Denon PMA1500 or NADC320BEE ?

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#1 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 08:53
Hello Audiophiles,

I had a chance to Audition the Denon PMA1500 UHCMOS based Integrated Amp and it sounded very good with lots of detail, compared to Marantz PM8100 and Arcam A65 models.

I "haven't" auditioned the NADC320BEE, I want your opinion on which one amongst Denon PMA1500 and NADC320BEE is better off. I am looking for a Sub 25KINR Integrated Stereo Amp and I am getting a Used Denon PMA1500 for a very good price (lesser than what a new NADC320BEE would cost), pls suggest.

Also, What difference would a UHCurrent MOS make compared to the conventional amplification tehcnology ?

Music Interests: Rock, Fusion and some classical.
Current Speakers: Wharfedale Diamond 8.4


[Beitrag von Inor am 21. Jun 2005, 08:54 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 09:51
It is anytime Denon IMHO....I have also auditioned the PMA1500 and its a very good amp ( a bit pricey, but if you are getting a used ones then its great).
NAD 320bee is good for entry level stuffs but PMA1500 is no way entry level.

It delivers ultra high current which helps to drive the low frequency drivers of your speakers to its best and also promotes the overall performance of your speakers to much higher levels.

I have seen them perform with KEF and Jamo and I saw the difference they made when compared to a Denon 655r stereo amp which is good but not Mosfet driven.
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#3 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 10:37
Thanks abhi!

Abhi and Others,

Would Wharfedale Diamond 8.4 sound too loud with Denon PMA1500 because of the Ultra high current or more precisely do you think that they will match ?

#4 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 10:46
Ultra High current doesnt mean loud sound.
It simply means better driving capability....
you always have a volume control for loudness...
But what it gives you is much better performance even at very low volume....

Moreover It should gel well with diamond 8.4 as the speakers are said to be a bit low on efficiency (86db) which means it requires a high efficiency amp to be driven well...that is what PMA 1500 would do to its best.

NAD 320bee is good but cant and shouldnt be compared to PMA 1500....(even the retail price of PMA 1500 is more than double to that of 320BEE). If the used amp you are picking is in good condition and well handled then you are set for a treat....
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#5 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 10:47
Hey Inor, i have the Diamond 8.4 and the Nad320BEE.
Let me be hopnest...
The Amp is really good and can play really loud..
It does tend to get hot when turned up and ideal listening position would only ask for the volume knob to be turned upto the 9 or 9.30 position.
The perforance with regarding to rock is a bit of a let down, this i think is beacause of my huge room and also because of the amp..the amp plays bass well but not loud. The treble and midrange are unmatchable and actually u may find the treble just a wee bit bright..but the midrange is just too good.
i have heard the Denon but that weas a long time ago. and i could benchmark it against only the denon Avr-1805 and it definitely beats it hands down in stereo reproduction..but keep in mind that the denon avrs are not exactly reputed for their stereo performance.
The nad is a fine piece of equipment...
nevertheless i think if the Denon is a more powerful amp it may be able to drive the speakers a bit more easily and the high curretnn technology is almost proprietary with H/K products ...the advantage is that u get a lot of output for low degree of turn in the volume knob but it saturates after crossing the 1 or 2 o'clock position...
i suggest if u can try it with ur speaker sbefore buying..then do so..
#6 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 10:58
Hey Benks,
You know, I compared the Denon PMA 1500 to the Denon 655r (both are stereo int amps, 655r being a regular one). Both were good in detailing.

But the ultra high current feature of PMA 1500 was so prominent, the way it drove the kefs was worth noticeable.
I didnt go upto 1 o clock position but I went upto 11 o clock position found a real stable beast sitting inside the amp.
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#7 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:05
i agree that if u want to really rock the place without having concerns aboput the amp running hot(cause even the Nad acna make the speakers shake a leg...but i keep a watchful eye to keep myself from overcooking the amp and blowing the tweeter)..
regarding detail ...i don't know...sorry can't help u there with regard to the Denon but i can tell u this for Fusion and for Classical u will love the NAd but for rock....hmmm i think not..if u are a hard core rock fan like me and my brother then i think u will be a bit disappointed..

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 21. Jun 2005, 11:11 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:16
benks wrote :

NAd but for rock....hmmm i think not..if u are a hard core rock fan like me and my brother then i think u will be a bit disappointed..

benks my bro heard the NAD 372 in US and he told me it rocks maan...He heard it with Dyn's and wrote me a mile long mail about it's rock performance....

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#9 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:23
Like i said it is probably because of the size of my rooom and the speakers themselves...maybe we can give it one more shot with ur speakers...
say, how about u drop by my place this weekend...i mena u have been telling that u will come..

in anyc ase for those who want to get together and spend some time listening to each other's audio setups and music maybe we can arrange a weekly or fortnightly thing..
anyone upto it...?
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#10 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:26
Thanks Benks and Abhi.

My last Q, Promise
Do you think the Denon PMA1500 will do justice to Rock ?
(Actually, I am getting this used one for 12K INR (Outside India), no performance issues, the dealer is offering a six months warranty as well.)

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#11 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:26
Here are the reviews for the two contenders..

like always take them with a tonne of salt....
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#12 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:27
That's a great price...i would suggest u go forit..but i hope u have heard it atleast once before making ur descion
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#13 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:30
I have heard the new ones at the store, but not the used one. I am sure that I'll be hearing it once before I buy it.

My Q still remains unanwered - Is it good enuf for Rock ?

#14 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:43
yes I have tried Dire straits and they performed great... like getting it for free...
#15 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:43

how about u drop by my place this weekend...i mena u have been telling that u will come..

to whom does this apply??. to you too...coz you too have been telling me the same.
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#16 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 11:45
Hey i will come ..but atleast u got to reciprocate first...anyway call me now if u can..or better still call me tom on my cell anytime..
#17 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:00
and me...
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#18 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:05
Hey man Abhi, u are the first chap to whom ,i spoke to on the forum and u have been telling that u will come...just call me and we'll set something up..
#19 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:07

Man I know....but you live in chennai...

I mean your house seems that far from mine....
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#20 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:08
Its the same for me brother......but u don't see me complaiing u?
#21 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:16
you see abhi, it's like delhi and chennai for benks and sub, but we will make it. but next time you drop in the beer's on me........

after all whats life without some beer and music
Hat sich gelöscht
#22 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:23

SUB_BOSS schrieb:
but next time you drop in the beer's on me........

i hope u are referring to me there...
#23 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 12:33
ya thats right benks it's you.........
#24 erstellt: 24. Jun 2005, 11:32
Just to share my experience with NAD C162 + NAD C272 (the pre + power amp setup), Denon PMA 1500, Denon PMA 2000 and Arcam Diva A90.

All were played with JM Lab/Dali. Songs - Norah Jones latest album and Eagles Hotel California.

My overall impression -

1. Didn't like NAD at all. The sound is very much bassy compared to Denon PMA 2000 even compared to PMA 1500 (which is also little bit bassy). In detailing PMA 2000 was much above both of PMA 1500 and NAD.

2. However, liked the Arcam A90 the most. Specially at the higher frequency. But again when comes to the low frequency part Denon rules (it is neither as thin as Arcam nor too heavy as NAD).

3. In overall I prefer Denon 2000 as it seems to be suitable for both classical/vocal type of sound (with a little bit compromise at higher frequency) as well as for Pop/Rock with sufficient detailing and neutral nature of reproduction. And volume wise also I tried it till 60% of the knob dial - no distortion, enough dynamics and detailing, enough power.
Pma 1500 is also similar in nature - however bit more bassy for my choice.
Also both the type of speakers I heard were driven well by all three types of amp.

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#25 erstellt: 24. Jun 2005, 11:44
Thanks for the reply Sourav!
It was very informative.
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