrade it when I want a serious home theatre.
Thanks a lot anyways.
#10 erstellt: 21. Sep 2004, 08:17
hey cool....sony is quite a standard as well. happy viewing :-)
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