
+A -A
#1 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 14:25
As per my posting in another thread audiophile according to dictionary means :

a person who is especially interested in high-fidelity sound reproduction.

Period. Why are people going gaga over this word and forgetting music in the process. I see auditions, reviews, discussions are a means to achieve it. But never let all this take centre stage. Get the best out of your set up first before considering upgrade and let the ego pass. Tech jargons are good but extreme is boring and makes one yawn. it's funny to se how Google has made every mediocre person a expert but don't waste time by getting too technical. I bet all this can never solve your hifi problems as they are bound to exist. Let it be and enjoy music. It reminds of one buys car and chooses to drive on few roads with lots of importance for everything than driving. I guess we all are doing the same - enjoy the drive first and forget how your air filter sucks air.

I ROFL when I hear the term Senior audiophiles..WTF just listening to more components makes one a champion. Two set up's can be judged only when they are in the same room with same music and judging a system in two difrent environments is baseless. If I come across someone boasting of listening experiences like this I give them a wide berth.

I agree there are some who are good at evaluating systems with experience and I respect them, but senior audiophile sounds funny to me. I feel I’m the right person to evaluate system for my needs and any influences can't change my thinking. Remember no set up is perfect and every component has it's signature, so find what suits you right and pick it up.Don't waste time licking backs of so calle daudiophiles to get a feedbacl biaaed in his own sense.

Upgrade bug is another lousy term and coined by greedy dealers to lure almost settled audiophiles to sell their well matched set up's and go for foolery of spending to match components. when all is right why upgrade. It's hilarious I see people attain their system synergy after long research and sell it off to buy something else to start off from scratch. Inbuilt upgrade bug is seen in some people who upgrade everything from latest cars to cell phones to fashion. Just upgrade on audio sounds suspicious to me.
#2 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 15:12

if you think about it and go through the forum over past months, you'll see that the wiser people are the ones who get in, learn, set up their systems and then we don't see them here.

why do you think there are a max of around 10 guys active here? think bout it.

no offence to anyone online, but it really is true that the same boring points get discussed ad nauseum.

those who want to discuss will discuss endlessly. those who want to balance learning with listening and enjoying music will do so. why so many pointless discussions on trying to justify one's point of view?

i prefer the term snobauphile

to date, excepting kamal's review of viren's rig, i have not come across a review or a point of view of a system that reviews the impact of the music on the person. only the 'soundstage' depth, height etc...

one goes to a rock concert to get a kick. one goes to a classical concert to be moved at the unity of so many instruments creating such a complex tapestry. one attends a jazz concert to marvel at the improvisation and fluidity. is this not true?

sadly no one even notes these things when reviewing a system they've heard. yes, if you are an equipment nut, so be it. but is no one interested in the music? is everyone an equipment nut here? i dont think so. i think the guys entering the field get misled by those who keep harping on soundstage depth height without talking bout how well the system brought out the essence of what the artist was trying to communicate. and the newbies think that that's all there is to a good system.

even professional reviews for that matter discuss these things. maybe its a good selling point, and easily relatable to. almost like a check list that one can calculatingly tick off and then go home with the perfect system.

as always, a disclaimer. this is my point of view. and i respect yours, whatever it is. but listen to the music! the music!
#3 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 15:32

if you think about it and go through the forum over past months, you'll see that the wiser people are the ones who get in, learn, set up their systems and then we don't see them here.

Thanks for the compliment.

My discussion was how time and energy is wasted in talking about things which will distance you further form enjoying your music. It's like endlessly discussing the perfect beauty and be a critic when you meet your dame. This can't happen so enjoy music with what best you have. Made me red when someone comes home and instead of enjoying music pops his ear and tries to point out all negatives.. bugger appreciate the +'ve's and enjoy music. Even the best system if there exists any will have same amount of -ve factors if auditioned.

Life is short and audiophilia is long and you can haunt people as a audiophile ghost after you are dead. . Make the best of every session and enjoy music.

those who want to discuss will discuss endlessly. those who want to balance learning with listening and enjoying music will do so. why so many pointless discussions on trying to justify one's point of view?

Yes but the fact is nobody wants to learn , but put his point of view in a forceful manner.

whatever it is. but listen to the music! the music!

Thats what I have been shouting thru this thread.

as always, a disclaimer. this is my point of view. and i respect yours,

You are entiltled to your point of view and two if accompanied by beer.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 01. Dez 2006, 15:36 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 15:47

Life is short and audiophilia is long and you can haunt people as a audiophile ghost after you are dead.

if you're an 'audiophile' ghost you'd be 'transparent' and thus pretty ineffective as a ghost
#5 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 16:05

if you're an 'audiophile' ghost you'd be 'transparent' and thus pretty ineffective as a ghost

Should ask Abhi as he has some juicy stories about ghosts
#6 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 17:04

stevieboy schrieb:

if you think about it and go through the forum over past months, you'll see that the wiser people are the ones who get in, learn, set up their systems and then we don't see them here.

Rather saddening to see this statement.

to me this defeats the very purpose of the forum..if every "audiophile" sets his system and then logs out never to come back doubt if this forum will ever continue.

how many people have contributed to teh technical or the audiophile aspects of thisngs other than some of theose very senior folks whom you have targetted ?

if everyone is just going to put a review of the setups you have seen not sure of how many topics you will get ? how many members will we finally have ?

while it is folks like kamal/sanjay who create the enthusiasm, it is folks like amp-nut, bhagwan,sivat, screamingigi, viren etc as well as abhi , sachi,square_wave etc who either provide the spark for the enthusiasm and and answers to many questions sometimes so basic for them.

And there was some "devil" character who used to come in only to disparage indian distributers.. at least he provided comic relief on hindsight

aanyways that was just a personal opinion and expectation and everybody is free to thouroughly disagree.
maybe thats why i see myself spending less and less time here in this forum

[Beitrag von Arj am 01. Dez 2006, 17:11 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 17:28

maybe thats why i see myself spending less and less time here in this forum

MAybe you see me even less here..A'm I here or is it my illusion...

And there was some "devil" character who used to come in only to disparage indian distributers.. at least he provided comic relief on hindsight

hey it was hilarious, but at the cost of someone's business is we shouldn't forget. I feel sad about whole episode.

to me this defeats the very purpose of the forum..if every "audiophile" sets his system and then logs out never to come back doubt if this forum will ever continue.

Steve I hope you made this statement from a person's point of view and Arj is defending from forum's point of view.. Let's call this off. Peace out.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 01. Dez 2006, 17:30 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 20:31

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

if you're an 'audiophile' ghost you'd be 'transparent' and thus pretty ineffective as a ghost

Should ask Abhi as he has some juicy stories about ghosts

I have some juicy stories about Snakes...
#9 erstellt: 01. Dez 2006, 20:47

if you think about it and go through the forum over past months, you'll see that the wiser people are the ones who get in, learn, set up their systems and then we don't see them here.

I would like to remove the word "Wiser" from your statement...would you mind ?
Buddy, its our own pleasure/interest for which we are active on this forum....we take pleasure in discussing audio while others may not...that doesnt make them any wiser...or does it ??
Our forum do have a lot of tech discussions going as well as it caters to every newbie's noobiest questions. That too its the only Indian audio forum ( is hardly born).
Look at me, I joined this forum to setup an entry level HT (Philips or Sony)...and got totally converted to a pure 2 channel audiophile. It was only after reading and participating in this forum. I suppose many such members would have undergone this conversion process and would have discovered there love for Stereo and it is only because of this lone standing forum and its 20 odd active members. I suppose being an audiophile we should feel proud of having converted a few of our fellow members to serious audiophiles(knowingly or unknowingly).
#10 erstellt: 02. Dez 2006, 08:44
yups i guess wiser doesn't fit there. let me take a shot at redrafting what i wanted to say.

what i wanted to say was there are so many registered members who somehow seem to drop out half way through. to me part of this is cos there are so many repetitive posts. now by repetitive one part is the kind of topics that are discussed. the greater part is people keeping on reemphasising their position and debating the same thing endlessly. why cant we move on to perhaps a more stimulating discussion of viewpoints rather than the same old rehashes? for example, off the cuff, instead of debating whether its better to be an equipment lover or a music lover and getting into one camp proudly, could you if you are a music lover post your experiences? or ask an equipment lover to detail the different equiment he's heard? then the whole discussion goes into a different zone altogether and it becomes interesting! for example, lets take this thread itself. sub instead of a thread that states your point of view, which half the crowd here agree to anyway and has already stated the same thing in different words and instead of yet another definition of audiophile! why dont you in addition have a thread that details your musical experiences? how much more interesting would that be? even i dont do this so dont think i'm pointing fingers i'm not saying dont post the things you do. but how bout going beyond the obvious?

in fact i met one such person who used to be on the forum and logged out saying it was a waste of time. hence my statement. one exception to topic repetitiveness i would think is the question newbies ask. which i think is ok, they are newbies after all. and anyway some good soul always takes the time out to answer.

now the flip side is also true that this forum is plenty fun otherwise i myself wouldn't be here right? so dont get me wrong. am not disparaging. rather i'd like to see this place attract more people rather than only the die hard bunch who are here.

if everyone is just going to put a review of the setups you have seen not sure of how many topics you will get ? how many members will we finally have ?


i totally agree with you. it's my mistake. i was not clear. i love the diversity of posts and everybody contributing.

what pisses me off is some guys who post without any thought even if they don't have first hand knowledge of something or ANY knowledge whatsoever. some of these are positively damaging if they were acted upon. no names here but keen observers will know what i'm talking bout. it's these guys who just post for the heck of being active that gets my goat.

if you really really want to give a suggestion bout something you absolutely dont know anything about at least have the courtesy to say i dont know much bout this but this might help, check it out, research it. arggggggggggh

a question to you guys. why do you think so many guys register and then dont contibute anymore? this isnt a trick question. i think my take above is one of the reasons. what do you guys think?

to me this defeats the very purpose of the forum..if every "audiophile" sets his system and then logs out never to come back doubt if this forum will ever continue.

Steve I hope you made this statement from a person's point of view and Arj is defending from forum's point of view.. Let's call this off. Peace out.

am equally worried bout it, but i think its a fact hence i raised it. yes i made the statement from observation and one live case i met.

thats why i'd love to have the bangalore guys over when my rig arrives. good to bond in person

[Beitrag von stevieboy am 02. Dez 2006, 09:36 bearbeitet]
#11 erstellt: 02. Dez 2006, 09:06
let me just add one more thing. a year and half back i was considering the bose bookshelves. in a month i'll be the proud owner of a valve and single driver set up. the learning here is amazing and i love the patience of guys who took the trouble to answer basic questions. especially that head breaking thread on ohms and physics calculations that bombaywalla, ampnut and others contributed to. heck i've even got a dvd player for free from a very very generous kspv whom i think of every time i open my cabinet to put a dvd into the player.

so if anyone took offence to what i wrote, please don't i hope my last post clarified things. and i'd really love some answers nay a discussion on why so many people join and then drop out. i've posted my point of view. do reply if you'd like to see more people here and contributing.
#12 erstellt: 02. Dez 2006, 10:01

stevieboy schrieb:

so if anyone took offence to what i wrote, please don't

ohh...think you are too late for that Steves..All audiophiles take offence to even the slightest of disagreements.

Goin to hunker down in my trench now..
Ist häufiger hier
#13 erstellt: 03. Dez 2006, 21:40

and i'd really love some answers nay a discussion on why so many people join and then drop out

Isn't it good, if there are too many audiophiles, the tribe would loose its charm . On a more serious note, being an audiophile is a serious business, so many magazines/ audio gear manufactures are banking on them.

Also as a tribe, I think most of them are not corrupted, they really recommend whatever sounds good and keep raising the bar for audio equipment that provides a natural feedback for the industry as a whole to excel.

Comments welcome.

- Debu
#14 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 00:31

Debu schrieb:

and i'd really love some answers nay a discussion on why so many people join and then drop out

Isn't it good, if there are too many audiophiles, the tribe would loose its charm . On a more serious note, being an audiophile is a serious business, so many magazines/ audio gear manufactures are banking on them.

Also as a tribe, I think most of them are not corrupted, they really recommend whatever sounds good and keep raising the bar for audio equipment that provides a natural feedback for the industry as a whole to excel.

Comments welcome.

- Debu

debu, we will get back in to the music lover vs audiphile or whether they are the same animal, discussion

your point on the "serious business" aspect actually hilds a lot of water.
#15 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 09:08

sub instead of a thread that states your point of view, which half the crowd here agree to anyway and has already stated the same thing in different words and instead of yet another definition of audiophile! why dont you in addition have a thread that details your musical experiences? how much more interesting would that be?

Sure would love to do and will do! Thats what me and Abhi always discuss when we meet, perhaps I can put it here.

I didn't defive audiophile again if you read my post it's my sheer disgust against this concept and some who blindly follow and insist on following rules. Is it some kind of autocratic regime?

what pisses me off is some guys who post without any thought even if they don't have first hand knowledge of something or ANY knowledge whatsoever. some of these are positively damaging if they were acted upon. no names here but keen observers will know what i'm talking bout. it's these guys who just post for the heck of being active that gets my goat.

if you really really want to give a suggestion bout something you absolutely dont know anything about at least have the courtesy to say i dont know much bout this but this might help, check it out, research it. arggggggggggh

Would love to know who they are as I hardly visit this forum or do I have time from my hectic schedule? Hey I can name many.. intersted in them?? Abhi Pani how are you??

in fact i met one such person who used to be on the forum and logged out saying it was a waste of time. hence my statement. one exception to topic repetitiveness i would think is the question newbies ask. which i think is ok, they are newbies after all. and anyway some good soul always takes the time out to answer.

Where is Big_ears? he is in touch with me but refuses to step in here. Why??

Where is Arun who was a bank of knowledge. Hope this answers questions raised by some acclaimed audiophiles who write their own rules.Most topics discussed here are wisdom of Amp_nut or viren, rest is a yawn. So lets discuss more sensible issues like "How to audition".. Yes it's basic but how many know this? I mostly see this forum as place for people to settle their commercial duels in diffrent identities.
#16 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 09:58

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

sub instead of a thread that states your point of view, which half the crowd here agree to anyway and has already stated the same thing in different words and instead of yet another definition of audiophile! why dont you in addition have a thread that details your musical experiences? how much more interesting would that be?

Sure would love to do and will do! Thats what me and Abhi always discuss when we meet, perhaps I can put it here.

I didn't defive audiophile again if you read my post it's my sheer disgust against this concept and some who blindly follow and insist on following rules. Is it some kind of autocratic regime?

what pisses me off is some guys who post without any thought even if they don't have first hand knowledge of something or ANY knowledge whatsoever. some of these are positively damaging if they were acted upon. no names here but keen observers will know what i'm talking bout. it's these guys who just post for the heck of being active that gets my goat.

if you really really want to give a suggestion bout something you absolutely dont know anything about at least have the courtesy to say i dont know much bout this but this might help, check it out, research it. arggggggggggh

Would love to know who they are as I hardly visit this forum or do I have time from my hectic schedule? Hey I can name many.. intersted in them?? Abhi Pani how are you??

in fact i met one such person who used to be on the forum and logged out saying it was a waste of time. hence my statement. one exception to topic repetitiveness i would think is the question newbies ask. which i think is ok, they are newbies after all. and anyway some good soul always takes the time out to answer.

Where is Big_ears? he is in touch with me but refuses to step in here. Why??

Where is Arun who was a bank of knowledge. Hope this answers questions raised by some acclaimed audiophiles who write their own rules.Most topics discussed here are wisdom of Amp_nut or viren, rest is a yawn. So lets discuss more sensible issues like "How to audition".. Yes it's basic but how many know this? I mostly see this forum as place for people to settle their commercial duels in diffrent identities.

Not to mention Ravi.
#17 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 10:07

Not to mention Ravi.

Such a lovely guy with loads of info, so pissed off doesn't even want to contact forum members....
#18 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:29
so what are you saying, everybody stop logging in ?

there are folks who continue and folks who dont, are you saying that all those who are here are just muddiying the waters ?

i dont know about anybody else but it is unnecesary discussion like these which might prompt me to get out of this forum !

perhaps the only forum with so many insecurites and inter-personal issues of such a personal and suspicious nature !!!

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway
#19 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:29
I think we are confusing things here.
“Self confessed/ gear crazy audiophiles who collect only demo cds” and “music lovers who like good sound but have only casual interest in gear” and “audiophile music lovers” and “hardcore tweakers“ are all part of the big picture. Their paths are different but intentions are the same. The intention is the best possible sound. Without sound, there is no music.

I do not think there is anything wrong with being an audiophile. They are no different from car / bike enthusiasts.
On a personal level, I have no issues with audiophiles as long as their obsession with gear and tweaks are geared towards creation of better sound and therefore more involvement in music and enjoyment. To be fair, if there were no audiophiles and crazy engineers obsessed with better sound, all our equipment would still have been useless pieces of Stone Age junk. It is only their obsession towards better sound which has created fantastic equipment which creates the music which we love so much.
I have always felt all self confessed audiophiles are music lovers to a small degree at least. And most seasoned audiophiles are usually a minefield of knowledge too. After all, technical knowledge about setup and choice of gear is a pre-requisite to achieve good sound.

Having more meaningful discussions is a different matter altogether.
#20 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:33

Arj schrieb:
so what are you saying, everybody stop logging in ?

there are folks who continue and folks who dont, are you saying that all those who are here are just muddiying the waters ?

i dont know about anybody else but it is unnecesary discussion like these which might prompt me to get out of this forum !

perhaps the only forum with so many insecurites and inter-personal issues of such a personal and suspicious nature !!!

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway :L

nope...just that this could have been so much more better with them here too..
#21 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:35

Savyasaachi schrieb:

nope...just that this could have been so much more better with them here too..

Amen to that... but they have made personal choices to stay out..i guess it is important tnot to take the forum that personally as it is in actuality quite an Impersonal Entitiy

sachi you would know better
#22 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:39

Arj schrieb:

Savyasaachi schrieb:

nope...just that this could have been so much more better with them here too..

Amen to that... but they have made personal choices to stay out..i guess it is important tnot to take the forum that personally as it is in actuality quite an Impersonal Entitiy

sachi you would know better :D i ever
#23 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:40
I wonder why this thread is still in the Stereo section
Manek are you listening...
#24 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:42

Arj schrieb:
so what are you saying, everybody stop logging in ?

there are folks who continue and folks who dont, are you saying that all those who are here are just muddiying the waters ?

i dont know about anybody else but it is unnecesary discussion like these which might prompt me to get out of this forum !

perhaps the only forum with so many insecurites and inter-personal issues of such a personal and suspicious nature !!!

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway :L

Completely agree Arj...
This kind of discussion is further spoiling the cause of being on the forum. If at all it has to be discussed, it can be done in Voodoo section
#25 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:49

so what are you saying, everybody stop logging in ?

there are folks who continue and folks who dont, are you saying that all those who are here are just muddiying the waters ?

i dont know about anybody else but it is unnecesary discussion like these which might prompt me to get out of this forum !

perhaps the only forum with so many insecurites and inter-personal issues of such a personal and suspicious nature !!!

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway

Looks like you are getting too personal, Don't read too much in between lines and why do you think you are targetted always.I atleast feel by the way you reply you feel I'm writing against you. Why do you think I wrote that folks who hang out here are muddying waters! You seem to be giving my thread a diffrent and harsh outlook to rest. If you feel if this is unnecessary it's for you as I find many to me. No you are wrong that this is a forum with interpersonal issues and rest, don't draw conclusions when some one tries to make a point. Infact this forum has seen some dirty washing of linen between commercial members in public and don't draw conclusion that there was interpersonal issues or insecurities.

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway

What attitude??
You mean the rest all are out of focus?? What made you draw this assumption? Why are you so restless? Infact no one forced you to post here, you came galloping swinging sword unnecessarily to defend something which I hadn't offended and now I see you limping back. Do a favour just stick to kamal and Sanjay topics.
From the beginning you got into the thread with getting personal symptom and suffered "the victim status" and now you choose to walk out. I have made my points straight in a simple manner and tried explaining that many have left as the same topics get discussed again and again.

I do not think there is anything wrong with being an audiophile. They are no different from car / bike enthusiasts.
On a personal level, I have no issues with audiophiles as long as their obsession with gear and tweaks are geared towards creation of better sound and therefore more involvement in music and enjoyment. To be fair, if there were no audiophiles and crazy engineers obsessed with better sound, all our equipment would still have been useless pieces of Stone Age junk. It is only their obsession towards better sound which has created fantastic equipment which creates the music which we love so much.
I have always felt all self confessed audiophiles are music lovers to a small degree at least. And most seasoned audiophiles are usually a minefield of knowledge too. After all, technical knowledge about setup and choice of gear is a pre-requisite to achieve good sound.

Having more meaningful discussions is a different matter altogether..

You are right Sir and I have made a mention not once but twice. The gist of my thread is be technical but lets get ahead and discuss about finer aspects of listening to music or experiences.. As tech aspects can be googled too...

To all : I have resonably tried to reply to all posts in my thread and if some have been harsh I'm sorry but I too couldn't take it anymore that another member assumes things and takes things personally and I never atleast intended in first place.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 04. Dez 2006, 13:31 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 12:58

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

Looks like you are getting too personal, Don't read too much in between lines and why do you think you are targetted always.I atleast feel by the way you reply you feel I'm writing against you.

well i guess there is no use writing anymore !
#27 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 13:03

This kind of discussion is further spoiling the cause of being on the forum. If at all it has to be discussed, it can be done in Voodoo section

You call this discussion getting spoilt?? A valid start and steered wrongly is not my fault and I have seen some more worse achieving "Hot status" here. Ohh and as far as spoling the cause of being on forum is concerened you have seen some real ugly discussions which were uniformative here, so why didn't you quit then...

it is important tnot to take the forum that personally as it is in actuality quite an Impersonal Entitiy

Thanks for this. Hope it remains this way.

SUB_BOSS wrote:

Looks like you are getting too personal, Don't read too much in between lines and why do you think you are targetted always.I atleast feel by the way you reply you feel I'm writing against you.

well i guess there is no use writing anymore !

Need i say more you are getting personal again...Don't quit Hifi forum I bet you'll never ever find a more entertainig place on'll repent . Amen

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 04. Dez 2006, 13:12 bearbeitet]
#28 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 13:11

You call this discussion getting spoilt?? A valid start and steered wrongly is not my fault and I have seen some more worse achaieving "Hot status" here. Ohh and spoling the cause of being on forum is concerened you have seen some real ugly discussions uniformative here, so why didn't you quit then...

Buddy, understand my point...we are disccussing something offensive against the forum. And doing it under the most popular "Stereo" section can only mar the reputation of this forum and can also create a sense of unhealthiness in here. I mean I know, there have been past instances of useless topics getting hot status, but that doesnt anyway elevate the status/cause of this discussion...I would again say, lets discuss it in the Voodoo section...That would not only keep the discussion alive but also prevent the forums reputation being un-necessarily marred
#29 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 13:18

Buddy, understand my point...we are disccussing something offensive against the forum. And doing it under the most popular "Stereo" section can only mar the reputation of this forum and can also create a sense of unhealthiness in here. I mean I know, there have been past instances of useless topics getting hot status, but that doesnt anyway elevate the status/cause of this discussion...I would again say, lets discuss it in the Voodoo section...That would not only keep the discussion alive but also prevent the forums reputation being un-necessarily marred

Dude you know what bothers me most.. assumptions!!
You know why I started this thread with an emphasis on overhyped term "audiophile" and we all are forgetting music in process of tech stuff. Yes I agree tech stuff is needed but to attain good levels of music listening aswell as some discussion on music listening to be included too. But due to assumptions now you write it's against the forum. Please stop assumptions and make this thread an alien here. And as far as unhealthiness is concerned it's personal opinion and levels of percpetion as some forums use profanity but remain entertaining.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 04. Dez 2006, 13:19 bearbeitet]
#30 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:25
After reading the whole thread I get there are two miss the old members aka sachi and Sub whereas Arj seems to have taken this thread a bit seriously.
Abhi is trying to get some edge.

Please chill off before another barrage of posts start.
#31 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:29
Deaf's dicksionary

AUDIOPHILE:He is that asshole who keeps upgrading his hardware to hear flaws in his software.
#32 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:34

Deaf's dicksionary

AUDIOPHILE:He is that asshole who keeps upgrading his hardware to hear flaws in his software.

Fantastic logic..... perfect for all.. Hope all agree ( including Arj ) BTW can we get a copy of your diksionary
#33 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:37

After reading the whole thread I get there are two miss the old members aka sachi and Sub whereas Arj seems to have taken this thread a bit seriously.
Abhi is trying to get some edge.

Please chill off before another barrage of posts start

hey your logic is exteme to deaf's , I mean on the other end and your analysis is better not discussed about.

Oh yeah !If you have not done so vote in my post.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 04. Dez 2006, 14:40 bearbeitet]
#34 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:38
What arrogance! Huh will never vote.
#35 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 15:02

Savyasaachi schrieb:

Arj schrieb:
so what are you saying, everybody stop logging in ?

there are folks who continue and folks who dont, are you saying that all those who are here are just muddiying the waters ?

i dont know about anybody else but it is unnecesary discussion like these which might prompt me to get out of this forum !

perhaps the only forum with so many insecurites and inter-personal issues of such a personal and suspicious nature !!!

thank god for people like Kamal/sanjay who keep the focus on.. i guess it make sense not to post in this thread anyway :L

nope...just that this could have been so much more better with them here too..

absolutely. sachi got it bang on. do stick around arj. i guess you're right. shouldn't take it too seriously. as the beatles sang let it bee let it bee...
#36 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 15:08

rockamedi schrieb:
After reading the whole thread I get there are two miss the old members aka sachi and Sub whereas Arj seems to have taken this thread a bit seriously.
Abhi is trying to get some edge.

Please chill off before another barrage of posts start. 8)

yeah i miss the old members..especially benkenobi
#37 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 15:12

deaf schrieb:
Deaf's dicksionary

AUDIOPHILE:He is that asshole who keeps upgrading his hardware to hear flaws in his software.

#38 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 15:17

Buddy, understand my point...we are disccussing something offensive against the forum.

abhi and arj since arj also feels the thrust is encouraging members to log out,

the point i'm trying to make or ask is why do so many guys log in, dont contribute log out? on the one hand everyone chimes in and says yeah we need the tribe to increase, on the other when people are registering and logging off, we dont ask ourselves if perhaps we can make this place little better?

arj check your PMs
#39 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 11:50

yeah i miss the old members..especially benkenobi

I too miss him including Sonic Master..

the point i'm trying to make or ask is why do so many guys log in, dont contribute log out? on the one hand everyone chimes in and says yeah we need the tribe to increase, on the other when people are registering and logging off, we dont ask ourselves if perhaps we can make this place little better?

Good! why because we don't have juicy topics. Lets start topics about listening experiences and write our own reviews about audio equipments we have listened, This opens an entirely new horizon and promises more participation. Lets stop googling tech stuff, adding it here to discuss as it makes the whole process dry the reason being anyone can google, but our experiences would be more interesting.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Dez 2006, 11:52 bearbeitet]
#40 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 12:24

the point i'm trying to make or ask is why do so many guys log in, dont contribute log out? on the one hand everyone chimes in and says yeah we need the tribe to increase, on the other when people are registering and logging off, we dont ask ourselves if perhaps we can make this place little better?

Regarding making this place better...sub_boss has put up few interesting things to discuss.

But as far as the fact goes about people logging in and not staying active, I would say it happens with every forum.
Ok, let me put it a bit elaborately. Audio Asylum is a kind of referrence forum for the audiophiles around the world.
If you go through the discussions there, it is nothing different from what we discuss here. Its all about hifi equipments there. The only difference is, they have infinite number of brands to discuss while we here only discuss about those brands which are available and most commonly affordable in India viz NAD, Marantz, Denon, Jamo, kef and few others. Now while some may find this to be a limitation, on the other hand its the biggest USP of this forum. This is the only forum which whole-heartedly caters to the requirements of we Indians. This is a forum which talks keeping an average Indian mind-set in consideration. Here we very well know that if someone asks for a good pair of cables, we dont go ahead and reccommend something for $500, because we know how much $500 means to an average Indian. Go to AA and you see people talk about $1000 cables as if they were as important as a sports shoe for jogging...
When I visit AA, I just go for a suggestion and as soon as I have recieved my suggestion, I am out (similar to what you have seen in this forum).

One more thing, in India people have different priorities. Here they work 12-16 hrs a day to live a economically sound life. One would rather spend extra 2 hours working in the office and pleasing his boss for a promotion rather than persuing his hifi hobby on this forum. Infact, go to any hifi audio forum in the world, you may not find many active Indian members there. Its not always about the content, its also about priorities and mindsets people have towards any hobby in our country. Here hobby is just an hobby which takes the last seat in the list of priorities.

I dont deny that some genuine interested members did log out because of some useless discussions during those days...but then thats rare these days.

Anyway, I am all for making this place better, but somehow, I still find it pretty good.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 05. Dez 2006, 12:24 bearbeitet]
#41 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 12:33

One more thing, in India people have different priorities. Here they work 12-16 hrs a day to live a economically sound life.One would rather spend extra 2 hours working in the office and pleasing his boss for a promotion rather than persuing his hifi hobby on this forum

Please don't put Indians down soo much and as far pleasing boss is concerned .... oops do bosses have brains to get pleased.. you need a cleavage for that ...

I totally agree to rest fo things you have written except :

I dont deny that some genuine interested members did log out because of some useless discussions during those days...but then thats rare these days.

There was severe clash of commercial interests in hidden identities and this resulted in the drift. BTW I'm here back again , so no worries dude and we all will put our ideas together to make it all more interesting.

Anyway, I am all for making this place better, but somehow, I still find it pretty good

I bet this is the most entertainig place on earth for audio discussions..

But in the end, its supposed to be all about entertainment..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Dez 2006, 12:35 bearbeitet]
#42 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 12:46

Please don't put Indians down soo much

Buddy, its a truth and I have realized this after interacting with a few forum members who are no more active. Its all about work vs hobby, and work is way way more important atleast here in India.

as far pleasing boss is concerned .... oops do bosses have brains to get pleased.. you need a cleavage for that

I knew you are going to mess up with this statement of mine in the dirty manner you just did....but then I also wanted you to do that...
#43 erstellt: 05. Dez 2006, 12:48

but then I also wanted you to do that...

Thats polished SUB_BOSS for you..
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