KH 0300 or Reason

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#1 erstellt: 18. Aug 2013, 16:47
Hello to everyone,
I have own some studio speakers,Klein and Hummel 0300 in january 2012.And really,it blowned my head.With whits nights spended.Not because i regret of my purchase,but i steel have severals problems with them.
For the begining,when i receive them at my home.When oppened the left boxe surprisly i found a mid driver pulled down.Probably this was happen by transportation.I send them to Sennhezer for a fix.The answer to the problem was:
-Mid driver remplacement.
After that repairing,i found several other problems with theses monitor speakers.
For example,the two boxes was decalibrated;
One(the Right)was played less loud than than another(the Left).
And,i need your help there,when i playing Reason (propellerheads)easy to understand software.
The ''kicks'' and basses is drown out.Dommaged or like when the audio is clipping.
I can't understand,if this happen from speakers,sound card or
(source) Reason?
Which one is faulty?
I am very worrying
Speakers is under waranty

Please help

My Gear:

Sound Card:Motu 828 mk3 Hybrid
Computer:Mac OS Leopard
Software:Reason 5.0
Monitors:KH 0300
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