What Floats YOUR Audiophile Boat ?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 14. Dez 2009, 18:53
Until a few years ago, I was in awe of some audiophiles who projected an aloof but well maintained demur, who quietly heard a system and then passed absolute judgment ( eg this system's tone is not right...) either on the entire system, of some aspect of it. In fact I was so taken in ... that I decided that I too should acquire similar hearing 'skills' ! On reading 'The Absolute Sound" and it positioning its editor Harry Pearson as a demi-God, atleast in terms of audiophile listening ability, I could neither identify the 'perfect tone' nor enjoy it. I thought I just would never be an audiophile.

Around this time, I personally met forum member Bhagwan69. To my GREAT surprise, he emphasised the "To Each Their Own" concept of Audiophile enjoyment. I was NOT a basket case after all, because I did not get my jollies from a perfectly neutral tone or uncoloured sound. Bhagwan69 insisted that every one's opinion was valid, as long as it had a specific, basis. THAT was when I truly took an interest in improving my system, based on MY choice for what 'Floats My Boat' and not lap up some Harry Pearson or his Indian Avtaar's dispensations.
One of the purposes of this thread is to draw audiophiles out of the Closet, if they are faced with the same dilemma that I had some years ago.

Today, I am convinced that EVERY ONE LISTENS TO THEIR STEREOS DIFFERENTLY, focusing on different aspects. What floats my boat may not float yours... does not mean you or I am wrong. Just as we appreciate beauty differently, and there is no STANDARDISED hallmark or definition of beauty, ditto for Audiophile Sound.

Ofcourse, there is the WELL WORN quote of live sound being the absolute reference, but the short comings are always in Simultaneous aspects of sound reproduction, such as tone, spatial imaging, PRAT, etc so NO system can meet that Ultimate criteria

In this thread, I would like to pose the following questions:

1. Name (NOT More Than) 2 aspects that 'Floats Your Boat' in Audiophile reproduction. I presume that these are the 2 points you pursue ( but may or may not achieve) in your own system.

As an indicative List, the aspects could be:
Tone, Rhythm, Spatial Imaging, SLAM, Power and sheer decibel level, fluidity, reproduction of female voice... etc, etc

2. Would be great to also hear why you have prioritised these 2 aspects.

Since I have initiated this thread, I will take the first stab:

1. To me the MOST important aspect is Spatial Imaging, i.e. re-creating a sound stage where each instrument / performer has a specific position.

I value this aspect the most, because that is the PRINCIPAL brief for stereo. We use 2 of Everything in the Entire stereo recording and reproduction chain, ONLY for Spatial Imaging. Correct me if I am wrong, but a mono system can address ALL other performance aspects ( Slam, Power, fluidty, etc ) except spatial imaging. Hence Imaging is my TOP Criteria.

2. The second pivotal aspect of true High Quality reproduction for me is the re-creating of the venue's ambiance and air, recreating the feeling of 'Being There'... based on the reproduction of tiny ambiance clues. Does a system transport me to the performance venue ? That is VERY difficult, but I expect ... nah, DEMAND it from a good stereo system, costing several million Rupees.

Guys, do write in... I have intentionally asked for only 1 or 2 Key aspects that each of you values the most. No point in listing every conceivable aspect. No system that I have ever heard can please every one.... What Floats YOUR Boat ?
#2 erstellt: 14. Dez 2009, 20:49
My boat, like yours, floats a lot on the spatial aspect. It is very very essential for me to visualize each and every instrument/voice in its place. It frustrates me no end when I know that Miss Norah Jones is singing while playing a piano yet her voice seems to appear as if she's one giant 7 footer. That said, I think spatial soundstage/imaging is more a placement aspect than a "system" aspect. This is open for debate.

Second, tone. Most of my listening these days is acoustic music and I get a thrill when I hear (what I think is) the correct sound of that instrument. As a corollary, I'm a sucker for the female voice (and not just in audiophile terms ) and don't mind some "cooked up" recordings.

Third, timing. Forum member Deaf introduced me to this aspect about half a decade back on a budget system. Ever since, I've found it difficult to ignore this. However, it takes me some time to really "get" the timing of a system. Guess my ears aren't that Pukka yet.

Fourth, detail. The more, the better. Makes me feel good about the system that has the ability to really dig deep into a recording. I love "Wow! I never knew that was there."

And finally, as Manek's signoff once said, "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing"

Edit Oh... and the system must do the disappearing act really well.

[Beitrag von Shahrukh am 16. Dez 2009, 09:51 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 04:36
Great Topic AN! somethting i have also thought about
For me..in somewhat this order

1.Density and texture of music..it should be like a mosaic and not a collection of instruments (this i have come to realize also includes timing and details)
2. Tones " Male Female and instrument. there should be a 3D feel about sound. especially the huskiness which some singers need to have
3. Dynamics and Energy to the music. one should feel it especially with fast nos (Come to realize this means Immediacy and dynamics)
4. a)Bass slam..it should be tight and have a texture to it
b) Shimmer in the high frequencies ..hate rolled off highs..would prefer them bright to that !
5) Instrument separation and individuality
6) finally soundstaging..I dont naturally look for this but only if everything else falls right do i look for this...is not that important for me to have his perfect, but the imaging definitely should be present ie sound directly appearing to come from speakers is unacceptable.

But the 2 most important would definitely be Details and Tones.
Details: give the feeling of the MUsic fully there and that I am not losing out on anything...to me this is part of the n"Emotional" aspect of music as well as the audiophile part
Tonality: gives the naturalness of music... if the vocals do not have the right tones..it is a switch off.

Would also like to add Bass response here. music without a good bass is something which is boring...that tactile part of music is exteremly important

[Beitrag von Arj am 15. Dez 2009, 05:11 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 06:29
My boat floats on "less is more". I like a system to be simple and comminicative and a bit warm.

I really don't care if I don't hear the last octave both ends.
What it can do it should do well.

Due to the kind of music I listen to, instrument separation, timing and staging along with a warmish midrange is what I would go for.

#5 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 07:12
Hmm the way i like things are

1> Touch of mid bass bloom with nice punch and attack to the lower octaves. Textures of bass, like peeling the layers off of an onion kinda bass. slightly forwardish mids with no peaks in the 4-7kHz range. Extended highs is desirable without being bright. A bit more darker sound suits me just perfectly.
Spatial presentation, a air around the instruments and imaging are more important than soundstaging for me.

2> It should make music..just make you forget about the rest and pull you in..even if it has flaws in it, the ability of a system that can make you impervious to those flaws is a great system worth having.
#6 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 07:17

Savyasaachi schrieb:
Hmm the way i like things are

1> Touch of mid bass bloom with nice punch and attack to the lower octaves. Textures of bass, like peeling the layers off of an onion kinda bass. slightly forwardish mids with no peaks in the 4-7kHz range. Extended highs is desirable without being bright. A bit more darker sound suits me just perfectly.
Spatial presentation, a air around the instruments and imaging are more important than soundstaging for me.

hey..you might like that Cardas IC after all .
#7 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 08:16

I grew up listening to a Philips (Holland Turntable Kenwood amp and Philips again Holland speakers.

The TT had AudioTechinica MM cartridge, strobes to set the speed right

Amp was from the house of great foodprocessor makers.

The ported 3 way speakers had the loosest of lowend that a kick drum sounded like string bass

That system floated my boat.

Many systems came and went and I was still floating on an Onkyo Integra system till I came across Perreaux Radiance amp and their CDP1 along with MA Silver S2 bookshelf speakers.

This system did put the wind on my sail. I could hear music with lot of realism without much filling of the voids by my mind .

Coming back to subject of this thread I feel that it is difficult to limit to 2 points that float ones boat, still taking a call

1. Natural feel - I mean that with minimum imagination one should be able to relate to the reproduced sound. eg. that is a steel strung guitar or a nylon guitar. The size of the cymbal hit, Cymbals hit on the edge or centre etc.

2. Ability to play most kind of music in an enjoyable way. Vocals both male and female, big orchestars as well as a Quartet playing in a smallish hall should sound good.

I am not a fan of heavy metal but I feel that on a better system some of the pioneer hard rockers did sound like music to me


[Beitrag von ani am 16. Dez 2009, 07:57 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 09:58
-Must be able to reproduce music with Passion,Grace,Fire ( to borrow form the title of that great album).

- Nuances.The stuff that makes the same 'ol thing sound new, every time you hear it.

- Ecletic - should not be partial to any one narrow genre 'o music like- string quartets, female vocals

- Get your foot tappin' your body movin'

- Put you in the middle of the performance.

#9 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 14:49
1. Tonal purity
Natural tone and timbre.This is one of the most important aspects of sound reproduction for me. A system which does not do this just puts me off even if it does all the other aspects right. A system which can do this usually gets the accuracy area correct because low resolution/inaccurate gear cannot get your tones right. Two birds with one stone.

2. Musical involvement
The system needs to communicate the musical essence to you. This will make you tap your foot and get your body moving to the music.

A close third is spatial imaging / sound staging.
#10 erstellt: 15. Dez 2009, 18:23
Super Topic Amp_Nut
#11 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 06:13
Hi Abhi, Thanks for the Thumbs Up.

Your contribution, please ...
#12 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 06:31
It should not feel like i'm listening to Electronics. Nor should the sonics be bloated or constrained...just the right balance.

Ability of the equipment to convey the most minute of dB level changes (dynamics) complemented with excellent transients, in order to bring out the real essense of musicial. These two will make anyone enjoy Hindustani and other forms of classical music.

That is all

#13 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 06:33
Hello A.N. !
Nice thread;

If you complimented me in your opening - I would like to thank you for it;
I stand by what you said. To Each His Own !
That is the punch line....

I will try and put down what floats my boat !
Actually there are 2 hats I wear here;
a] Audiophile
b] Music appreciator

Most people know mw as 'a' !
I am an audiophile & I do take this hobby of mine - some what seriously....

When I wear that hat - most of the time - I am like a surgeon [butcher is a better word] - I will cut & slice & dice audio equipment & set ups. What I look for here is rather common & all know what that is.....

However, I also appreciate music - although I may never have accepted it or talked about it in public;;;

For me, the audio set up has to be like a 'I am there' experiance. This has happened to me very rarely - surely not @ home [in my set up] but in Munich 2009. Hi Fi Deluxe Show. Marten Momento + Lyra + The Lars. This 'transported' me to the 'venue' ! This is a very very 'rare' phenomenon...may never happen again, but that is what I 'life' for in the 'audiophile' world...

I will write some more here - in a while.

#14 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 06:36
p.s. My moniker is 'bhagwan' on all forums - anywhere....
I was forced to take bhagwan69 - since bhagwan was not available.
So you may address me as 'bhagwan' [I love the name] !
Appreciate it !
#15 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 09:46
Bhagwan said:

If you complimented me in your opening - I would like to thank you for it;

YES ! I CERTAINLY meant to compliment you. My Sincere Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction

I stand by what you said. To Each His Own !
That is the punch line....


I will write some more here - in a while.

Looking forward to it !

I was forced to take bhagwan69 - since bhagwan was not available.

The 69 adds a naughty twist ... do I just have a dirty mind ??
#16 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 10:12
Thank you, gentlemen, that made for some very interesting reading. Good to know what the Gurus are looking out for.

Would you care to describe the equipment that best reflect these qualities that are important to you? Perhaps brands at least if not models? Thanks.
#17 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 10:46

particleman schrieb:
Would you care to describe the equipment that best reflect these qualities that are important to you? Perhaps brands at least if not models? Thanks.

I think I did.

The Speaker was Marten Design - Momento


Pre Amplifier was Lyra Connoisseur


Power Amplifier was The Lars


The Cables were Jorma Design - Jorma Prime


For me, the audio set up has to be like a 'I am there' experiance. This has happened to me very rarely - surely not @ home [in my set up] but in Munich 2009. Hi Fi Deluxe Show. Marten Momento + Lyra + The Lars. This 'transported' me to the 'venue' ! This is a very very 'rare' phenomenon...may never happen again, but that is what I 'life' for in the 'audiophile' world...

p.s. I am sure you can 'google' further details...
It was simple super - for me at least....
#18 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 11:21

The 69 adds a naughty twist ... do I just have a dirty mind ??

you said it - I did not...

#19 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 12:35
Particleman said:

Good to know what the Gurus are looking out for.

Sir ! One of my messages in this thread is that THERE ARE NO GURUS !

YOU ARE THE GURU, since YOU have to enjoy / suffer the system that you set up and buy
#20 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 12:45

since YOU have to enjoy / suffer the system that you set up and buy

Any audio system is heard 'most of the time' by the person that owns or set up his system, hence the most important thing is for him to enjoy it & not what some one else thinks of it...
#21 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 14:04

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Particleman said:

Good to know what the Gurus are looking out for.

Sir ! One of my messages in this thread is that THERE ARE NO GURUS !

YOU ARE THE GURU, since YOU have to enjoy / suffer the system that you set up and buy :Y

I second that!
#22 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 14:28

particleman schrieb:
Thank you, gentlemen, that made for some very interesting reading. Good to know what the Gurus are looking out for.

Would you care to describe the equipment that best reflect these qualities that are important to you? Perhaps brands at least if not models? Thanks.

I have not been to any hi-end shows. But the most natural sounding setup I have heard is the latest iteration of the personal setup by Siva. All custom made.
Some other setups where I have been impressed is a complete Rethm setup at the creator's studio and the complete reference Cadence spread on Demo at the Taj in bangalore.
Ist häufiger hier
#23 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 17:05
Let me make it clear from the beginning that I am not an "Audiophile" by any standards because I :

a) Do not own any expensive Audio equipment.
b) Do not possess "golden ears".
c) Do not keep changing or upgrading equipment often.
d) Believe that this world has a lot of imperfections, so it is Ok to live with and enjoy imperfect Audio gear !

Nevertheless, I think this thread is interesting and am attempting to answer Amp Nut's questions.

Would prefer the system to sound bright and detailed. It should be crisp almost to the extent of hearing the sibilance.
Would prefer the mid range / vocals to be recesssed.
Low end should be tight but not boomy.
Prefer hearing the extreme octaves on both sides though I know thats impossible with mediocre setups.
Also would pay importance to the value for money concept.
#24 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 18:07

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Hi Abhi, Thanks for the Thumbs Up.

Your contribution, please

Yes, Sir how can I not contribute to something so interesting..

Over the last few years I have slowly started "learning" what actually floats my boat. I have heard systems which instantly sounds amazing but on longer listening gets more and more "less" interesting. The opposite has also happened !!

From whatever little I could gather about my own taste, here are few things which urges me to keep on listening (assuming I like the music )

1. Tone and Timbre : I have slowly become a sucker for true tones. And very quickly it has topped my list of priorities. There is nothing as amazing as being able to relate to a real instrument or voice especially if you recognize that voice or instrument in person.
I normally rely more on Voices when I am evaluating because recognizing the vocal quality of a known singer is lot easier than recognizing the exact texture of an instrument unless you have heard a lot of live unamplified music or played instruments yourself. The moment I do not get the voice right its all over for me .

2. Full Range Presentation : I am not particular about all the 20hz - 20khz range...but the system should be able to present the full scale, dynamics and grandeur of the music (to a large extent). That connects me to the performance. It conveys the mood of the music, the dimension and energy of the band...the feeling of live.

Though these two are in right order of priority, any of these two things missing just does not connect me to the music well enough to listen further.

If at all I have the luxury of choosing the next most important thing then comes spatial imaging....like Amp_Nut and Shahrukh, even I love to stare at the performers and instruments in soundstage while listening to them and it definitely gives me a kick when it is very apparent (when you get it without trying hard to focus on the soundstage).

There are other aspects like detail, PRAT, fluidity, warmth, smoothness, time alignment, phase alignment, background cleanliness etc...I value all of them to various degrees and also agree that all of them have contribution to making music...but it means nothing to me if the top two criterion doesnt satisfy.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 16. Dez 2009, 18:11 bearbeitet]
#25 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 18:22
I will look @ your post in 2 parts;

Behram schrieb:

Let me make it clear from the beginning that I am not an "Audiophile" by any standards because I :

a) Do not own any expensive Audio equipment.
b) Do not possess "golden ears".
c) Do not keep changing or upgrading equipment often.
d) Believe that this world has a lot of imperfections, so it is Ok to live with and enjoy imperfect Audio gear !

a] You DO NOT need to 'own' expensive audio gear to be an audiophile.

b] What are 'golden ears' ?

c] One only changes / upgrades when one finds a set up that performs 'better' [to ones ears] that the one that is in your house [listening room] ! So if you hear nothing that is better - why should you change ??

d] I fully agree with you - life is too imperfect & I love it just like this !!

Part 2 to follow soon...
#26 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 09:28
Abhi Pani wrote :

1. Tone and Timbre : I have slowly become a sucker for true tones. And very quickly it has topped my list of priorities. There is nothing as amazing as being able to relate to a real instrument or voice especially if you recognize that voice or instrument in person.
I normally rely more on Voices when I am evaluating because recognizing the vocal quality of a known singer is lot easier than recognizing the exact texture of an instrument unless you have heard a lot of live unamplified music or played instruments yourself. The moment I do not get the voice right its all over for me .

2. Full Range Presentation : I am not particular about all the 20hz - 20khz range...but the system should be able to present the full scale, dynamics and grandeur of the music (to a large extent). That connects me to the performance. It conveys the mood of the music, the dimension and energy of the band...the feeling of live.

Something like Baazigar CD??

Anyway I don't call myself an audiophile too if the requirement is to be perfect -

For me only three points matter :

1. Imaging, Spacing are very important or else for me music is too confusing.
2. Timing is very imp, esp for fast bass and should induce involuntary foot tap.
3. Can't stand loose or boomy bass. Can do away with weaker bottom end than standing waves blurring your vision.

square wave wrote :

2. Musical involvement
The system needs to communicate the musical essence to you. This will make you tap your foot and get your body moving to the music.

This is to second SQ wave in my second point..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS1 am 17. Dez 2009, 09:31 bearbeitet]
#27 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 10:47

SUB_BOSS1 schrieb:

Anyway I don't call myself an audiophile too if the requirement is to be perfect -

well if you can understand at a component level what each is doing and what changing any will do. and you are able to understand as to what you are looking for in the music, then you are an Audiophile
now what "floats your boat"..is "your own thing" . as is mentioned in the theme of the conversation.

We seem to be seeing you after quite a long time !..how have things been in the audio front ?
#28 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 11:09
Bhagwan, you have been a bit of a tease... giving only a LITTLE, info, and promising more !

bhagwan69 said:

I will try and put down what floats my boat !
Actually there are 2 hats I wear here;
a] Audiophile
b] Music appreciator

Most people know mw as 'a' !
I am an audiophile & I do take this hobby of mine - some what seriously....

When I wear that hat - most of the time - I am like a surgeon [butcher is a better word] - I will cut & slice & dice audio equipment & set ups. What I look for here is rather common & all know what that is.....

I will write some more here - in a while.

Sorry, Sir, I dont know what you are referring to....

Can you please elaborate ?

bhagwan69 said:

However, I also appreciate music - although I may never have accepted it or talked about it in public;;;

For me, the audio set up has to be like a 'I am there' experiance. This has happened to me very rarely - surely not @ home [in my set up] but in Munich 2009. Hi Fi Deluxe Show. Marten Momento + Lyra + The Lars. This 'transported' me to the 'venue' ! This is a very very 'rare' phenomenon...may never happen again, but that is what I 'life' for in the 'audiophile' world...

Ok, Sir, that is 1 point. Request atleast 1 more point on what floats yr boat !

bhagwan promised:

I will write some more here - in a while.

Looking forward to your detailed post... Thanks
#29 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 13:46

Arj schrieb:

SUB_BOSS1 schrieb:

Anyway I don't call myself an audiophile too if the requirement is to be perfect -

well if you can understand at a component level what each is doing and what changing any will do. and you are able to understand as to what you are looking for in the music, then you are an Audiophile
now what "floats your boat"..is "your own thing" . as is mentioned in the theme of the conversation.

We seem to be seeing you after quite a long time !..how have things been in the audio front ?

Hmm Arj, if that explains audiophile then I agree it is a continous process to maintain the audiophile degree..
Abhi qualifies for being a forerunner here...
Audiophile or not again each has his own definition. .

On audio front just cleaning off months of dust from audio set up and dusting off memories to reach old fellow philes here.. Cheers to that

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS1 am 17. Dez 2009, 13:48 bearbeitet]
#30 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 21:08
Just as there should be No Gurus to tell you what should "Float Your Boat'...

Dont let ANYONE ELSE tell you if you are an audiophile or not. YOU are the Guru to decide that too... it all comes from the INSIDE !

If you you feel you are an audiophile ... You ARE

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 17. Dez 2009, 21:09 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 05:58

Bhagwan, you have been a bit of a tease... giving only a LITTLE, info, and promising more !

bhagwan69 said:

Basically when I wear hat 'a' I scrutanise audio gear;
Music is a medium for me [in this mode i.e.]

I look for a lot of 'audiophilic' terms - more like what you would read in a audio magazine.
I am there - only to assess the performance of the audio gear I am listening to. My intent is to place the particular set up in a 'slot' [kind of like a points ladder]
I also evaluate audio gear in its price to performance category - sometimes.

1 small thing where I differ from most of your opinions related to sound stage. To me 'ss' is a function of set up & room & materials & surfaces.
I will address this issue in a different point...[sorry A.N. - I do not want to drift]
#32 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 06:06

Ok, Sir, that is 1 point. Request atleast 1 more point on what floats yr boat !

bhagwan promised:

I will write some more here - in a while.

Looking forward to your detailed post... Thanks

Most things in an audio set up can be 'altered' [do not hold me word to word here]; However, the only that cannot be changed is the 'tone'
This to me is the most important thing.
Any audio set up I listen to must be true to tone... Tane is what I have a reference in my mind to what I listen to in NCPA or @ other classical music halls where I hear un amplifier & un miked musical performances. The instruments are in their 'bare' & 'natural' feel & flow. That to me is the tone. I need to get as close to that tone.
The performance can never be replaced by a hi end set up - I have many points of view on whay that cannot happen = again on a different thread - or this will get hijacked...[sorry A.N.]
Basically a violin should sound like a violin regardless where it is player !!

The other thing I loook for in an audio set up is 'synergy'
This could be inter component & set up / room etc. No one should try and be 'better' than the other & no one should try and 'fight' the other. The hand over must be 'seamless' & each should be happy with the others presence in that chain....

Will write more in a bit...

#33 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 07:08
Sir you cannot give droplets of cold refreshing liquid to parched throats and expect them to be happy.
At least 1 Mug please (Pitcher would be the most helpful)
#34 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 07:47
@ Bhagwan
I think this is something that we share in common. Tone and bare and natural feel to the reproduced sound.

I am completely in agreement with you regarding the soundstage. It is a factor of room acoustics and speaker/listener placement. Only the "body" and "tone" of the individual sound is affected by the gear. But some well designed gear can help focus the individual images without any bloating/smudginess. The images stay sharp and crisp.
#35 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 08:57
Bhagwan 69 said:

1 small thing where I differ from most of your opinions related to sound stage. To me 'ss' is a function of set up & room & materials & surfaces.
I will address this issue in a different point...[sorry A.N. - I do not want to drift]

Sir, PLEASE go ahead and address what you have on your mind in this thread. Will make good reading, Im sure.

On the same topic, (Soundstaging being a function of set up, not equipment ) square_wave said :

I am completely in agreement with you regarding the soundstage. It is a factor of room acoustics and speaker/listener placemen

Actaully, this point was stated first (in this thread) by Shahrukh when he said :

I think spatial soundstage/imaging is more a placement aspect than a "system" aspect.

I agree with all you 3 gentlemen. Soundstaging IS mainly a function of placement. I have got nice sound staging from Desktop computer speakers !

My question original question was :

Name (NOT More Than) 2 aspects that 'Floats Your Boat' in Audiophile reproduction.

I was referring to the reproduction, not just hardware. The reproduction is significantly affected by the room, placement, tweaks etc.

My question is mainly to understand, what are each of our priorities in setting up our stereo systems, in terms of the final sound in the listening seat.

To that extent, tone too is partly dependent on the room and speaker positioning. I dont listen to classical music, so dont feel compelled to pursue tone. (what is the true tone of an electric guitar )

Even when 'correct', IMHO the 'correct' tone is achieved for a VERY limited freq range, eg the Violin tone may be accurate but a Double bass may be reproduced far from accurately, by the same system. ... I have rarely heard 'simple' applause being reproduced well, from most 'tonally accurate' systems.
#36 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 09:02

I have rarely heard 'simple' applause being reproduced well, from most 'tonally accurate' systems.

This is true;
However, my feeling is that the applause is never captured by the mic correctly & hence the speaker cannot reproduce it.
The speaker will only play what it has been fed. The mic never picked up the applause - so it never went to the recorder & therefore never got to the CD or LP & therefore you never hear it [correctly] !!

#37 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 09:08

Arj schrieb:
Sir you cannot give droplets of cold refreshing liquid to parched throats and expect them to be happy.
At least 1 Mug please (Pitcher would be the most helpful) :prost

The 2 [may be more] things I look for in a audio set up are :-


Instrument [artist] Seperation

Bass 'articulation' [quality & quantity]

Voice & instrument 'tone' [yes A.N. an electric guitar does not have a 'fixed' tone] !

Smooth / Effortless playback - non edgy - synergestic [components working with one another]
#38 erstellt: 18. Dez 2009, 09:16
This has been a Lovely, active thread, with LOTS of feedback. My sincere Thanks to all that have responded .

May I alos request other forum readers such as Switch-it-On and SBFX to share their views / priorities ?

Since so much has been said, I would like to simply restate my earlier questions for this thread:

1. Name (NOT More Than) 2 aspects that 'Floats Your Boat' in Audiophile reproduction. I presume that these are the 2 points you pursue ( but may or may not achieve) in your own system.

As an indicative List, the aspects could be:
Tone, Rhythm, Spatial Imaging, SLAM, Power and sheer decibel level, fluidity, reproduction of female voice... etc, etc

2. Would be great to also hear why you have prioritised these 2 aspects.

Not many have responded to Question # 2...

Bhagwan69, yr feedback on Q-2 please ?

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 18. Dez 2009, 09:19 bearbeitet]
#39 erstellt: 12. Jul 2010, 13:37

bhagwan69 schrieb:
Hello A.N. !
Nice thread;

If you complimented me in your opening - I would like to thank you for it;
I stand by what you said. To Each His Own !
That is the punch line....

I will try and put down what floats my boat !
Actually there are 2 hats I wear here;
a] Audiophile
b] Music appreciator

Most people know mw as 'a' !
I am an audiophile & I do take this hobby of mine - some what seriously....

When I wear that hat - most of the time - I am like a surgeon [butcher is a better word] - I will cut & slice & dice audio equipment & set ups. What I look for here is rather common & all know what that is.....

However, I also appreciate music - although I may never have accepted it or talked about it in public;;;

For me, the audio set up has to be like a 'I am there' experiance. This has happened to me very rarely - surely not @ home [in my set up] but in Munich 2009. Hi Fi Deluxe Show. Marten Momento + Lyra + The Lars. This 'transported' me to the 'venue' ! This is a very very 'rare' phenomenon...may never happen again, but that is what I 'life' for in the 'audiophile' world...

I will write some more here - in a while.


Dear Bhagwan with all due respect the one part you did not add about the setup, which no other setup has ever done,
is to dilate or bend time, if you will allow such a description. I leave it to you to elaborate.
#40 erstellt: 13. Jul 2010, 02:34
'deaf' what more is to say;
We shall experience it soon in sbfx's house;
15 days more.
All can come & experience it for them selves...
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