WANTED: Pair of High End Speakers

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#1 erstellt: 26. Mai 2007, 07:11

Looking for a pair of high end speakers in mint condition. High End = MRP > US$10K. Not interested in Cadence. Anyone selling a pair, please PM me.
#2 erstellt: 26. Mai 2007, 12:23
Hi msb1,

"High End = MRP > US$10K."

That must be a statement lifted out of stereophile!

Or is that your personal opinion?


[Beitrag von viren am 26. Mai 2007, 12:24 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 27. Mai 2007, 11:33
Just clarifying that I meant I'm looking for something with an MSRP between $10K & $15K. Not really my opinion, but my friends requirement for whom I'm posting.

[Beitrag von msb1 am 27. Mai 2007, 15:26 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 08:45
I can suggest two speakers made in India which he may like.
1. The new Rethm speakers with integrated bass modules. Single driver coherency with bass response down to around 30 hz. People who have heard them are raving about them.

2. Reference speakers with scanspeak drivers made by Siva of acoustic portrait. You really need to hear this one
You may need to check with Siva if he is commercially making them.
#5 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 08:46
#6 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 15:03
try JM Labs/Sonus Faber. they are both available in INdia in Delhi..

of course these recommendations mean nothing without knowing about the partnering equipment
#7 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 15:18
Hi msb1

I suspect that you are looking for Pre-Owned Speakers ? ( That is why you have posted on this forum )

If its new that you want, Nova Audio has the Triangle Quatros ( I think ). I heard & liked. They are 1 notch below their top-of-the-line offereing.

I heard and liked them a lot.

I think they are priced at Euro 7,000.

I am also told that Faisal in New delhi often has trade ins.

Check with him.

Sorry I dont know Faisal nor have his contact details, but maybe other members can help.

#8 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 17:07
Nova was having Triangle Megellan SW2 Quatour, this is the third level speaker of their top of the line Megellan range. Ampnut , Quatour should be above 8000euros.

Nova must be having BC acoustiques ACT range too. Both are French brands, which will be worth listening if one is looking for full range floorstanders in India.

With the $100k budget one can always go in for a new one rather than going in for used
#9 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 18:14
Is the Nova the Wadia dealer too? Sent them a mail when I was buying a Wadia CDP, never received a reply.
Preowned is ok as long as it's Mint.
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 28. Mai 2007, 21:00
Faisal of ND is at 98100-50300 but watch out for loudspeakers looking nice & great from the outside - only to realize that the drivers are re-coned etc...
#11 erstellt: 29. Mai 2007, 06:57
Dear MSB1,
Nova is the same people who deals in Wadia too.

Contact Mr. Sushil Anand/ Mr. Sanjay
Phone 022 26007700
#12 erstellt: 12. Jun 2007, 15:59

Arj schrieb:
try JM Labs/Sonus Faber. they are both available in INdia in Delhi..

of course these recommendations mean nothing without knowing about the partnering equipment

That is great news !
Who is selling them ?
I did not know that those products were represented in India.
The company's web site do not say anything about distribution in India.
The Elipsa is specially a great speaker, heard it 2 weeks back in Munich.
I suppose they would work well with Electrocompaniet; msb you should look into it.

#13 erstellt: 12. Jun 2007, 16:07

msb1 schrieb:

Looking for a pair of high end speakers in mint condition. High End = MRP > US$10K. Not interested in Cadence. Anyone selling a pair, please PM me.

Dynaudio [My long time favourites] !!!
Sound Smiths [Mumbai] sells them. The C-4 should fit your bill. Worth a consideration.

Wilson Sophia II [Great VFM]
A to V [Mumbai]
I like this too.

Maggie 20.1 is another option to consider. Value buster product, not my cup of tea, but an option to consider - none the less;;;;

Thiel 7.2 [serious speaker]
Audio People - Chennai. I may have their card some where, if you are interested, I could dig it up.

Many options to start with.
I will give you more options if you still have not found what you are looking for.
#14 erstellt: 12. Jun 2007, 16:11

ani schrieb:
Dear MSB1,
Nova is the same people who deals in Wadia too.

Contact Mr. Sushil Anand/ Mr. Sanjay
Phone 022 26007700

I can say that Sushil is a nice fellow to deal with.
I have purchased some gear from him in the past & his prices were great & service & back up too were right up there.
Would recommend him & Nova AUdio whole heartedly.
You could consider the ACT 3 [B C Acoustics] & Megallan [Triangle]. He has both in stock. Ask for a demo. You will only get to know more.
#15 erstellt: 13. Jun 2007, 12:06
Thanks bhagwan.. am considering a few options like Eben, Kharma, etc. Will let you know what happens.
#16 erstellt: 13. Jun 2007, 13:59

msb1 schrieb:
am considering a few options like Eben, Kharma, etc.

They may be nice speakers;
However, are they fitting in your budget ?
Do these brands have representation in India ?
Demo Audition ? Installation ? Warranty ? etc.

Kharma is sold in India - I am aware of that. Sound Smiths sold a pair in Bangalore. Eben, I do not think any one does them here. Although I feel that SS may be in a position to get a pair in for you. SS Distributes Nordost Cables & the Eben too has somthing to do with Nordost. So maybe the connection may work.........
You could give it a try.
I did get a chance to listen to the new Eben Speaker with White Woofers [Ceramic - in house manufacture]. This was with Burmester & Odin Cables [Nordost].
#17 erstellt: 13. Jun 2007, 14:02
Bhagwan69 said

I did get a chance to listen to the new Eben Speaker with White Woofers [Ceramic - in house manufacture]. This was with Burmester & Odin Cables [Nordost].


How did that setup sound ?
#18 erstellt: 13. Jun 2007, 16:09
Hello Sir !

How are you ? We need to catch up. Been a while. Have a lot of things to talk to you about.

That particular set up was ok. Nothing to write home about. Too cooked for my taste & Mr. Lars was playing it too loud for my taste.
More show details in person.
When do we meet ? Where ?
#19 erstellt: 13. Jun 2007, 18:40
Inclined towards the Eben X-centric. These don't have ceramic woofers but are considered to be very very fast speakers with a magical tweeter.

With regards to Kharma, I think Sound of Music is the distributor in India. Are they not?

You say you didn't much care for the Eben sound. Care to elaborate? What was wrong?
#20 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 06:21
Bhagwan69 said:

The Elipsa is specially a great speaker, heard it 2 weeks back in Munich.

Have been reading some GREAT things about the Sonus fabor Elipsa. Its half the price ( US $ 20 K ) of its elder brother and flagship model - Stradivari.

Some reports even state that the Elipsa sounds better !

The GREAT thing this year seems that most of the Very High End products of last year or 2 ( from various manuafactureres - SF, AR, VTL to name a few ) have been followed by 'budget' products, at half the price of the flagship products, offering '80%' of the performance.

In some cases, the smaller ones are even reported to offer Better performance.....

Clearly, the manuafacturers are stepping down from their Ivory Towers, to address the market.
#21 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 07:38

msb1 schrieb:
Inclined towards the Eben X-centric. These don't have ceramic woofers but are considered to be very very fast speakers with a magical tweeter.

The Woofer that they [Eben] use is from Audio Technology - Flex Units - Mr. Per Scanning makes them [Ex Owner of Dynaudio & Scanspeak]. Very very expensive drivers - MSP [material]. The Tweeter is actually a Ribbon. I do not know what it is, may be a Mundorf, but looks more like a Stage Accompany - I have no idea.

Sure the speaker is very very 'fast'.
However, the model is going to be discontinued. Hence, this particular model, I would not recommend you to get into.
#22 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 07:44

msb1 schrieb:
With regards to Kharma, I think Sound of Music is the distributor in India. Are they not?

No Sir ! I do not think so.
Kharma 'was represented' in India by Guptaji [Sound Smith].
They even sold a pair of the flagship speaker in Bangalore. What they sold is :-

None the less, currently on the Kharma web site there is no distributor for India mentioned. So I do not know where you get your information from, maybe you are better 'clued in' then me !!! Can happen you know.

#23 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 07:49

msb1 schrieb:
You say you didn't much care for the Eben sound. Care to elaborate? What was wrong?

Nothing was wrong.
It was a really fast speaker.
Looked lovely [Pictures is appended below].
But, I just did not find it 'touching me'.
Somthing was amis. I will think about it & send a PM to you.
Maybe it may be liked by you, I do not know what your musical preferances are besides, we have never listened to any set up together, hence I do not know what you look for in a set up. We should do that some day. Come to Bombay, we will go and do some auditioning..........Should be fun.

#24 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 08:59

bhagwan69 schrieb:

msb1 schrieb:
With regards to Kharma, I think Sound of Music is the distributor in India. Are they not?

No Sir ! I do not think so.
Kharma 'was represented' in India by Guptaji [Sound Smith].
They even sold a pair of the flagship speaker in Bangalore. What they sold is :-

None the less, currently on the Kharma web site there is no distributor for India mentioned. So I do not know where you get your information from, maybe you are better 'clued in' then me !!! Can happen you know.

they actually sold a pair of those in Bangalore...jeez!!!
#25 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 09:40
More was sold.
However, this is in the Public Domain, hence I can write about it.
Other top end gear too was sold, however, I cannot comment on it. Maybe Prithvi would like to add a few lines. He sold it and had it installed.
This is only in Bangalore.

Other goodies were sold in Membai & New Delhi. 100 K US + Speakers were sold & that too 3 to 5 pairs.

SO you see, audio business is booming & people are spending big money. I am very happy ! This is great.

I just hope that the low-fi & mid-fi market makes a move.
They are remaining dormant & no one is making an effort to go up the ladder. This is what makes me sad.

SO much potential exists and nothing is being done !!!
#26 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 10:18

Other top end gear too was sold, however, I cannot comment on it. Maybe Prithvi would like to add a few lines. He sold it and had it installed.
This is only in Bangalore.

I suppose an Evidence Temptation was installed in BLR with Two Plinius SA-Ref's being used as Bridged Mono.
#27 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 10:22

I just hope that the low-fi & mid-fi market makes a move.
They are remaining dormant & no one is making an effort to go up the ladder. This is what makes me sad.

SO much potential exists and nothing is being done !!!

Hmmmm...its not that the low-fi and mid-fi market is not making a move. They are...but they the BOSE way. Thats the most obvious upgrade for a layman from his mid-fi mini-compo. I think you know why! .
Its all about marketing and awareness.
#28 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 10:43
I too owned a Bose Speaker - Actually I still have it some where in my Warehouse - 301.
When I had purchased it, I was so extatic. I was under the impression that I had 'arrived' 3 head tape deck Technics + Technics Integrated Amplifier et all.
However, I soon realised that there was so much more to audio than BOSE.
To me Bose is like a Rolex Watch. Every one aspires to have one [well almost], but once you have had it, many more doors open & we should be ready to explore the world of Breguet / AP / VC / Lange & Sohne / GP / IWC etc. The world has so much to offer. We just need to remove the 'blinkers' and view the options with open 'ears'.

Trust me, it is such a joy. What a hobby !
#29 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 10:54

abhi.pani schrieb:


I suppose an Evidence Temptation was installed in BLR with Two Plinius SA-Ref's being used as Bridged Mono. 8)

Was it a Master or the little brother [Temptation] ? I do not know, have not heard it, so I cannot say for sure.
But to the best of my limited understanding it is the Master ! The Temptation is in stock for 'house demos' !
So if you want a listen you know where to go !!!!

I heard the Master's a month back. This was my 4th audition of the Dynaudio Master Evidence [in 3 different countries] & for the first time I really liked them. They [Dynaudio] were being played through Arbiter Amplification & Teac Esoteric Front End [P3 + D3]. Cables were Straight Wire. It was a nice well balanced sound. I liked it.
#30 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 11:53
Bhagwan69 said

I too owned a Bose Speaker - Actually I still have it some where in my Warehouse - 301.

I presume that the foam surrounds would have crumbled ?

If they are for sale, let me know. ( SHAME on me to admit this in public ? )

I liked the 301s...

Incidentally, in the 80s when there was no Bose agent in India, I serviced BOSE. I worked for Nelco, a tata company, and Mr Ratan Tata is a personal friend of Dr Amar Bose, hence the servicing ....
#31 erstellt: 14. Jun 2007, 13:31

bhagwan69 schrieb:
I too owned a Bose Speaker - Actually I still have it some where in my Warehouse - 301.
When I had purchased it, I was so extatic. I was under the impression that I had 'arrived' 3 head tape deck Technics + Technics Integrated Amplifier et all.
However, I soon realised that there was so much more to audio than BOSE.
To me Bose is like a Rolex Watch. Every one aspires to have one [well almost], but once you have had it, many more doors open & we should be ready to explore the world of Breguet / AP / VC / Lange & Sohne / GP / IWC etc. The world has so much to offer. We just need to remove the 'blinkers' and view the options with open 'ears'.

Trust me, it is such a joy. What a hobby !

I too owned two different Bose models. The 301 and the 401. With a Nakamichi 3 head deck and Sansui and then Pioneer Integrateds.
The 301 was actually better than the 401’s. I had upgraded to these after a series of huge Sansui and pioneer 3 /4 way 12inch woofer type towers.
But both were crap compared to any entry level audiophile grade speakers. Anyway those were party days…….It was fun.
#32 erstellt: 15. Jun 2007, 10:09
I too have a pair of Bose 4.2's. Bought them in 1988 and they replaced a pair of "Series" (Made in Delhi) speakers. Still use them by the pool.

Bhagwan.. What is your take / experience on the Dynaudio Confidence C2 and the Dali MS5? Anyone else have an opinion on these?

#33 erstellt: 18. Jun 2007, 09:43
I like the Dali.
It is a great speaker.
Superb VFM Product.
The C2 is OK.
#34 erstellt: 30. Jun 2007, 08:31
Another option to consider.
I like this speaker.


List is 12 K US $'s
I think.
Nice well balanced sound.
I would suggest & recommend.
#35 erstellt: 30. Jun 2007, 12:41

msb1 schrieb:
What is your take / experience on the Dynaudio Confidence C2 and the Dali MS5? Thanks.

Sir, I liked the 'old' Dynaudio sound. Back then, Dynaudio used to make speakers [serious speakers] that were designed by the engineers and sound acousticians and specialists. The current range of Dynaudio's are made by the marketing team. The MT [Marketing Team] calls the shots. The speaker needs to 'look' like this or 'look' like that. SHould 'sound like this' and things like that.

Dynaudio was a speaker manufacturer that made speakers to be driven by solid state electronics only, not even 5 watt SETS can drive them. What Dynaudio was all about has gone to the Do..
Soory about that.

In fact a lovely speaker from the Dynaudio Stable is up for sale on this forum. It was 1 from the top of the line speaker that Dynaudio made. I recommend it very very strongly to you. Your Electrocompaniet Amplifier will drive it well. It is a great speaker. Going for a 'song'
Grab it !!!

Else if you need a new product, the Dali Euphonia MS5 is a great product. Serious speaker for sure.
But not the C2 [Dynaudio] for sure.

I used to love Dynaudio, but things have changed, the company is happier selling car audio to Volvo and the likes. Sad, a legend is loosing focus !!!
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