NAD C320BEE or C325BEE

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#1 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 07:48
Hi Guys,

What is the difference between NAD C320BEE and C325BEE?

From the specs given on the NAD website these were the differences I observed between the two models;

C320BEE Vs. C325BEE
Rated distortion 0.03% 0.02%
(THD 20Hz-20kHz)

Damping factor >60 >160

Frequency response
20Hz-20kHz ±0.2dB
3Hz/70kHz±0.3dB ±0.1dB

Input sensitivity 630mV 730mV
(for rated output into 8 ohms)

Can anybody tell me what these differences mean and in what way do these differences affect the musicality of the Amp.

Also is it possible to drive floor standers using either 320BEE or 325BEE?
#2 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 08:07
the distortion figures wont be noticable.

Damping factor may or may not matter practically. On paper it sure looks better.

Frequency cant hear any ways beyond 20/20 so its again acedemic. Maybe they have sacd in mind or maybe people using super tweeters ?

Input sensitivity. Assuming that the sensitivity of the amp quoted is for the power section it now takes a little more voltage to reach its rated power.

Thats what I would infer from the specs listed by you.

#3 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 08:14
Hi !

Any of these two amps from NAD will drive most floorstanders very well. And the differences mentioned between the two models would hardly be audible on most setups. I believe only the damping factor of 160 is really significantly better in 325. It should produce a better controlled bass response.


#4 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 11:39
I would like to say that in most aspects the 352 wins hands down.Only the Monitor audio bronze series sound better on the 320BEE.
#5 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 11:59
deaf the comparo was between 320bee and 325bee.
352 is a better amp, I agree.

#6 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 12:07
Sorry dude, not heard the new one, but I am told it is better.
#7 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 12:11
However La Kozy has speciual deals on 320bee, so do go pick it up.
#8 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 12:42
Any special deals for any other products at lakozy ?

#9 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 12:48
Not that I know of.
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 13:28

As far as I know, "Bhagwan 69" is a big fan of the NAD 320 BEE. He should definately be able to throw some light on this topic.

#11 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 13:30
#12 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 13:57
Manek's other name is NAD Cadence


#13 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 13:59

SWITCH-IT-ON schrieb:

As far as I know, "Bhagwan 69" is a big fan of the NAD 320 BEE. He should definately be able to throw some light on this topic.


Yeah, Bhagwan has quite an affinity for NAD c320 BEE and its users. I remember him wanting to start a whole new section just for NAD products!
#14 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 14:13
Am not as passionate about NAD as I am about cadence so NAD "may be" dropped in the future but Cadence "stays"

#15 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 18:31 Manek pointed out most of these specs look good only on paper and the difference would not be apparent to you unless you sit with an array of measuring gizmos each time you listen to them.

I've been using the 320 for a while now and it is slightly on the warmer side and it seems 325 might be even darker so the speakers would have to be matched very carefully...

My NAD is driving my KEF floors pretty comparision you haven't mentioned is the much do they differ there?
#16 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 19:25
I guess this should be a good example of how NOT to buy an amplifier.. comparing specs and especially THDs !

but again i really could not find any difference between the 320 and the 325 other than having a mp3 socket input and being heavier.. any idea if the PSU or something else has been upgraded ?

power is exactly the same and this must be the first time on BEE has been superceded by another !

[Beitrag von Arj am 29. Sep 2006, 19:58 bearbeitet]
#17 erstellt: 29. Sep 2006, 22:06
Thanks guys for your inputs.

The reason I needed to know the difference between the two NAD Amps is I'm trying to get one from Dubai. Price quoted for 320 was Bangalore its close to 22k , now for some reason(maybe out of stock), NAD dealer in Dubai says he's got 325 readily available instead of 320 for 13k. From price point of view, its negligible, but wanted to know if it sounds the same or better...if anyone here had tried the 325?

If I do get this, I'm planning to audition some floorstanders in 20-30k range. Let me know if it makes sense to stick with good Bookshelves for this price range since I am not so particular about buying floorstanders at this point. This is purely for a Stereo setup and I have no intentions of using this to watch videos/movies.

Again, I'm more into Rock(psychedelic,alternative,grunge...less of metal), old kannada movie soundtracks(PBSreenivos,SPB), kishore kumar, ARRehman...Any recommendations to satisfy this kind of a range or am I asking too much

P.S.- Off late I've checked some Blues and Classical records...looks like they would be a part of my types over a period of time
#18 erstellt: 30. Sep 2006, 07:20
Hi !

If you're listening room is small then bookshelves are the best option.

I have recently auditioned Tannoy Reveal 6 and found them really good. The cost about 25K - officially. You could also try Quad 11L, KEF iQ1, MA RS1, etc.
#19 erstellt: 12. Okt 2006, 12:49

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:
Again, I'm more into Rock(psychedelic,alternative,grunge...less of metal), old kannada movie soundtracks(PBSreenivos,SPB), kishore kumar, ARRehman...Any recommendations to satisfy this kind of a range or am I asking too much

P.S.- Off late I've checked some Blues and Classical records...looks like they would be a part of my types over a period of time :)

Looking at your choice of music you may be happier with a Floorstander unless otherwise your room is below 100 sqft IMO.
#20 erstellt: 13. Okt 2006, 07:31

I have a couple of concerns related to my Room. Need some help on this.

Size of my room is 13' X 12'. So I guess its neither a big room nor a small one.

My first concern is related to the ceiling of the room which isnt flat. Its comes down tapered in 2 different directions from the top before sitting on the 4 walls. This has resulted in adjacent walls of equal height. 2 adjacent walls are of 9' and the other 2 adjacent walls are close to 14' in height. Does this have any bearing on sound reproduction/acoustics?

My second concern...One of the 14' wall has a 8' X 6' in-wall cupboard filled with my dad's books. This cupboard has 8 big sliding glass shutters. If I play music at higher volumes, does that vibrate the glass and cause disturbance? If it does, any idea to overcome this...other than asking to remove the shutters itself
#21 erstellt: 13. Okt 2006, 19:04
Hi !

Tapering roof is good for acoustics and so is unequal wall height.

Place your speaker on the side of the room where the ceiling is lowest and listening position where the ceiling is highest.

Resonance from objects, if really significant, can be dampened by mass loading, etc.
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