Dynaudio Audience 72SE opinion required.

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 08:42
Hello All,
This posting is on behalf of a friend of mine. He is in the process of upgrading his speakers. He is very rigid about Floorstanders. Since his room is very big, BS dont work well. He has tried a couple of good BS and failed to get any respectable bass out of them. So now he is very clear that he has go with a good Floorstander. His budget is again pretty tight at 120k. Upper tolerance is 8-10 percent max.
He is a big fan of Dynaudio sound and presentation. He has listened to the Proac Studio 140 and Cadence Avitas but still finds Dynaudio suiting his taste much more. He listens to all kinds of music. Amplification would be either a Krell or a Plinius Integrated amp.

He has Dynaudio 72SE in mind. Unfortunately there is no 72SE in Bangalore for audition. He is cashing upon the fact that 72SE uses an all Contour configuration except the cabinet. But he is badly looking out for some first hand reviews and comments about this speaker. Any opinions short or long would be really really helpful in this regard.

Please also suggest if you have any other speakers in mind which would suit his budget and sonic requirements (all-rounder speakers) and available in India.
#2 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 09:50
Has he considered the MS301 from acoustic potrait?
Maybe he could ask siva to go a bot more hyper on the parts, with say Solen caps, internal cardar cabling, perfect or .05db driver matching, 1% component matching for the crossovers, stuff like that.
Assuming of course he likes the sound signature.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 11. Mai 2007, 09:52 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 11:23
Hi Sachi,
Yes, he has heard them. He feels, it definitely sounds good for the money but nowhere even close to Dynaudio floorstanders he has heard (A72 and A82). Refining the components in MS-301 could definitley add touch more refinement to the speakers but when you have a budget of 120k, why settle down for anything less .

Thats the reason I am keen on knowing what our dear members feel could be as good or better than the 72Se within the stipulated budget of 120k...
#4 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 11:57
how about the focus series from dynaudio ?

I wonder if you can hear the Vandersteen 2CE signature.

Wonder if he will like the maggies paired with subs? Far better choice than the dyns IMHO.

#5 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:14
If you are looking good bass, try out Monitor Audio GS20's they give excellent quality bang for your money.
#6 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:25
Hi Manek,
He is not very keen on adding sub to his stereo...more of a purist type .
But I will ask him to consider the Vandersteen...I havent heard them so if you could throw some light on its signature sound, that would be great.
#7 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:45
Manek, could you please indicate the price of the Vandersteen 2Ce in India ?
#8 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:49
well the vandy's do soundstaging really well. Their ability to portray a 3 dimensional satge is quite good.

Open sound. Not too clinical and dry. Good clean sound, especially the midrange. Very nicely balanced across the frequency spectrum. My kind of speaker.

#9 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:57
#10 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:09
about the same what he wants to pay.
#11 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:17
Hmmm..but in US its just around $1500
#12 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:20
yep ! but you know the story here, dont you ?
The 1ce sold for 1000USD is sold for 75K INR...so go figure

#13 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:22

#14 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:25
Sadly, there hasnt been a single post on the SQ of 72se...where to go..
#15 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:36
Not sure of this, but dont think it is going to be different in sonic signature ot the 52 .maybe with a stronger bass and hence a better midrange as well.

so if he likes the Dyn Sound, he cannot go wrong with it.

if he likes the Dyn sound then there is not reason why he will not like the 72..unfortunately only way to find out other than banking on reviews is to listen to it
#16 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:45
Hi Arj,
Even I am pretty sure that the 72se will have similar signature as the A52...heck even the Contours have the same signature . A first hand review/comment would guarantee where it does better than the normal Audience speakers (since its an SE with Contour components) and if there are some areas where it lacks.
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#17 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 14:00
I've listened to Aud 72s long ago. They are decent & neutral sounding speakers. I found 72SE model is with Contour drivers, xover etc & in the same Aud72 cabinet. SQ also depends on construction of cabinets like need of special attn to good internal bracing, dampening etc..just by using the contour comps in the same entry level boxes may not lead to that big improvement in SQ. If you look at the price point, one has to pay almost double the price of 72s. It's worth to audition SE model also & decide.

Better option would be(based on his room) go for good BS & add a good musical sub like REL etc. In this way he can've excellent mids/highs + good qty/quality of bass. This is just a suggestion.
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#18 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 14:31

Even I am pretty sure that the 72se will have similar signature as the A52...heck even the Contours have the same signature

then it's worth settling down with 72 instead SE model
#19 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 16:03

Better option would be(based on his room) go for good BS & add a good musical sub like REL etc. In this way he can've excellent mids/highs + good qty/quality of bass. This is just a suggestion.

Sub is out of question buddy..I have already mentioned that in a previous post.

then it's worth settling down with 72 instead SE model

Unfortunately its not....
There is so much difference between the A52 and A52Se (with Contour drivers and crossover) even though they have very similar signature sound. The same applies to the difference between my BM6 and my previous A52. Signature sound is only one of the aspects..there are so many other things in a speaker which can make it inferior or superior to others.
It is in these areas that my friend is digging around. There is a thread in the German forum where a first hand owner has said that there is little difference between the Focus-220 and the 72SE (sonically).
Absolutely no comparison between 72 and 72SE.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 11. Mai 2007, 16:05 bearbeitet]
#20 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 16:08

powersupply schrieb:

Better option would be(based on his room) go for good BS & add a good musical sub like REL etc. In this way he can've excellent mids/highs + good qty/quality of bass. This is just a suggestion.

couldnt agree with you more on this..
Ideally get two subs with one on each corner ...and dyn subs are pretty good.

[Beitrag von Arj am 11. Mai 2007, 16:09 bearbeitet]
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#21 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 18:27
Dear Arj, any particualr model in Dynes? I was told that RELs are very very musical. But I've not listened to them in pure stereo setup. Hope they are sealed box design. I read somewhere, now a days even subs are being added to floor standers to get that last ounce of bottom end.
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#22 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 20:37
RELs are probably the finest.....
I had a pair of their Studio 3s & set them up in a room of 600 Sq Ft. They are killer stuff!! 10-inch Volt drivers x 2 made specially to Richard English Lord's specs. The ABC controls are equally superb too.

By the way, when a customer buys a REL Studio sub, he's made to sign on a "GBP 50 Bond" that incase he brings his house down or structurally damages it, REL is not liable...

Bottom line, Stadium upwards, i.e. Models Stadium 3, Stentor 3 & Studio 3, they are SERIOUS stuff with Low Freq of ultra high quality, speed and fidelity. Just plain Ultra highend bass !!
#23 erstellt: 12. Mai 2007, 02:27
the entry level contour BS is really great.

ut given a choice their professional level Mid field monitor and sub (just cannot remember the model names now) was a killer combination

Rel and MJ accoustic both have really Great Sealed box designs and as mentioned by Audio Engr some of them go down to 10 Hz !!!!(Though those are ported)
#24 erstellt: 12. Mai 2007, 18:24
Audience 82 would definitely suite his requirements..since it has two 8 inch drivers for bass which is pretty good for the bass hes looking for...

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