CDP marantz or nad ?

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#1 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 08:16
Hi friends,
Finally i got stuck to McCormack DNA 125, Presently using my friends sonodyne pre which will be replaced next month now the CDP is to be settled, Marantz pm5001 or Nad 521 bee ? which one is better choice if preference is rock.
#2 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 09:42

bobbybpl schrieb:

Finally i got stuck to McCormack DNA 125,

Congrats Bobby

bobbybpl schrieb:

Marantz pm5001 or Nad 521 bee ? which one is better choice if preference is rock.

Have heard Nad 521bee with my Nad C325bee. Sounded good on Rock tracks.
Why don't you try C542 or any others in that range?
IMO, for the price it commands, 521bee is not really a big upgrade over my 5k Phillips 642k DVDp.
No idea about Marantz though.

#3 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 09:48
Bobby, you have an excellent speaker and getting a very good amp..if you buy any of those CDPs you will end up with that being your weakest link.

maybe my suggestion may be a bit not to you taste..but if I were you I would try to get a DIY kit for a DAC and connect that to your DVD player..else you can get in touch with Sivat to see if he has something for your tastes.

Maybe something like a PC based transport + USB DAC, or one of those really good soundcards connected to your PC might also be up your alley.

that way you can build you budget for a future purchase.

if you get any one of the above..belive me, you will be wanting to get rid of it and upgrade within 1 year or even less and end up losing more money.
#4 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 11:03
Between the two it will be Nad for me....a much better all-rounder.
#5 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 12:53
The Marantz can rock real nice. I have heard it extended in my system. It has lots of detail and good features. What it lacks is refinement. The treble is on the sharp side, even brittle. For jazz its passable, and would be OK for rock. I was tempted to buy it, but voted against it because on classical western it was much too metallic. Its good for starters, and has digital out options of coax and optical. Decent looking too, but not too solidly built. Listen to it if you can.
#6 erstellt: 27. Mai 2007, 18:09
I have used both these CDPs in past - almost equally good & similarly priced. Choose the one that is supported well in your locale.
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#7 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 08:11
Thanks for the feedback friends.As arj talked about the DAC gear rather than buying a entry level CDP and can be upgraded later, what you guys can suggest on this, is it possible to get a decent DAC in the budget of entry level CDP.
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