Gehe zu Seite: Erste 2 Letzte |nächste|
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1. Neutral with emphasis on mids (6.7 %, 1 Stimmen)
2. Neutral with emphasis on highs (6.7 %, 1 Stimmen)
3. Neutral with emphasis on bass (20 %, 3 Stimmen)
4. Neutral with emphasis on all three (6.7 %, 1 Stimmen)
5. Almost close to neutral with upfront sound (6.7 %, 1 Stimmen)
6. Almost close to neutral with laid back sound (53.3 %, 8 Stimmen)
(Die Umfrage ist beendet)

Your signature

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:09
Dear All,

I agree most of us yearn for natural sound or atleast end up in the process trying to have. But in the journey what we hear is diffrent from natural and there is always some deviation. Please vote as to with what kind of natural sound with colouration you can live with.( I assume atleast it is impossible to get neutral and natural sound ).

Do please write about your views.


[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Dez 2006, 06:45 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 17:01
Sorry buddy, find it very difficult to vote here because frankly speaking, I am yet to hear a good sounding "neutral" setup. Though I have heard a few natural sounding setups...but I guess neutral sounding and natural sounding are two different things all together. Hence I would rather not vote hastily.
#3 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 06:35
have voted for the last one but what i'd really like is a system that brings out the essence of what the artist intended to convey. brute raw teen spirit, gentle strumming as if he's all alone, a band playing like they're feeding off each other like purple's famous interplays betweeen blackmore and jon lord. if you play an instrument you'll have a fair idea of what instruments sound like and how notes are sustained, plucked, strummed... the small things. i prefer a system which gives me that. a sense of coherence not just good treble good mid good bass coming together as discernably separate parts to the ear like all the systems i have heard to date.
#4 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 08:35
After a brief discussion with sub_boss on this thread, I have voted the last one as well.
I would have prefered the phrase "Neutral sounding with some warmth", but didnt find that option hence voted for the closest match..
#5 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 07:01
Need to add one more category.Neutral without being impressive.
I'll take that.
#6 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 08:06
I prefer the 'fully coloured' path.

Flavoured & how !

Neutral is bland !
#7 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 08:15
bhagwan69 schrieb:
I prefer the 'fully coloured' path.

Flavoured & how !

Neutral is bland !

Why do you always look at audio as if your are looking at Latin women dude?Asses are different from audio,where nuetral bass is more difficult than rounded base.Bass and BASE are different.
PS:Just joking dude.
#8 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 13:28
I have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.


#9 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 13:40

sbfx schrieb:
I have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.



Listen to the man, he knows, as he has travelled the rarely treaded path.It gives me great joy when someone speaks wisely.
#10 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 13:59

Listen to the man, he knows, as he has travelled the rarely treaded path.It gives me great joy when someone speaks wisely.

Deaf .....Why not a share some pearls of wisdom from your Dicktionary..

I have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.



Speaking of category on complete neutral, I reiteratae my first post in this thread here :

I assume atleast it is impossible to get neutral and natural sound ).

Hope satyam I made it clear...

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 06. Dez 2006, 14:00 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#11 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:12

have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.

Very well said Satyam
#12 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:13
Well a neutral system with natural sounding recording give a pretty natural perspective to the proceedings.I will just add to what Satyam says, neutral without adding anything tonally is very difficult to acheive.Can't explain it,just listen to a setup which delivers the goods neutrally.
#13 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:20

Well a neutral system with natural sounding recording give a pretty natural perspective to the proceedings.I will just add to what Satyam says, neutral without adding anything tonally is very difficult to acheive.Can't explain it,just listen to a setup which delivers the goods neutrally.

Agreed.... Almost like trying to get a babe with perfect everything, but contented with most.
#14 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:29
I agree with Deaf and Sbfx... dont listen to stones rattling in the box subboss. There are very very few systems like what i have recently auditioned the Satyams system with Manga drivers...the music is where its supposed to be.

#15 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:47
OOOps Sonic you are I missed you. Hows your market study for Hifi in Mumbai going on... Still hanging on with information on SoundSmiths or did you manage to go ahead,...

Pity you. I wonder how this dude can keep himself busy.

I agree with Deaf and Sbfx...

Do you agree... good for you!

dont listen to stones rattling in the box subboss

Hmmm you seem to bite more than what you can swallow.... What makes you think in first place that I listen to stones ratlling in a box..Music is subjective dude and thats the reason there's no benchmark set up in the world... choose accordingly.. Dude first get your speakers out in market before you talk big.. I'm eager to listen to your Proac clones.

Satyams system with Manga drivers

manga drivers...

I always take your spellings with a sack of salt...
Fine but I suggested long long ago....eons ago to correct things in your profile....

See what it reads

Other hobbies: builiding highend systems

Oh you do bulling highend systems right..and it doen't take people to understand your bulling skills...

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 06. Dez 2006, 14:57 bearbeitet]
#16 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:55
Manger drivers.Neutral systems are not boring,infact they very little of anything.They only transalate what is on the disc,if the 5" silver has emotion in its pits, you will hear it, if not you won't.Let the system act with leaving as little a sonic fingerprint as possible and let the music take over you.That according to me is what a neutral system does, deliver naturally.
#17 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:58

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

Satyams system with Manga drivers

manga drivers... :?

SUB_BOSS, he means Manger drivers. That German company making those star-shaped drivers that sonically resemble ribbon drivers (closest analogy I could come up with).
#18 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 14:59

SUB_BOSS, he means Manger drivers. That German company making those star-shaped drivers that sonically resemble ribbon drivers (closest analogy I could come up with).

Thanks Bombaywalla... I knew it but our resident star speaker designer can't afford this wrong..In fact I would love to own a pair of mangas...aarggh Mangers.
#19 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 15:01

Manger drivers.Neutral systems are not boring,infact they very little of anything.They only transalate what is on the disc,if the 5" silver has emotion in its pits, you will hear it, if not you won't.Let the system act with leaving as little a sonic fingerprint as possible and let the music take over you.That according to me is what a neutral system does, deliver naturally.

SUB_BOSS'S DIKTIONARY : Pucking Ferfect explaination
#20 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 15:04

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

SUB_BOSS, he means Manger drivers. That German company making those star-shaped drivers that sonically resemble ribbon drivers (closest analogy I could come up with).

Thanks Bombaywalla... I knew it but our resident star speaker designer can't afford this wrong..In fact I would love to own a pair of mangas...aarggh Mangers. :D

Anytime you want a pair dude,just tell me.I'll do a cracker of a deal forb you.Forum member e..espechial price.
#21 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 15:09

deaf schrieb:
Well a neutral system with natural sounding recording give a pretty natural perspective to the proceedings.I will just add to what Satyam says, neutral without adding anything tonally is very difficult to acheive.Can't explain it,just listen to a setup which delivers the goods neutrally.

deaf schrieb:
Manger drivers.Neutral systems are not boring,infact they very little of anything.They only transalate what is on the disc,if the 5" silver has emotion in its pits, you will hear it, if not you won't.Let the system act with leaving as little a sonic fingerprint as possible and let the music take over you.That according to me is what a neutral system does, deliver naturally.

I'm with Deaf & Sbfx on this matter - "neutral with emphasis on no part of the audio spectrum".

I've always believed & still do that the most accurate system is the most musical system.
The reason is that the system leaves very small signature of itself on the music, which is a very good thing in my books.
So, systems that are like water are my favourite - like water they have no shape or form. They take on the shape/form of the music & like chameleons change their colour depending on the programme material.
when I hear such a system, the designer(s) of that system has(have) "arrived".
#22 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 15:11
SUB_BOSS'S DIKTIONARY : Pucking Ferfect explaination[/quote]

SUB_BOSS'S DIKTIONARY is really colourful, and not at all boring.Neutrality?What the puck is that?
#23 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 16:51
for me the choice in none of the above !!!

I think i could boil down to preferring my systems warm sounding and upfront (as per my latest updated status !)on most recordings (including the screechy cds with "hepped" treble)

for me neutrality has always been an enigma to personally understand and implement . although I have listened to couple systems which were defined as neutral, and i definitely would not categorize them as boring they were pretty enjoyable especially when playing in vocals.
#24 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 20:49

Speaking of category on complete neutral, I reiteratae my first post in this thread here :

[quote] I assume atleast it is impossible to get neutral and natural sound ).

Hope satyam I made it clear... [/quote]


I think it is very possible to have a neutral and a natrual sounding setup its not natrual sounding then its not neutral in the first place or something is really off with the recording, Its difficult to express it here online in words.

Whenever you are in mumbai you are most welcome for a listen.


#25 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 05:20

I have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.



Listen to the man, he knows, as he has travelled the rarely treaded path.It gives me great joy when someone speaks wisely.

Well a neutral system with natural sounding recording give a pretty natural perspective to the proceedings.I will just add to what Satyam says, neutral without adding anything tonally is very difficult to acheive.Can't explain it,just listen to a setup which delivers the goods neutrally.

I agree with Deaf and Sbfx... dont listen to stones rattling in the box subboss. There are very very few systems like what i have recently auditioned the Satyams system with Manga drivers...the music is where its supposed to be.


Manger drivers.Neutral systems are not boring,infact they very little of anything.They only transalate what is on the disc,if the 5" silver has emotion in its pits, you will hear it, if not you won't.Let the system act with leaving as little a sonic fingerprint as possible and let the music take over you.That according to me is what a neutral system does, deliver naturally.

I'm with Deaf & Sbfx on this matter - "neutral with emphasis on no part of the audio spectrum".

I've always believed & still do that the most accurate system is the most musical system.
The reason is that the system leaves very small signature of itself on the music, which is a very good thing in my books.
So, systems that are like water are my favourite - like water they have no shape or form. They take on the shape/form of the music & like chameleons change their colour depending on the programme material.
when I hear such a system, the designer(s) of that system has(have) "arrived".

Instead of Patronizing a neutral setup or people who own neutral setups....could we actually stick to the topic and make some contributions towards what Sub_Boss had really intended in this thread ?

At the beginning of the thread sub has made it clear that Genuinely neutral systems are very expensive and most of us do not have the luxury to own them. Thats the reason he has listed out some compromises that could be associated with a system which is NOT completely neutral and which is what most of us can afford.
Now we just have to dig into ourselves and analyze what kind of compromise can we live with (if it is mandatory to live with one). That would be something more interesting and enlightening than just stating "Neutral is best".

No offence meant buddies...just that I felt the thread loosing its relevance hence...
#26 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 07:01

for me the choice in none of the above !!!

I think i could boil down to preferring my systems warm sounding and upfront (as per my latest updated status !)on most recordings (including the screechy cds with "hepped" treble)

for me neutrality has always been an enigma to personally understand and implement . although I have listened to couple systems which were defined as neutral, and i definitely would not categorize them as boring they were pretty enjoyable especially when playing in vocals.

Arj i do agree that not all have the choices they prefer in the poll and I understand that Sugden is warm but upfront??Is it your JM labs.

Anytime you want a pair dude,just tell me.I'll do a cracker of a deal forb you.Forum member e..espechial price.

Wow.. thanks for your offer

I think it is very possible to have a neutral and a natrual sounding setup its not natrual sounding then its not neutral in the first place or something is really off with the recording, Its difficult to express it here online in words.

Whenever you are in mumbai you are most welcome for a listen.

Thanks for your offer and loking forward for a listen..
#27 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 08:18

sbfx schrieb:
I have not voted yet as I would like to have a category Neutral with emphasis on nothing on the spectrum seamless across the board, I agree with bhagwan that neutral is bland and good colored systems are very enjoyable.

A very neutral setup is a very serious (for the lack of a better term/word) which everyone cant digest on the other hand a colored setup is FUN!! and more widely accepted but a neutral is very diff to achieve.



Forget what is difficult to achieve;
If it is 'coloured' it is 'fun'
I am a fun loving person.

The music should make me tap my toes, if the set up can make be do that, boy it has arrived.

Neutral is like a beef steak - without a flavour and a sauce the 'kobe' steak' too will not be edible.
While a 'good' undercut from down under [Australia / New Zealand] with a wonderful pepper sauce & that makes for a wonderful meal !

SO flavour is a must, neutral is too cold for me to enjoy, a nice rich representation - full and flushed out & i shall begin to have a nice time.

Cheers !!

#28 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 08:20
Abhi, guys, is it really not poss to have a neutral/natural sounding rig without having to sell your house/ass ?
I have heard Jagjit live, unamplified , in a baithak( small, private concert).
I have also heard a very well mastered recording (ADD) of Jagjit thru Lyritas Valve amp/single driver speakers(-cost, around 50-60 K) recently.
I was startingly reminded of the realism/immediacy experienced in the baithak.
Maybe there are other exceptions also to the Hi Neutrality:Hi Cost equation.
Can others also recount such experiences with a low cost system?

[Beitrag von Kamal am 07. Dez 2006, 08:21 bearbeitet]
#29 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 08:26

At the beginning of the thread sub has made it clear that Genuinely neutral systems are very expensive and most of us [b]do not have the luxury to own them.[/b] Thats the reason he has listed out some compromises that could be associated with a system which is NOT completely neutral and which is what most of us can afford.
Now we just have to dig into ourselves and analyze what kind of compromise can we live with (if it is mandatory to live with one). That would be something more interesting and enlightening than just stating "Neutral is best".

No offence meant buddies...just that I felt the thread loosing its relevance hence...[/quote]

No one ever said 'Neutral is Best'
I have been opposing it for a very very long time, so please sir, do not generalise;

I am full scale advicator of 'colour' or 'house sound'

I just want to comment on one point, i.e. what I have high lighted. This pertains to 'affording a high end set up'
Buying a set up is a function of a mind set & not about the money. We all have some money, the question is what do you want to spend out of it. Where is audio on your list of priorities ? Do you like to spend on a car [say 5 to 10 lacs] or spend the same on an audio set up. One is parked on the road & the other is in front of your eyes in a safe environment and provides a lot of pleasure and soothes you when ever you use it ! Cars also always a pain - with the traffic and the cabs etc.

Audio has to become our priority, then how we appreciate and enjoy it is very personal.
#30 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 08:32

Neutral is like a beef steak - without a flavour and a sauce the 'kobe' steak' too will not be edible.
While a 'good' undercut from down under [Australia / New Zealand] with a wonderful pepper sauce & that makes for a wonderful meal !

S-L-U-U-U-R-P !
But when I hear a violin, I want to hear a violin, not a violin in a box-I trust the violin players' virtuosity to hold me spell bound, without a sauce added by a box.
That is why unamplified baithaks are so entrancing.
Anything that can come nearest to those.....
#31 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:00

No one ever said 'Neutral is Best'
I have been opposing it for a very very long time, so please sir, do not generalise;

My dear friend, if you look at my long post and the statements I have quoted, none of them are your statements...hence please do not conclude that I was blindly generalizing.
I know you have already expressed how colorful you are..
#32 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:08

Buying a set up is a function of a mind set & not about the money. We all have some money, the question is what do you want to spend out of it. Where is audio on your list of priorities ?

I agree with this whole-heartedly. I have seen people who buy expensive systems but with a lot of pain in their thats not the passion we are talking about. If you are unable to spend money passionately enough on audio gear (even if you have money) then definitely you cannot afford that piece of audio gear.

But otherwise, high-end audio is expensive and only mindset cannot help you buy whatever you want. You need money, and not everyone is optimistic enough that someday he will have that kind of money (to spare) even if he has the mind-set . For them this discussion makes a lot of sense.
#33 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:12

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

Arj i do agree that not all have the choices they prefer in the poll and I understand that Sugden is warm but upfront??Is it your JM labs.

the sugdens are warmish in tone but they do not play around with the presentation in anyway..and the JM reynauds (not labs) are pretty immediate and upfront but not at the expense of being bright

so they do work quite well with me
#34 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:17

I have heard Jagjit live, unamplified , in a baithak( small, private concert).
I have also heard a very well mastered recording (ADD) of Jagjit thru Lyritas Valve amp/single driver speakers(-cost, around 50-60 K) recently.
I was startingly reminded of the realism/immediacy experienced in the baithak.
Maybe there are other exceptions also to the Hi Neutrality:Hi Cost equation.

Kamal Buddy,
What you have experienced is definitely possible. You could have realized the same realism with Lyritas and thats a great sign about the brand. But the point is can you get the same kind of realism for genres of music from the same gear? Most gears do well with particular genres and when you listen to those genres on those systems you would be mesmeraized by the realism, but as soon as you put other mis-matching or not-that-well-matching genres, you would see they perform kind of good, but not all that great....a stark neutral system would do well with any genre of music, and would totally depend on the material on the CD. If the recording is good then you are mesmarized else you are genre dependency at all.
#35 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:25
Kamal, you have described a perfectly musical system.

Our audio memory is very very short and it is very difficult to compare two sounds heard apart.

From what i have understood, the only way to compare on neutrality by 1:1 comparison ie you need to already have a perfectly neutral system. and in a neutral system there are no cancelling outs ie every component is neutral.

then you replace one component at a time and compare.

then there are folks who know the sound of a type of a type and brand of a instrument so well since they hear it so many times that they are able to notice any changes in tonality. (to my ears i am unable to distinguish between even brands of instruments !)

my idea here is not to say that lyrita components are not neutral, but just that judging neutrality by pure ears on a once heard sound is not very reliable..

although the realism and immediacy is something which just "feels" right and you know when you have the musicality right.
#36 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:53
Dear Abhi_Pani,
The choices given defy the concept of neutral, with no offence to Sub_Boss please.As Satyam says, go to his place and hear it,as putting it in words is difficult.

With regards to fun, might as well go the whole hog and do a wonderfully coloured setup, instead of systems which try to do neutrality and end up falling flat, as they are neither here nor there.The emotion has to be conveyed truthfully.
I want Peter Gabriel's grim songs to sound grim, because as a master producer he uses music to convey a social or real life issue.A grim topic sounding beautiful or fun is a little unacceptable to me as a serious music lover.Or Beethoven's Fur Elise,a beautiful but sad piece of piano music,I want to hear not only the beauty, but feel part of the pain Beethoven is trying to express, upon losing a 8 year old young girl who was like a daughter to him.Only a neutral setup will convey a true pianist's ability to understand Beethoven's pain,which is what we too are trying to understand and be a part of, in the language of music.Emotions are conveyed by the composer via his composition,the performer via his interpretation, and deciphered by us hopefully as true to its original intention as possible.That is true audio.
Big lengthy post.I apologise.
#37 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 09:59

The choices given defy the concept of neutral, with no offence to Sub_Boss please.

Hi Deaf,
Are you saying a system cannot be 85% neutral ? I know what you mean when you say stark neutral....but is it not possible that the system is a bit colored but still a long way neutral ????
#38 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 10:34
Dear Abhi
I realise what you are trying to say,however neutrality is neutrality.Close to neutral has other explanations,analytical,
musically correct, detailed etc etc.I keep saying, hear a truly neutral setup, and the only word that will come to mind is neutral.
#39 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 10:46

Dear Abhi
I realise what you are trying to say,however neutrality is neutrality.Close to neutral has other explanations,analytical,
musically correct, detailed etc etc.I keep saying, hear a truly neutral setup, and the only word that will come to mind is neutral.

Than what about set up's close to neutral with coloration..
Any words in your DICKTIONARY..or rather neutral DICK...arrgh DICKTIONARY...oops does neutral here mean something else.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 07. Dez 2006, 10:54 bearbeitet]
#40 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 11:26
Yup it does
Deaf Dicksionary
Coloured Sound:Where some aspect of sound e.g Sub boss...oops
bass, is out of sync with the rest of the spectrum. ;).
Always glad to help with the neutral dick.....err dicksionary.
#41 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 11:35
This seems to be getting a little ugly;
I may be wrong, but I am out of here.

My colour and me are going to eat a nice big juicy steak - with pepper sauce, will be buffalo meat in all probability, but none the less !!

Sorry guys, but try and chill.
#42 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 12:06
You're right,it does seem to.Sorry guys.
#43 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 12:15

Yup it does
Deaf Dicksionary
Coloured Sound:Where some aspect of sound e.g Sub boss...oops
bass, is out of sync with the rest of the spectrum. .
Always glad to help with the neutral dick.....err dicksionary.

lets keep our dicks....err dicksionaries aside for a while..
Bhagwan enjoy your colored steak

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 07. Dez 2006, 12:40 bearbeitet]
#44 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 13:07

bhagwan69 schrieb:
This seems to be getting a little ugly;
I may be wrong, but I am out of here.

My colour and me are going to eat a nice big juicy steak - with pepper sauce, will be buffalo meat in all probability, but none the less !!

Sorry guys, but try and chill. :L

I suppose there is nothing ugly going on...
It is just another discussion between Neutral Vs Colored sound.

The point is:

Dear Abhi
I realise what you are trying to say,however neutrality is neutrality.Close to neutral has other explanations,analytical,
musically correct, detailed etc etc.I keep saying, hear a truly neutral setup, and the only word that will come to mind is neutral.

I agree that Neutral is something that has to be heard to be believed....but the point here is, if you cant afford that kind of a neutral sounding setup then whats your next choice? What is the compromise/coloration that you can live with most comfortably ? Am I right SUB_BOSS ?
#45 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 14:30

What is the compromise/coloration that you can live with most comfortably ? Am I right SUB_BOSS ?

Right Sir
#46 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 18:03
Arj, I am a long standing fan of Jagjits'.I had heard his recorded music many times before the concert and thereafter;
therefore, i speak with some experience.
A 1:1 comparison would only have been poss if I could convince Jagjit to sing & alongside, played back his CD!
Musical memory, if you are very familiar with the artist/tracks, is not so short; else, how can anyone judge any eqpt as being neutral/not so neutral?Surely , no audiophile/critic has ever been able to compare a live unamplified performance simultaneously reproduced thru a sytem?
When we audition a system, do we not play very familiar CDs/Tracks in order to get a feel abt its capabilities?and do we not rely on our "musical memory" to compare?
Abhi, a neutral/near neutral system will playback ALL genres equally! Whether it sounds real/musical or not will then depend on the quality of the recording/virtuosity of the musician!
Right? Right!
When Stevie gets his speakers too,plz take along all the genres you possess for a listening session and then plz give your opinion abt this, to my mind, neutral sounding rig at a reasonable cost.

[Beitrag von Kamal am 07. Dez 2006, 18:05 bearbeitet]
#47 erstellt: 07. Dez 2006, 18:29

Abhi, a neutral/near neutral system will playback ALL genres equally! Whether it sounds real/musical or not will then depend on the quality of the recording/virtuosity of the musician!
Right? Right!

Right sir...

When Stevie gets his speakers too,plz take along all the genres you possess for a listening session and then plz give your opinion abt this, to my mind, neutral sounding rig at a reasonable cost.

I would certainly put in my views Kamal, you wont even need to remind me again...I am eagerly waiting for the session..
#48 erstellt: 08. Dez 2006, 06:25
I think a reasonably neutral sounding setup(where no part of the audio spectrum overshadows the other),can be bought for sensible money.Therefore I see no reason for any issue.
#49 erstellt: 08. Dez 2006, 06:27

deaf schrieb:
I think a reasonably neutral sounding setup(where no part of the audio spectrum overshadows the other),can be bought for sensible money.Therefore I see no reason for any issue.

Sensible money bole toh how much ?? 4-5 Lacs ?
#50 erstellt: 08. Dez 2006, 06:36
About 1.5-1.75 lacs.
#51 erstellt: 08. Dez 2006, 06:41
Buddy, it would be really helpful if you could bring out a small list of setups in that budget which are reasonably neutral in your opinion. Please put the speaker + Amp combo along with their prices.

Gehe zu Seite: Erste 2 Letzte |nächste|
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