Cd Transport

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#1 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 07:11
Right now i'm using Audio Note Dac One 1x signature with Pioneer DV373 dvd player. I want to upgrade my transport and budget is Rs.25-30 k.
What you guys suggest? I know with this budget a standalone cd transport is out of question.
Is it advisable to go for a standalone cd player or a better dvd player will do?
#2 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 11:22
Go for a Marantz CDP.

[Beitrag von Jeeves am 18. Sep 2006, 11:22 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 12:57
hi Myriad, are you planning this upgrade with the intent to improve some aspectt of the sound.. if so could you mention that ?

The problem need not necessarily be with the transport ...

YOu should try mechanically damping the transport of the slimline series of Pioneerr DVD players by means of
Anti damping materials and caulk and you get really good benefits. (The trasport tray is loose/soft on these. just put a small layer of Blu tack under it to firm it up.

really improves the bass

use the money for more CDs
#4 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 13:17
Hi !

I think you could add a universal player from Marantz or Denon could benefit you in more than one way - better transport and better capability.

Denon DVD-1920 is a good player that I am using.


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#5 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 13:24

Arj schrieb:
hi Myriad, are you planning this upgrade with the intent to improve some aspectt of the sound.. if so could you mention that ?

The problem need not necessarily be with the transport ...

YOu should try mechanically damping the transport of the slimline series of Pioneerr DVD players by means of
Anti damping materials and caulk and you get really good benefits. (The trasport tray is loose/soft on these. just put a small layer of Blu tack under it to firm it up.

really improves the bass

use the money for more CDs :)

I have already blu tacked the transport. Cut the stock pc and put an IEC socket and have connected it with 2.5sqmm wire. These tweaks did help to address the problem to a great extent.
Today, i mass loaded the dvd player with three 1" slabs of marble and top of that 4 hard covered books. First i tried with single piece of marble and gradually i loaded more. With every load increment the sound turned better...more space, better mids, wide soundstage, clean highs but there seems to be tradeoff with little airyness which was there without any mass loading.
My question is , if i use a dedicated cd player will i get more airyness with all the qualities which i got through mass loading?
#6 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 16:50

I too was searching for a good transport a few months back and it was not a fruitful search, universal players were overall better performers compared to entry level midfi players usch as Cambridge 6xx series. So I dont see much of a choice among CD players as transport. You will have to try the CDP along with your DAC and decide yourself.

I presume that you are not happy with your transport because you feel that it is letting down your system. You tweaked the transport with encourging results, but you lost airyness.

Are you sure that you are getting clearer highs without any glare and that is giving you the impression of lesser air?
#7 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 17:13
massloading is aften reported to be synonymous with loss in airyness .. try 3 cones (Any cones) below the CDP.

instead of massloading so much, just use a CorkStrip/Carpet strip/2 mousepads above the CDP and then massload with Books. worked as a good compromise for me.

I doubt if you will get a better transport for 25K .. and most of them will play only regular CDs.

makes sense to go as the good Dr suggested. the good universal players usually have better bracing inside for the transport
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#8 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 18:06
this is an interesting topic.Doc,how much did u pay for that denon ?what are the tweaks,for improving transport?
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#9 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 18:58

ani schrieb:

I too was searching for a good transport a few months back and it was not a fruitful search, universal players were overall better performers compared to entry level midfi players usch as Cambridge 6xx series. So I dont see much of a choice among CD players as transport. You will have to try the CDP along with your DAC and decide yourself.

I presume that you are not happy with your transport because you feel that it is letting down your system. You tweaked the transport with encourging results, but you lost airyness.

Are you sure that you are getting clearer highs without any glare and that is giving you the impression of lesser air?


The highs are clean but are somewhat muted. Is it because of interconnects? I am using VDH The First from transport to Dac and D102 from DAC to amp.

Arj schrieb:
massloading is aften reported to be synonymous with loss in airyness .. try 3 cones (Any cones) below the CDP.

instead of massloading so much, just use a CorkStrip/Carpet strip/2 mousepads above the CDP and then massload with Books. worked as a good compromise for me.

I doubt if you will get a better transport for 25K .. and most of them will play only regular CDs.

makes sense to go as the good Dr suggested. the good universal players usually have better bracing inside for the transport


I am using DIY Bicycle Tube Platform under under the dvd. I have some DIY Rollerblocks and some wooden cones. I will try them tomorrow and see whether it helps.
#10 erstellt: 18. Sep 2006, 23:09

neono schrieb:
:) this is an interesting topic.Doc,how much did u pay for that denon ?what are the tweaks,for improving transport?

I bought from authorised dealer with warranty & bill for Rs. 28,500. The same thing in grey market was available for 19K (Marantz DV-6600 is stated to be around 37k)


#11 erstellt: 19. Sep 2006, 07:51

SDhawan schrieb:

(Marantz DV-6600 is stated to be around 37k)

is this the grey market quote?? Then how much does it with bill and warranty
#12 erstellt: 19. Sep 2006, 07:57
No. This is the official quote for Marantz.
#13 erstellt: 19. Sep 2006, 08:01
hi doc,

The HDMI upscaling feature i think is compatible with only screens with HDMI input.

What if we try to connect the HDMI output using an HDMI to composite conversion cable to a normal screen, then also will we get the same high quality output or the screen downscales it to the normal output.
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#14 erstellt: 19. Sep 2006, 18:11
Is it possible to convet HDMI to composite..istnt HDMI a digital output fromat?amd composite analog. why would you want to convert hdmi into every dvd player having hdmi would be having a composite out also..i think..
#15 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 06:54
hi neono,

I know. was just trying to find a cost-effective solution. If it is possible then atleast i can save money on buying a HDTV and enjoy digital quality also. "ek teer se do shikar"

[Beitrag von SUNILYO am 20. Sep 2006, 06:57 bearbeitet]
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