Need your opinion

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#1 erstellt: 25. Apr 2005, 10:14
Hi All,

These days I'm visiting different audio shops in Bangalioe - Pro-fx, Cinebels, Onkyo, a shop in Gem Plaza.

Heard lot of so called hi-fi stuffs, especially. Unfortunately amp choice is very limited unless you go gor grey market and without support.

Found Denon hi current amplifiers pretty good. Listened it with Jamo D590, Q7, Polk Audio Lsi. Not sure which one sounded better - most probably with Jamo and Q7 the sound is very lively, especially with Denon's 2000.

Onkyo does not have any stereo amp, all AVs. However, they played B&W speakers.

Need to know valuable opinion of you guys on Denon and the speaker combos I mentioned above. I'm mostly for more bass type of music with a reasonable balance with the high frequency. Do you suggest any other amp make ? Can I get them legally in Bangalore ?

#2 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 10:31
if you are bass hungry then go in for Yamaha but loses a bit on quality
#3 erstellt: 28. Apr 2005, 06:41
Thanks Trojan Horse. Actually I've checked out Yamaha in one of my freinds place. Yes you are right - the basss is good but the overall music quality is not very impressive (or rather not balanced).

From that perspective I found Denon 2000 much balanced (not sure whether it is for the acoustics at the shop, good deep bass as well as very clear trebble (especially when played with KEF Q7). But it is very highly priced.

Looking for something like that but at lower cost.

Any idea ?
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