DIY CD Transport for Sale

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#1 erstellt: 18. Sep 2007, 02:50
A new DIY CD transport for sale. This is a Philips CDM12 OEM module, assembled into a good quality Chassis. If you do not like the can change the front panel to any material of your choice.

For Eject, you need to walk to the transport...everything else can be controlled via remote. The Marantz remote works fine....this unit is supplied with a universal remote. Many high quality transport & players from well known brands use this philips model.

The transport has both SPDIF and AES/EBU digital out (Pulse transformer).

I tried for the heck of it...and is lying unused @ my home. The Sonics are of very good quality...and obvisouly you will have to pay a lot more if you need to buy such quality with a badge on it.

I prefer my other transport...only bcos i made it from scratch.

Cost to make it : Rs.26K; Selling price Rs.16k


[Beitrag von sivat am 18. Sep 2007, 03:07 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 25. Sep 2007, 14:31
Looks well executed;
The copper issolation is a nice idea.
Would love to listen to it. I am serious.

We have our own DIY CD / Music Server in Mumbai. We would like for you to listen to it on Saturday. Can you get this CD Transport along ? We can play one against the other and see where each stands ?
Most of our set ups are Balanced, but the one you are most interested in - Hovland HP100 - is an un balanced set up, and yes, please do carry your own power cord and interconnects.
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