suggest good rear speakers / bookshelves for under 10,000

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#1 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 13:32
I need a good set of bookshelves to use as rear speakers for my HT setup. please suggest a good pair for me
#2 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 13:33
sonodyne rears are the best for the price range....brilliant performance
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#3 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 14:00
I bought a pair of Kef Cresta 10 surrounds for around 10k from PROFX in bangalore (the entire Cresta 5.1 package came to less than 60k) and I find these very good. However you might prefer to get rears of the same brand as your front/center for perfect timbre match.
#4 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 14:09

very important to get the same fanmily of speakers.

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#5 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 14:48
well, i already got the sonodyne speakers as the fronts, centre and the sub. but they have dipolars as the rears which i dont want to go for. they do have normal bookshelf speakers also which are rated at 60 watt. dont know whether to go for that or for something else
#6 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 15:29
first of all, why not dipoles ? If you have to avoid them then what is it you are exactly looking for in a Bookshelf as rears? For that matter Sonodyne bookshelves should be great because you get all from the same family ? As far as I have seen, the rears are just to create the Surround for you, you dont expect a kick out of them like the fronts, and infact the pleasure lies in their ability to create the best possible surround effect. For that matter dipoles are supposed to be the best if you are not too particular about having a bookshelf.
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#7 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 02:43
I dont wanna go for the dipoles as it seems that they "diffuse" the sound. The good part about watching a movie in 5.1 is that you get to hear sound coming from behind you...but if the speakers diffuse those sound and make it sound like that they are coming from all around then it wont be much fun. that's why I wanna go for the normal bookshelves, or if they are dipolars then you should be able to switch them between normal dipolars and bipolars.
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#8 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 03:30
that's the reason they call them 'surrounds' man. the thing is that the dipoles give you a larger sweet spot, so as to say. the sound does come from behind but it also comes from the sides . it depends on the software in the DVD, how the sound engineer visualises the scene.
you will get a surround effect from the direct radiating bookshelves but the surround effect will be localised to a much smaller sweet spot

if they are dipolars then you should be able to switch them between normal dipolars and bipolars.

they are more or less the same, except for the in phase and out of phase thing.
i don't know of any dipoles that come with such a switch for under 10k. besides if you must know and if surround 'effects' are what you are concerned with then THX recognises only dipoles as surround speakers. so decide for urself by auditioning a couple of dipoles and bookshelves from the same company with the same setup and see which sound you are looking for.

#9 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 04:50
since you are tlaking about surrounds, Tonality may not be an Issue. Just make sure the sensitivity mathches your Fronts/Center. usually in the ranvge of +1db and not more and definitely not less..
#10 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 08:59
I am more convinced about dipoles because of the THX think Benks mentioned, Great point at the right moment Benks.. . Infact I have seen that THX does matter...yes I am damn sure about it. I have quite a few HT system with the same DTS track and I could find the difference between a THX and non THX very easily....It does matter man...BOSE doesnt have any THX certifications because it believes on its own patents and certifications but then those patents by BOSE are nowhere close to THX. Got to think about it...I mean dont neglect THX recommendations...........
#11 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 09:02
trivisingh what receiver do you have ?
for 10 K your choice should not be difficult..

Anyone knows the price of the Wharfedale WH2 surrounds ?

they have a sensitivity of 87db and are a good bargain
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#12 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 09:38
yes arj,
they are excellent VFm. they are also very well built and quite good looking.
they are priced around 8-8.5k
they are still on in my sights, now only if i can find a buyer for my Vivanco stands....
#13 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 10:10
hi Arj,

i've seen a HT package of a leading brand with fronts at 87db/w/m and center at 86db/w/m,but the rear surrounds at 83db/w/m........whats the catch here..........
#14 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 10:26
Problem is that if the center & fronts volumes increase the surrounds will not follow in the same ratio and hence u lose the fun !

(around 10 db diff means double the power required for the same volume)
#15 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 10:32
do the av receivers have some kinda features where you can reduce the output for fronts and try n match with rear
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#16 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 10:39
hey subboss,
as long as there is not a huge db difference any speaker can be matched in loudness. nowadays,all the receivers have a test tone through which u can adjust the volume level of individual speaker till they are the same.mine does.
#17 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 11:30
OK ben now tell me if there is huge diffrence or after the initial mike set up the output's almost the same from all channels
#18 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 11:37

SUB_BOSS schrieb:
do the av receivers have some kinda features where you can reduce the output for fronts and try n match with rear

some do..onkyo definitely does.
if u have that then you can adjust differences in sensitivity upto around 10dB which is very good
#19 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 11:54
im actually reffering to Onkyo you mean to say i won't have much of a problem with these diffrences
#20 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 12:55
should not have !
#21 erstellt: 10. Mrz 2005, 13:12
You can play around upto 10db on almost any receiver now, it is almost a mandatory feature.

The latest generation, higher end, Yamahas / Denons come with a parametric equaliser feature - you keep the mike provided in your listening spot and the amp provides you with the optimum settings at that spot.
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