HIFI-FORUM » English » DIY (Engl.) » Turntable Sandbox | |
Turntable Sandbox+A -A |
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erstellt: 24. Jan 2007, |||||
Let me be honest, I am getting a sand box made for my tt not making it myself. The basic design is from tNT with some modifications so that it bolts onto my TNT flexy. My question what do I stuff it with. The obvious thing is sand. Has anyone done this. Would the sand remain dry over time or will it form clumps -coagulate. What kind of sand river or shore -or would gravel -bajri be better. This is the stuff you get at the construction shops here. From the net I learn that Lead is the best choice for some. Some have used lead-shot. Can one procure either of these in our country. There is thrid type which makes a gloop of sand, leadshot and oil. This sounds interesting, but how do I keep the oil from seeping out. Can anyone tell me how to oil proof the inside. As of now I am planning to coat it with the black paint which we line the inside of window coolers. The box should be ready in a weeks time- optimistically. Purnendu |
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erstellt: 24. Jan 2007, |||||
I have this exact sand-box for over 4 years now. Got the idea from TNT-Audio exactly like you did! ![]() It's filled with "Play sand" that is available here in the home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowe's Home Improvement. I lined the bottom of the box with paper & poured the sand over it. On the top I put a sheet of cork & then the top-plate. No sand has leaked from this contraption & it's giving me a good degree of isolation. Not 100% as I've my TT on a stand which is on a suspended floor & not slab. So, 100% is just not possible - nature of the suspended floor beast! ![]() The sand has not clumped at all in all these years. I've not tried any other material in there. However, one other material might work well is kitty litter, which is larger granules of clay. Lead shot is also a good idea. |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
Great, So sand shall it be. Now to find home depot in my city. Thanks Purnendu |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
Purnendu... CHILL... Spend a day on a beach, ( even if it means going to another town ) and return with the sand ![]() |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
Purnendu, it would be best NOT to do this as beach sand is dirty i.e. has physical contaminants in it + is also chemically dirty. Hence this sand is very corrosive. It will damage the wood & if in contact with metal, it'll rust it for sure! The "play sand" that I refer to is river sand i.e. comes from fresh water. It is then chemically treated to clean it & then it is kiln dried. The children play in this sand & they can be in their sand-box all day & the sand dusts right off w/o sticking because it is clean (chemically & physically). If you cannot find clean sand, try lead-shot or steel micro-bearing or kitty litter. If you try kitty litter check if it is acidic or alkaline. You want the alkaline one (not corrosive) + bake the quantity you want to use in your oven to get out all the moisture. FWIW. IMHO. |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
Pardon my ignorance, but are we talking about cat s**t here? [Beitrag von Shahrukh am 25. Jan 2007, 16:42 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
ROTFLMAO!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you certainly take the cake here Shahrukh!! ![]() No, kitty litter is actually granulated clay available in a bag at the local grocery store (in the USA) for a very cheap price ($2 or less). If you have cats, you usually have a kitty litter box into which you pour this dry substance. The cat then goes into this box & does his #1 & #2 over these granulated clay pieces. Ater cats are done w/ their bathroom chores, they usually shovel the whole thing w/ their paws such that the bad smelly stuff cycles is way down to the box bottom & the un-used clay granules come up to the surface. As you can see, after a period of time all the kitty litter is used & you need to throw it out & pour new material in the box. Long detailed explanation. Hope that it de-mystifies. ![]() |
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erstellt: 25. Jan 2007, |||||
ROTFLMAO!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you certainly take the cake here Shahrukh!! ![]() No, kitty litter is actually granulated clay available in a bag at the local grocery store (in the USA) for a very cheap price ($2 or less). If you have cats, you usually have a kitty litter box into which you pour this dry substance. The cat then goes into this box & does his #1 & #2 over these granulated clay pieces. Ater cats are done w/ their bathroom chores, they usually shovel the whole thing w/ their paws such that the bad smelly stuff cycles is way down to the box bottom & the un-used clay granules come up to the surface. As you can see, after a period of time all the kitty litter is used & you need to throw it out & pour new material in the box. Long detailed explanation. Hope that it de-mystifies. ![]() anyway, the clay is a good isolation material & cheap. |
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erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, |||||
Hi Gang, Its done. Thanks for all the tips. The sand box is now set up on my TNT Flexy. I have used ordinary sand which I got from a construction chap. Its been sieved with a thick mesh, so its not too fine, nor is it frightfully clean. Its not touching the box directly however and is covered with a thin plastic sheet. I have made the box in a way that it bolts onto the flexy so that levelling can be done. Now about the sound. It does make a difference. The first record I tried was some old rock and the thuds were much more crisp. Its neatend up the low frequencies for sure. On classical and jazz too the piano is a lot fuller. My wife is not at all convinced but I am pretty sure its been worth it. In fact I am playing the system a lot louder without it becoming harsh. Perhaps the noise floor has fallen. Spent the entire muharram lounging around listening to records. Think I shall make a box for the cd player too. Purnendu |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, |||||
Hey, I was close!! ![]() |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, |||||
Congrats Purnendu. How about some pix? |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, |||||
OK, Will borrow camera and do it soon. Perhaps over the weekend. Purnendu |
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